Little Touches - Closed for thepoeticmaster2121


Virginal Temptress
Apr 13, 2013
Her little Camry pulled up to the three story home on Dauphine Street that was to be her residence for the next 6 months and her place of employment. Dressed in simple white scrubs and sneakers with her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, Jen could only stare. Her mind wasn’t on what she was to be doing next but what had happened three nights ago.

Aerica had finally convinced Jen to cut loose and have some fun for once. She had been like a hermit since her mother died and it wasn’t healthy. She had to admit that her best friend could sure pick the good spots. The band that was playing had everyone up and on their feet. That Cajun beat hummed through the air giving off the very spirit of New Orleans. She and Aerica were dancing together in the middle of the crowd when her friend had to escape to the ladies room. Jen had a drink or two in here and just danced by herself, not caring who saw her. The little black dress was nothing short of scandalous for Miss Goody Two Shoes but it highlighted that body in the best light possible.

It was only a matter of time before some asshole decided to cause a problem. Someone grabbed her arm and tried to push up on her. “Hey sweet stuff. How about you and I go out back and have a little fun?” Jen visibly panicked and tried to pry him off of her. Before she could blink, the man was gone. Some guy from the back had come in and threw him off of her. Now that the drunk was gone they just looked at each other. Jen felt like she couldn’t breathe. Those eyes held her in some strange way. She had never seen him before but he was best looking thing here.

She almost tensed when the music slowed and he came forward to wrap an arm around her waist. The air between them felt electric and she wondered if this what Aerica meant when she said that there could be this chemistry so potent that even an idiot could sense it. Everyone else in the room just blurred away for her and he pulled her closer, making her heart beat faster. Jen couldn’t take her eyes off of his…and he seemed to feel the same. She felt warm against him and her body began to ache to feel more. It had been a long time since she had been this attracted to a man. She thought she heard someone call her name and looked back to see her best friend with a very amusing look on her face. “Thank you for helping me. Guess you’re my white knight tonight.”

She looked backed up at him and his face was right there, slowly inching downward. His lips were so tempting that she leaned in, gently brushing against his. Jen let out a little moan but he said something under his breath. Next thing she knew, he was gone.

Jen had dreamt about that night ever since. Never in her life had she felt like that with a man. Every fiber in her so alive and yearning to touch him so badly that it almost hurt. She sighed and laid her head against the steering wheel of her little car. She had been an LPN for 7 years now and enjoyed every minute of it. She got to work with children who were handicapped or had developmental problems. Her mother had been a pediatrician before she died and had wanted Jen to follow in her footsteps. She wanted something more hands on than being a doctor.

This patient was a 6 year old girl who had been injured in a car accident when she was two. She was paralyzed from the waist down but was having some health issues. Getting out of the car, she brushed off her uniform and took a deep breath. The first meeting was always the most awkward but once she got to know the family, it smoothed over. She rang the doorbell and a woman came to the door. “You must be Jenna Collins, the nurse. I’m Sarah’s mother.” The sound of heavy footsteps echoed throughout the gorgeous home. “That would be my husband.”
Alexander adjusted his tie angrily

It wasn’t the tie fault he was angry it was a good tie, a tie that had served him faithfully through the years. It wasn’t its fault that his hands were shaking in anger preventing him from getting the knot and causing him to fumble with it like a complete idiot and child.

It was his damn wives

It was another pointless argument one that sounded just like the thousand of other ones they had almost daily. Every thing from grocery shopping to which one of them washed their little girl that day, He supposed he might be part of the problem after all these days he was more angry then happy, angry at the world really because even though he had a nice house (mansion really) a very high paying job (he was rich) that wouldn’t bring his baby girl back wouldn’t rewind the day she had been in that horrible accident all because of her mother, she was drunk that night which wasn’t a big surprise angry at him because he hadn’t been able to come home, back then he was clawing his way to the top of the company. She had decided to get back at him by drinking and going for a drive to clear her end, it was a drive that ended with her t boned around a tree and their child forever a vegetable.

He never forgave her for that she knew and so did he, they should have gotten a divorce a long time ago but both decided that it was best to stay together for Sarah’s sake.

Even if it meant constantly dealing with each other

He heard the door opened and he finally gave up the damn tie, he threw it down on the bed and turned running a hand through his short black hair and adjusting his nice black business suit, the new LPN was coming which meant his wife would be pushing the happy couple scenario. It was stupid for them both to play the game but he didn’t have the strength to argue with her again. Instead he drew upon his acting skills and put on his happiest smile making sure it was firmly plastered on before walking down the long staircase.

He reached the end of the staircase and paused finally seeing who the women was, it was the girl from a few nights ago the one he had chanced upon after spending all night drinking in pain. Some sleazy guy was hitting her on and he had saved her trying to be the gentleman he always was. He didn’t really see her face until she turned but it was the most breath taking he had ever seen, he hadn’t even felt that way about his wife. She was stunning warm and soft and it took every fiber of his being not to lean in and kiss her right then and there. Instead retiring to his bed early every night so he could think about her imagine her lips on his……

“Uh hi” Alex said clearing his throat and ignoring his wife “My name is Alexander Smith” he said reaching out with his hand totally freaked out and panicked, would this women remember him? Did he want her to?

Was his life about to change?
Jen looked to see the husband and got the shock of a lifetime. Her life had not been easy and this didn’t make it any easier. She had spent the last few nights just dreaming about him. The feel of his hands on her while they were on the dance floor stayed with her. Her heart fell into her stomach as she fought to keep from letting this bother her. If this married guy wants to fool around on his wife, he can do it with someone. She was a good girl at best. “Are you alright, dear? You paled a few shades.” Jen waved it off, just my nerves, meeting a new family is a little scary. Kind of like being the new kid in school.” Must have worked because the other woman calmed down.

It was pretty obvious that he recognized her as well. She took his hand and shook. “I never got to thank you for what you did the other night. That guy was scaring me.” The wife, Marta, looked at her suspiciously and he didn’t look too happy either. “Alex, what is she talking about?” Now it was Alex that looked like he was gonna barf. “It’s not what you think, Mrs. Smith. This guy was causing a great deal of trouble. He didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer when I girl turns him down for date. The idiot tried to man handle me, next thing I know, he was gone and Alex stood there. He disappeared on me not too long after that.” Jen left out the part about the two of them dancing and that almost kiss. Causing trouble between the parents of her new client was not good. “Playing white knight again? My husband can’t resist a damsel in distress.” The remark was almost venomous and lace with a bitterness. Jen never said anything but when Marta had breathed on her, Jenna could smell alcohol on her.

“I will see the two of you at dinner. Got work to do.” Jen could smell bullshit. That woman had to be a hardcore drunk. That poor little girl got saddled with two serious screwed up parents. The Collins family had its kooks but nothing like this. Jenna didn’t know what to say but she was angry that he decided to use her. “Can you help with the medical equipment? I barely got this stuff inside to begin with.” Her body was defying her, her nipples hard and her skin hot, a flush to her cheeks. The attraction was just as potent now as it was when they first met. He was so handsome.

Jen took out the blood pressure monitor, the breathing monitor to check on her oxygen saturation. A lot went into taking of a child like this. Most people would blame their spouses but that did nothing to help the child. She had felt that kind animosity in Marta. Jen didn’t ask about because it had already been a long ad she didn’t want to make tension even worse. One by one the two of them unloaded and transported the equipment to the child’s room. Once that was done, Jen went to see the girl. Her heart ached for the little girl that laid there. There were tubes and things all over her. She looked a lot like Alex, dark hair with high cheekbones. “Oh, petite. I know you’re in there somewhere. Such a pretty little girl. My name is Jenna Collins and I am going to be helping your mom and dad take really good care of you.”

Most people that had seen her doing this thought she was a little nuts at first. One of her clients, a 13 year old boy, woke up while she had been talking to him He had told his parents that he had used her voice like a fishing line that pulled him out of it. The parents were so grateful that the husband helped her find an apartment in a better part of town for a good price. Jenna had been living in a dangerous neighborhood, in a building that seriously needed to be renovated. Now she was taking of the daughter of the man that curled her toes.
He breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that the girl had enough sense not to talk about them dancing. He would have liked it better if she hadn’t mentioned the whole situation at all but he would take what he got this time. Of course instead of his lovely wife getting over it, she retreated into her office to angrily drink instead of checking on their child. He was used to her attitude but it still made him angry and while he unpacked the medical equipment he silently fumed.

Then there was the girl

She was even more beautiful sober, she came to him like a angel ready to help his daughter and be there for her. Alex wasn’t a big romantic (or at least he hadn’t been in a long time) but there was just some thing about her that drew him in, left him breathless. Of course he hadn’t had sex in a very long time (unless you counted his wife’s drunken attempts to as some thing) so maybe that had some thing to do with it he doubted it though.

Maybe it was love at first sight

They got the last of the stuff in the room and he leaned against the doorframe watching her mesmerized not only by her beauty but also by the way she took care of his daughter. She was truly an angel and he watched her take care of his daughter with a smile on his face for the first time in a while. They still hadn’t said any thing to each other, he wanted to but he couldn’t really figure out what to say. What did you say to some one you had almost had a moment with? When your wife was barely two rooms down the hall?

“I should probably show you your room” He finally said watching her finish with his darling little girl, he came over deliberately going on the opposite side she was on and kissed her fore head.

“Good bye” he said to her before turning and gesturing for her to follow him, he grabbed her suitcases and walked with her up the staircase into the basement. He had just finished renovating it into her bedroom, it was large a mini apartment with a living room, kitchen, and a rather large bedroom. He showed her in putting her suitcase on the floor before turning to her and raising his hands to stop her form speaking.

“Thank you for doing what you did” he said watching her closely “Even though I was uh drunk that night I felt it to” He said taking a deep breath and pinching his nose “I just wanted you to know that” he said looking into her eyes and trying not to get lost in them,
Jenna wanted to forget that he was there for a moment and focus on the child. His presence was hard to take now that she knew nothing could ever come from their attraction. She placed a box where that piece of equipment would go.

“I should probably show you your room”

Goose bumps appeared on her skin, just like on that night when she first saw him. Her heart softened towards him when he kissed the child with such affection. She couldn’t help but smile. The picture they made in that moment was one so sweet that she knew it would stay with her. She followed Alex into the basement wishing she could say something to him. There was something sad in his eyes that was eating at her. Jen wanted to ask but it felt too intrusive.

The apartment was very nice, very organized. Jenna was a bit of a neat freak and liked to keep things in an organized manner.

“Thank you for doing what you did” he said watching her closely “Even though I was uh drunk that night I felt it to” He said taking a deep breath and pinching his nose “I just wanted you to know that” he said looking into her eyes and trying not to get lost in them.

“There was no point to getting you in trouble with your wife.” She swallowed hard. “I will not bring that up. Yes I am very attracted to you but I couldn’t get passed that ring on your left hand. I am here for Sarah.” The way he looked at her wasn’t helping her nerves. She wanted touch him so badly but he didn’t belong to her.”I will take care of her like she was mine. She looks a lot like you.”

Jenna had already fallen in love with that sweet little girl. Her stay would only be for so long. The one thing Jenna always wanted was a child of her own. In some small way she enjoyed play mother to these small children. Having someone to take care of was therapeutic for her. Jenna had her own demons in her past.

Once Alex left, she climbed into shower to try to wash off the problems of the day. The man of her dreams was a married man and she couldn’t stop thinking about, wanting him. It was almost dinner time when she finally dressed in a New Orleans Saints tee and jeans. Instead of going straight to the kitchen, Jenna went to check on Sarah.

The child seemed agitated by something, squirming in place. Jenna got next to the child in her bed, propping the child on her lap, she petted her hair to try to calm her down. “It’s ok, little one.” An old Cajun lullaby came to mind.

“Galine galine, galine, galo Galine galine, galine, galo Galine galine, galo, Galine galine, galo... Galo, galo...
Mon petit bébé Galo, galo...
Tu vas dormir Galo, galo, galo, galo Galine galine, galine, galo Galine galine, galine, galo Galine galine, galo Galine galine, galo”

Jenna was relieved when Sarah finally settled down. “I will be back soon, bebe.”
Her words haunted him

He didn’t say any thing instead leaving her alone to shower; he went into his office and tried to loose himself in his work. He did some work for his partners in the law firm checked his stock and tried to not think about the girl too much. It worked for about ten minutes before he finally gave up trying to focus on his work and instead leaned back in his chair.

She was so beautiful more beautiful than she had been in the club, he remembered how much he had wanted to kiss her that night to make love to her. He had never cheated on his wife before and even though there marriage was a sham he had never had that….. Urge before. He instead got off on his own using websites to fulfill his desires while his wife was passed out in their master bedroom.

Now however every part of his body was screaming at him to go upstairs kick open the door and take the women. His attraction to her was almost like an addicting drug blotting out every thing else and filling him with an unshakable need. He was so lost in his thoughts on her that he jumped when the clock rang signaling that it was dinnertime.

He left his office and paused looking at his wife’s door, he could hear her snoring behind it and realized that she wouldn’t be joining them any time soon. Which meant the object of his affection would be alone in the room with him.

With out any wife to get in the way

He ignored the voice inside of his head saying naughty things and went down, he stepped into the kitchen and grabbed the left overs from last night heating them up and grabbing a soda before he went and sat at the dinning room table. He tried hard not to wait for her and began eating slowly cutting each piece of his dinner as small as he could and chewing slowly.

Would she eat with him? Or would she ignore him? Their relationship would probably go a lot smother if they interacted as little as possible but he wanted…. No needed to interact with her, learn about the creature who had enchanted him so much.

He was like a drowning man who needed air
Jenna would lying if she said his presence had no effect on her. As she made her way to the kitchen, she caught a whiff of men’s cologne. It was hard having her heart and body feuding with each other. There was something about him that called to her. She could see he was suffering but it was his wife’s job to comfort him. At the corner near the dining room table, Jenna saw him eating alone.

That just wasn’t right. “Whatever that is, it smells good. I brought a plate of stuff from my Gran. She always says that I am too skinny. Be right back.” Jenna found the plate she had stuck in there last night, removing the fruit and desert before microwaving. Two and a half minutes later she had a traditional Cajun dinner: sausage and chicken jambalaya, red beans and rice, a seafood stuff potato, pecan pie and fruit for dessert.

Jenna almost giggled at the look on Alex’s face. “Grand – mere never does anything half way. “She sat down with her plate and ice water to drink. She didn’t say much as she ate but got the distinct impression that he was watching her. Her cheeks began to heat up. She looked up to see that he was indeed watching her. Those beautiful eyes were wreaking havoc on her pulse.

She needed to break up this nervous tension. “I saw the carousel music box you got for her. I saw the little engraved plaque on it. That’s how I know it was from you.” Jenna had been touched by that simple gift for his daughter. “I played it for her earlier. That has to be one of sweetest gifts I have ever seen.” She touched his hand and pulled back. Jenna didn’t want to give him any false hope but the kind of reaction Sarah had to music was proof that her brain wasn’t as damaged as the doctors thought.

Jenna was going to ask where Marta was but given the way they interacted, maybe it was best she not see them together. She continued to eat her food, not really tasting a bite of it. He was her sole focus. Had any man ever had her so completely captivated? Maybe it was love at first sight.
He heard her talking…. Some thing about food? He cursed himself for not listening but he knew it was just his body trying to defend himself. Listening to her hearing her beautiful voice seeing the most stunning creature he had ever meant. It was just to painful to him, she had made their relationship clear, dashing his hopes of maybe having some thing with her in one easy sweep. He knew he should be glad (he was married after all) but he couldn’t help it.

He wanted her

He watched her assemble her food and finally couldn’t resist raising a shocked eyebrow, of course she noticed and began talking to him filling his head and his heart with her beautiful voice. He merely nodded and watched her eat to enchanted by he know to stop, he tried not to stare and actually eat but his eyes couldn’t stay off of her for more than a few seconds as if they were just as mesmerized as he was.

She started talking about the carousel and he smiled to himself, his little girl had always wanted to be a ballerina. She was good to and her and his wife had been proud parent’s going to every thing they could and cheering her on all the way. When she had the accident Alex had it custom made for her a symbol for her future, back then he had been full of hope knowing that his angel would come back and that it was just a matter of time.

Now? It was more like a old relic of the past haunting him in a way, days had turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months finally to years. The box had stayed beside her bed the entire time turning and spinning dancing while she remained locked and frozen inside of her self and some times he just wanted to smash the damn thing.

“Thank you” He said instead finishing the last of his food and speaking for the first time that night “it was custom made for her she wanted to be a ballerina” he said grabbing his plate and standing up “I am sure she appreciated hearing it played” he murmured walking into the kitchen and going to clean his dish.
Jenna couldn’t take the pain in her chest. The way he was looking at her was making her feel so tortured but in emotional way. She was very confused. Her heart and mind were on two different sides of this situation. “Alex, please stop.” He looked at her curiously. “Please stop looking at me like that.” The attraction was pretty strong and Jenna was inexperienced when it came to men. She didn’t want to hurt him but she would not be one of those hussies who broke up marriages just because they thought they could. Her mother had raised her to be a good Christian girl who respected certain boundaries but those eyes. They were melting away at her resistance like a thin wax candle but she couldn’t help it.

She wanted him.

Her light giggle filled the air at the ever so slightly raised eyebrow. She was healthy but loved food and who wouldn’t in Louisiana. This state had some of the best food in the country. It warmed her heart to see him light up like that when she talked about his daughter and the carousel. Jenna noticed a stray hair that was about to fall into his eye and reached out to brush it aside. She hadn’t planned for her hand to brush his face it did. Resistance pulled back a little, letting her hand stay they for a moment or two and just touch his cheek. It was obvious that he missed that little girl more than anything. Jenna let down her defenses just this one time and let him see how she felt. She dare speak it because if she did, she knew she would act on it and that was not a possibility.

Jenna looked at the plate of half-eaten food and suddenly didn’t feel so hungry anymore. “It’s a beautiful piece and music is good for her condition.” Music stimulated an area of the brain that was still a mystery to medical science. For some apparent reason it aided in healing. “You’re welcome.” She went into the kitchen not five minutes after him and found him standing over the sink, not moving. Jenna put her left overs into the trash compactor and went to rinse plate. He must have been lost in thought because her presence made him jump. “It’s just me.” That’s when she noticed the redness of his eyes. She didn’t say a word, just wrapped her arms around him, rubbing back. Their little talk had obviously upset him. Sarah was important to him ad she knew better than anyone what it was like to be Daddy’s little girl.

Jenna felt him put his head on her shoulder and she did nothing to move him or push him away. “It’s okay to miss her.” She took a deep breath. “I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up so I kept this to myself. Sarah had an incident earlier tonight. She became highly agitated for no reason. She responded when I sang to her and played the carousel. She is showing signs of healing. I am not a doctor but I think we might see more changes very soon.”