Looking for an editor for an Illustrated story


Jun 16, 2008
It's been rejected 4 times. This last time I even changed the text referring to a fictitious web URL since one of their rules refers to no embedded links.

Everyone's over eighteen, all the artwork's original and no one's screwing any barnyard animals. Why can't they just tell us what their issues are so we don't have to spend more time jumping through their hoops than we spent writing the story!
It's been rejected 4 times. This last time I even changed the text referring to a fictitious web URL since one of their rules refers to no embedded links.

Just a note that they reject fictitious Web URLs too. I've had that happen--where the URL was the whole point of the story. I had to excise a specific URL (albeit fictitious--I checked it; it wasn't in use) out.

Maybe if you adjusted that ("the Lusciouslady Web site" rather than "Lusciouslady.net"), it would go through.