Looking for a little help here!!!!!!!


Oct 4, 2001
This is my dilema. It seems as though my wife's sex drive just isnt what it used to be. I try everything that I can to make her feel sexy but it isnt helping. We are only averaging sex once a month. Unfortunately I am on the low end of average in the penis deptartment coming in at a low 6" long and 4 3/4 around but I do make sure she always comes before I do. Could my smaller size be a factor in her decline in libido? I really need some help on this one it's driving me nuts and since she is my wife I dont think she would tell me if she thought I was too small.
i am going to say this one more time and then never again (i hope) .

your ability to please your wife has nothing to do with the size of your cock, believe me.
RE: decline in libido

A decline in libido doesn't just happen. She is not happy about something and you need to find out what it is. Try having a heart-to-heart talk with her about what's bothering her. Don't become agitated, but try, in a gentle manner, to get her to talk to you about what might be the problem. Don't make it sound like you want to solve the problem just so you can have sex more often. Let her know that you care for her beyond that and that you want to help her solve whatever is bothering her. Has her job become more stressful suddenly, has she gained some weight and now feel unattractive, are there issues between you two that you think are minor but she doesn't, and last but not least, has she taken an interest in someone else? I hope you all can work things out.
I highly doubt that your size is the source of the problem. I went through kinda the same thing with my fiance about a year ago. We weren't getting along, our sex life was pretty much non-existant and overall we just weren't happy togeather.
I guess my advice to you would be to look at everything in your lives, because if things aren't running smoothly the sex life is usually the first thing to suffer. Good luck, hope everything works out for you.
I agree with everyone else. This matter surely cant be about your size. There are many other ways for a woman to be pleased. I really cant tell you anymore then what everyone else has and that is communication is the key to helping you in this matter. Good Luck and hope things work out for you!!
There could also be medical reasons for her reduced libido.

Is she on some type of medication?? Do you have kids and are they running her ragged, leading to exhaustion and stress??

In short: more information is required and the most likely way for you to get it is by talking with her.
It seems that you are saying she doesn't feel sexy and no matter what you do, you can't seem to make her feel that way. If I'm reading that part right...

First of all, I agree with everyone else. It has nothing to do with size. I have noticed during times when I don't feel sexy at all, for whatever reason, my boyfriend immediately assumes it is something wrong with HIM. I guess that's what you guys do when you really care for someone. :) Honey, it is NOT your size.

You didn't say how long it has been going on, but I'm assuming a few months at least...if it hasn't been a long-term thing...or even if it has...

Try all the simple things. Simple comforts make a woman feel sexy more often than you might think. Pour a bubble bath for her and ask if you can shave her legs. Make her favorite drink and pop in her favorite movie. Do that while you paint her toenails. :) Brush her hair. Cook her favorite meal ( and don't forget to clean everything up yourself!). Buy a simple outfit...nothing fancy or very revealing...just a comfortable gown or a pajama outfit. Something new and soft and silky works wonders. Tell her what you like about her...don't just say, "you're so sexy, honey". Tell her, "Your eyes are lovely when you smile that way", or "I like the way your legs look when you wear those jeans", or "Your hair is so soft...and you smell so good!" Always be sincere. In short, treat her like a queen. Make a point of worshipping her body and everything else about her.

If that doesn't help...then it goes deeper than just a concern she might have about her body or the way she feels about sex. TALK. Ask her questions and be careful to always be open to her, no matter what. I know that I tend to not talk about things until I'm good and ready, and sometimes I'm good and ready to talk when he's dead tired and has to be at work at five in the morning! :eek: If that happens to you...call in to work. ;) Do whatever it takes to let her know that you are listening and ready to help her with anything at all.

Good luck to you...let us know how it goes?
