looking for an editor

I live in a small hovel made from corrugated steel sheets in an ethnic community set aside for the Xhosa people.
I'll do it

delete it all and never come back

you're welcome
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My grandfather was forced out of his home in 1950 by the police. The white Afrikaners seemed to believe that he was equal enough for his father to take a Boer bullet in the ankle, but not to live among the white people that were his neighbors for forty years. Even though I can leave now, my family and I have found it difficult to overcome decades of oppression.
When Mandela, some white college students came into our village and looted our small general store. The owners had finally saved enough money to buy a Coca-Cola cooler about two months earlier, and my younger cousin was looking forward to his first taste of cola. Well, the college students came into town, broke the window of the store and smashed everything in sight with a rugby bat. They tied up the owner (we called him Mr. Food) and wrote "kaffir" on his head in permanent marker. Then they wrote the same thing on the outside of the store in spray paint. They rode through the village, shouting horrible things at us and destroying anything and everything in sight. After about fifteen minutes, I saw a police car sitting there, idling. Just sitting there. The men inside drank coffee and watched. After what seemed like an eternity, they turned on their sirens and chased the college kids away.

Why did they do all this? Because we got to vote. After decades of being second class citizens in our own country, we finally got to vote. Those people could do whatever they wanted to us, but they could never make that fact any less sweet.
So, does your story have any ass fucking in it? I like anal type stuff.