Long day of work

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Especially when they come in and try to revamp the whole set up without any real understanding of the processes in play
Especially when they come in and try to revamp the whole set up without any real understanding of the processes in play

Yep, our new manager seems to want to reduce staffing to the absolute minimum. Nobody is happy.
Yep, our new manager seems to want to reduce staffing to the absolute minimum. Nobody is happy.

That sucks. I never under stand why managers want to reduce staffing and create a very overload workload for the ones that manage to get to stay on
Yep, our new manager seems to want to reduce staffing to the absolute minimum. Nobody is happy.

Yep, why pay a bunch of people when you can just pay a few. A-holes

Its shit like that that makes this site all the more crucial ;)
Employees are expensive. I wish you were having a better experiance. On the other hand however you are a very beautiful girl
Everything is about maximizing profits so management tries to keep staff as low as possible and pay as little as possible. Globalization has made it all possible. That is the U.S. version of shareholders capitalism.
Everything is about maximizing profits so management tries to keep staff as low as possible and pay as little as possible. Globalization has made it all possible. That is the U.S. version of shareholders capitalism.

Shit like this makes me want to go back to school.
Everything is about maximizing profits so management tries to keep staff as low as possible and pay as little as possible. Globalization has made it all possible. That is the U.S. version of shareholders capitalism.

Being in management myself I pay no attention to cutting staff just because the numbers dictate it. It's about guest perception. Exceed their expectations with enough friendly staff and you'll win every time in the end. I desperately take care of my staff members who strive every shift. They are the most important asset I have. If you're fair with them they'll work even harder.

Hayley just come work for me. I'll take care of you.
I don't believe it is the line managers that are causing so much havoc to the American workers, it is the executive level and the hedge fund managers that have forced the shareholders capitalism on US businesses.
In Agreement

I'd tend to agree with the above sentiments. People are all we have, and the workforce is what makes the world go 'round.

Having rounds of layoffs in just a useless solution in the long run...

Sounds like you're under appreciated Hayley.

Love the avatar by the way.. :)
maybe i'm more frivolous with my spending compared to others, but if a company wants to make more money, I think providing an excellent eating experience trumps cutting hours, etc. If you spend a lot of money and have an excellent experience, you don't think about the money you lost - just what a great experience you had. Whereas if you cut hours which means longer wait times, more mistakes, etc, do you think "wow I'm glad I saved so much money getting a mediocre eating experience"? No, chances are you won't have repeat customers this way.

Kind of like when I bought a new bed last month. I could have gone to ikea and got a cheap bed for like 600 bucks. Instead I went to another store and bought a much better mattress for about double the price. I'm satisfied with my purchase, because I don't think about the money I lost; only the experience I had. Whereas if I bought the ikea bed and had a bad experience, I don't think "well it was only 600 bucks." I think "wow this thing sucks."
maybe i'm more frivolous with my spending compared to others, but if a company wants to make more money, I think providing an excellent eating experience trumps cutting hours, etc. If you spend a lot of money and have an excellent experience, you don't think about the money you lost - just what a great experience you had. Whereas if you cut hours which means longer wait times, more mistakes, etc, do you think "wow I'm glad I saved so much money getting a mediocre eating experience"? No, chances are you won't have repeat customers this way.

Kind of like when I bought a new bed last month. I could have gone to ikea and got a cheap bed for like 600 bucks. Instead I went to another store and bought a much better mattress for about double the price. I'm satisfied with my purchase, because I don't think about the money I lost; only the experience I had. Whereas if I bought the ikea bed and had a bad experience, I don't think "well it was only 600 bucks." I think "wow this thing sucks."

Unfortunately Hayley many of the things that drive management are ratios that have nothing to do with the bottom line experience. I used to go to a conference at a hotel twice a year. Friday night in the bar was always the same thing. 20 to 30 minute wait for a drink. The hotel knew we were coming, it was 300 person event. They could have brought in extra staff but that would have showed increased operating costs. Instead they maintained staff levels (one bartender, one bar back and a waitress) and made a ton of money. Corporate would never see that they could have taken in half again as much if they brought in 1 or shudder 2 extra wait staff for the evening.

That's how a lot of decisions get made. Ratios that look good in a portfolio. Sorry your having a tough time with it though. Its challenging to try doing a good job through stupid decisions.
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