Little Red Riding Hood (closed)


Literotica Guru
Mar 20, 2012
“Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood. You sure are looking good. You’re everything that a big bad wolf could want…”

The song had been stuck in her head all morning after she had heard it during her morning commute. Tara was still humming it as she entered the empty elevator that would take her to her office on the fourth floor. She was running late and she hoped that everyone else would still be in a board meeting as she slipped into her cubicle.

She had started out early that day with every intention of getting work done before anyone else entered the office. That was before her grandmother had fallen and a trip to the ER derailed those plans. A broken hip would mean that her grandmother would be staying in the hospital for a few days. That was money that neither Tara Johnson nor her grandmother really had.

The polished silver doors shut and she stood there staring at her own reflection as the elevator started to pull upward. Her large brown eyes looked incredibly young and frightened. She was one of the youngest associates at Wolf Enterprises. She had been hired as an intern while in college because of her drawing portfolio from her graphic design work. She now designed all of the advertising campaigns that were released to the public. She was making a name for herself, but the responsibility of her home life weighed heavily on her shoulders.

She moved her gaze from her eyes to her full pouting lips. She’d painted them red that morning, carefully drawing in a perfect cupid’s bow. It seemed all the brighter because of her pale skin and her long black hair which was carefully pulled up into a twist at the nape of her neck. It was part of the company policy to wear her hair up, a button down shirt and a business skirt. She looked the part of the conservative, but her red heels were her way of showing her individuality. The thought of wearing them made her smile at her own reflection as the door dinged and then slid open, allowing her to enter into the silent space of her office.
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Wolf Enterprises was one of the world's leaders in human behavior research, and behavioral modification. James Wolf, CEO of Wolf enterprises, was one those self made men that not only drove themselves but all that worked for him in his apparent search for, his idle of, excellence. The CEO of Wolf enterprises was tall, distinguished, with ginger hair and a hint of sliver at the temples. He was a fit man, perhaps a bit lank, but limber, his movement possessed with the fluid grace of a panther. Yet perhaps his most prominent feature was piercing hazel eyes, eyes that could lead you to believe he could see the most hidden secrets of your soul. He demanded that all his employees reflect the conservative values that he wanted to project to the outside world. Those conservative values were reflected in the decor of the offices. Yet it did not stop there all female employees were required to wear, button down blouses, skirted business suites, ties, and their hair up. This requirement was even mandatory for the college interns, there were no exceptions. A year's internship at Wolf Enterprises brought with it long hours that were compensated by full medical benefits for the intern and there dependents and a stipend based on their contributions to the cooperate image and profits.

"Miss Johnson, has anyone seen Miss Johnson this morning?"

I believe Miss Johnson has just arrived Sir.

Sir was the only acceptable form of address when it came to James Wolf. His face set like granite he turned his dark gaze on the young woman who had spoken.”

“Miss Rogers tell Miss Johnson to report to my Office immediately.”

As always James Wolf’s voice was calm, modulated almost emotionless.

Ginny Rogers hurried to the office she shared with the raven haired intern.

Damn Tara what were you thinking of you’re an hour late had Mr. Wolf………

Ginny Rogers let her voice trail off she was no fool. She had been an intern at Wolf Enterprises when she was in college she knew that James Wolf was always looking for an innocent young coed beauty to try his latest behavioral modification techniques on, and poor little sweet Tara had catch his eye.

You better hurry Tara, no need to piss him off any more that he already is.
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Tara had just leaned down at her desk to place her purse in its drawer when Ginny burst into the space. She spun around as her office mate insisted that she needed to get her ass to the meeting.

“Calm down, Ginny.” She insisted, shaking her head as she finished her task before turning back to her friend. “Mr. Wolf can take a chill pill. I had an emergency this morning and it made me late. It’s not a big deal.”

Grabbing her tablet from the desk and her stylis pen, she gave a wink towards her concerned coworker and made her way down the hallway to the office of Mr. James Wolf. He was a handsome man, despite being older than her by quite a bit and there was some whispering around the office of the many trysts that he’d had with female workers, but at that point in her life, Tara wasn’t looking for anything of the sort.

Knocking on his door, she waited until she heard someone beckon her to enter before she pushed open the door and stepped inside. “Mr. Wolf, I apologize for being late this morning. There was an emergency that couldn’t be avoided.”
James Wolf’s office was a far cry from the new minimal modernist glass cubicles that had become so popular in the cooperate world, its suppose purpose to foster a sense of openness. There was no such pretense here, the summoned was greeted by first the guardian of the inner sanctum Ms. Muller, Mr. Wolf’s secretary. Ms. Muller could be described as many things receptionist, secretary, his girl Friday, but she defiantly was not his Personal Assistant. Like all female employees at Wolf Enterprises she attired to the dress code, yet in her case Ms. Muller took it to an extreme of conservative dress. Next the summoned faced a sturdy oak door with a simple brass plaque the read Mr. Wolf.

This morning Miss Tara Johnson was the summoned. Mr. Wolf had , had his eye on the young raven haired intern for quite some time now. She had caught his eye by the little acts of one might say rebellion. Oh yes she did attire to the company dress code, her raven tress held discreetly pulled up into a twist at the nape of her neck. Yet her sweet moist ripe lips were graced by a little daring, a littler brighter shade of lip gloss to accentuate the cupid’s bow of her lips. Today she also wore a pair of red heels a bold statement in her bid for individuality in a very conservative corporate sea. It was this individuality, this flare of spirit that had sealed the young beauty from the graphic arts department fate.

“Mr. Wolf, I apologize for being late this morning. There was an emergency that couldn’t be avoided.”

“Emergency Miss Johnson?”

There was a cool aloofness to his voice, tinged with just a note of disbelief. Oh he knew well that Tara lived with her elderly grandmother, that the young beauty was struggling under the crushing debt of student loans, and that she could ill afford to lose her internship, the money it brought in or the medical benefits that she so needed to care for her grandmother.

“What Emergency Miss?”

James Wolf was anxious for this young raven haired beauty to step into the trap that fate had laid for her and he had every intention of exploiting.
Mr. Wolf had this way about him that always made Tara feel as if she were a school girl being scolded for doing something wrong. It wasn’t that he was outright harsh. He reminded her of a very regimented man that needed to get his way…and that rubbed Tara the wrong way. She liked being an individual, laid back and going with the flow of her own life.

“Yes, sir, an emergency.” She said as he regarded her with a cool aloofness that he was known for. He didn’t believe her, that much she knew. She didn’t care if he believe her or not…she had the proof.

“My grandmother fell at home and broke her hip. I had to go to the hospital with her.” She said simply, a shrug of her slender shoulders as if it were no big deal as to why she’d been late.

She was struggling to support herself and her grandmother, but she made ends meet. It wasn’t the perfect life that she might have always wanted, but it was her life and she would be happy with it no matter what. Moving her gaze from Mr. Wolf to her iPad, she touched the screen to get to the file that she wanted.

“I suppose you would like to talk about the Rogers account. I had some ideas on it that I wanted to show you.” She said, pulling up the sketches that she’d made, ready to move on to other business that didn’t involve her personal life.
“Yes, sir, an emergency.”

There was a cool aloofness to the young raven haired beauty’s voice as she answered him, then in a very business like manner Tara Johnson continued.

“My grandmother fell at home and broke her hip. I had to go to the hospital with her.”

The casual shrug of her shoulders her casual manner belied the seriousness of her situation, one that James Wolf knew well it was Tara’s Achilles’ heel. She had accepted the internship, an internship that was a year’s commitment. The fall semester had already started, it was too late to register, if she lost the internship now there would be no student aid, and there would be no income, nor medical benefits to pay for her grandmother’s hospitalization or rehabilitation.

“I suppose you would like to talk about the Rogers account. I had some ideas on it that I wanted to show you.”

He watched as Tara Johnson began to call up her sketches for the account.

Timing in business or in seduction of a young innocent was everything. Now was the time to make his first move in the seduction of Miss Tara Johnson.

“No that can wait Miss Johnson……”

He let his appearance take on a very serious, business like appearance, his voice the austere quality that struck fear into the hearts of those that worked for Wolf Enterprises.

“I fear that the distraction of your Grandmother’s health concerns will degrade your performance and contribution to Wolf Enterprises Miss Johnson…………”

Though he had not said it, it seemed that Mr. James Wolf was about to terminate her internship. All her hopes for the future now in jeopardy, not to mention she had no way of paying for the care her grand mother would need. James Wolf waited to see what this spirited young Miss would do. Would she weep and beg to keep her Internship promising to do anything to keep it or would her pride simply compel her to go her pride and honor intact. Damn but he loved this moment of the unknown there was only one greater thrill for James Wolf a young beauty’s first submission to his will as she began her long dark journey into the unknown.
The sound of his voice in the quiet of the office had Tara looking up from her tablet, a frown marring her features as she wondered what he had called her into his office for if it wasn’t to go over their recent accounts. His eyes were calm and cool, very much the consummate businessman and she felt herself squaring her shoulders to prepare for the onslaught that he might unleash against her.

She nearly dropped the tablet when he started to talk about how her grandmother’s health would degrade her performance with the company. Was Wolf about to fire her? For what? Just because she was late that morning for a very serious medical emergency?

“Mr. Wolf, you don’t understand…” She started, seeing the light in his eyes as he played with a young girl that had nothing else in the world. “I need this job and you can’t fire me because an emergency came up.”

She was almost certain that there was nothing else in her employee file that would justify a firing as he suggested. She felt her skin bristle at the suggestion that he was going to do something so sneaky and underhanded.

“All I need is time to sort this situation out, Mr. Wolf. If it was my tardiness today that concerns you, I will assure you now that it will not happen again.” Her voice was sincere, calm and she hoped that he believed that she wasn’t a shrinking woman that would simper and sob at his feet to keep her job with the company.
The whole psychology of BDSM games is based on forcing or 'persuading' someone else to subject themselves to things that they may never considered enjoyable before, and then bring about a change in them so they come to embrace the thing that was taboo in their mind or even abhorrent to them, and ultimately desire it as a preference to the norm. If we, as domination of body and will, can bring this about, we have succeeded in our mission. Yet for James Wolf as dark and perverted as it seems, it is so very enjoyable to corrupt youthful innocence at the same time.

This was something that James Wolf was acutely aware of and to a lesser extent was the bases on which all modification of human behavior was based on. Of course what Miss Tara Johnson did not know was that he had selected her to be his newest project in human behavioral modification.

“Mr. Wolf, you don’t understand…”

There was such youthful innocence in Tara’s eyes as she so reasonably continued

“I need this job and you can’t fire me because an emergency came up.” He smiled to himself as Tara subconsciously paused, her soft eyes slightly rolling up and to the right as if she was mentally reviewing her past performance and if there could possibly be any other reason that she might have inadvertently given Mr. Wolf cause to be displeased with her.

“All I need is time to sort this situation out, Mr. Wolf. If it was my tardiness today that concerns you, I will assure you now that it will not happen again.”

Again that youthful sincerity, the blissful innocent belief that all would be well, and that she had done nothing wrong and he of course would see that. As he looked at her with those wide innocent eyes, the lines of the old nursery rhyme began to run through his mind.

Grand Mother what big eyes you have! All the better to see you my dear! And he certainly was looking forward to seeing Tara shed her conservative attire and standing before him in all her naked glory.

Grand Mother what big ears you have! All the better to hear you my dear!

Yes to hear her sweet little moans and gasps as he stripped away her first layers of innocence.

Grand Mother what big teeth you have! All the better to eat you with my dear!

James Wolf let the tip of his tongue slide across the bow of his lips as he anticipated feasting on the young raven haired beauty’s sweet innocence.

“I am afraid you do not understand Miss Johnson I want to take you as my lover for the next year my dear.”

He had said it take you as my lover for the next year as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“Now be so kind as to disrobe Tara I wish to see you naked my dear.”

As he made his outrageous and obscene demand James Wolf pressed the hidden button at the edge of his desk locking the office door and sealing Tara Johnson’s fate. If the girl in fact was a virgin as he suspected she would not be by the time she left his office. It was time fro her to take her first step into the dark world James Wolf had chosen for her.
The word stunned didn’t even begin to describe how Tara felt when Mr. Wolf declared that he was going to take her as his over for the next year. He was so calm about it. It was as if he had said that phrase to any number of women over the years and Tara wasn’t stupid. She knew that Wolf probably had said those things to many other girls.

“Lover?” She asked in a voice that shook with shock. “Mr. Wolf, that’s incredibly inappropriate…”

Whatever she was going to say next was stopped as he told her to disrobe so that he could see her naked. Again, she was stunned by the demand and this time, she did let the tablet fall from her hands to the ornate, expensive carpet beneath her feet. How could her boss ask her to do such a thing and was she really thinking about doing it?

“Mr. Wolf, whatever you are thinking might happen between us, you need to stop thinking.” She said, trying to sound more confident then she really was. “What you are suggesting I do is incredibly wrong.”

That’s right, Tara, tell him off and leave the office. Still, she stood rooted there in front of him, those hard piercing eyes practically staring through her. How many other interns had stood there in her spot, listening to this man tell them that he would be their lover? How many submitted to that demand?
Such moments as this were so darkly delightful for Wolf, the stunned look of disbelief. The way she stood there so motionless as the word formed almost silently on her moist ripe lips,


The gasped little stutter as the raven haired beauty continued.

“Mr. Wolf, that’s incredibly inappropriate…”

Her soft angelic voice now trembling as Tara spoke, was it from shock at his outrageous suggestion or was it from unwanted arousal? Every thing was now in slow motion as Wolf’s mind race to capture every little detail. The way her Tara’s I pad slipped from her fingers. The way it silently fell to the ornate oriental carpet to lay forgotten as if it belong to another life now. Those soft doe brown eyes growing so wide in her adorable innocence as he calmly told Tara to disrobe.

“Mr. Wolf, whatever you are thinking might happen between us, you need to stop thinking.”

Oh how predictable an appeal to his reason as if he surely had nor understood how outrageous his demand s were and if he just thought for a moment.

“What you are suggesting I do is incredibly wrong.”

She stood there not trying to flee yet and trying very hard to sound so grown up and confident. Yet Wolf could see Tara’s pulse racing madly at the hollow of her neck, just below the surface of the girl’s soft pale flawless skin.

“Yes Tara incredibly wrong.”

He had let his voice wavier just a bit for effect, his eyes drop from hers as if in shame for what he had just said. The slowly he lifted his gaze to hers and in that cold, steady , unblinking gaze there was not a trace of remorse.

“Yes Tara incredibly wrong my dear but never the less you will disrobe for me now.”

From the first day a Wolf Enterprises Tara Johnson like all female employees had been slowly but steadily condition to obey. Some times their instructions had seemed quite reasonable, yet at other times they could seem almost outrageous Like the strict conservative dress code until obeying became an almost conditioned response.

“You know Miss Johnson there is no place to go. The door has been locked, the room is of course soundproof, and with your grand mother in Hospital there is no one expecting you home anytime soon Miss Johnson.”

Wolf calmly outlined the situation with a skillfully constructed narratives of truth and half truth all designed to keep the young beauty off balance, confused, and allowing time for her conditioning to obey to assert its self.

“Well Miss Johnson I am waiting……….or shall I do it myself…….strip you take you bent over my desk MISS!”

Wolf let his voice and his appearance take on the edge of a predator as if he were in fact a wolf, and she was his chosen prey.
When Mr. Wolf began to speak, agreeing that what he was asking was incredibly wrong, Tara felt that perhaps this entire situation would end and she could go about the day as if nothing happened. She watched as he lowered his eyes from hers, a hint of shame within their depths. Perhaps he felt bad about asking her what he had.

When he looked back in her direction, she saw just how wrong she was. She sucked in a hard breath as he told her that she would disrobe. She was trembling as he told her that the door had been locked and the room soundproofed. He knew that she lived alone besides her grandmother and she wasn’t expected anywhere any time soon.

There was no other choice, she thought as he demanded that she either strip now or he would do it for her. The breath that she’d been holding she slowly let go of and lifted her hands to the buttons of her blouse.

“You know that just because I do this, doesn’t mean that you’ll ever have my respect.” She said, flicking each button out of the way until she stood before him with her blouse open.

Her white lacy bra beneath cupped her breasts, put them on display and she soon shrugged out of the blouse before she reached for the zipper on her skirt until all she stood before him in was her panties, bra and red heels.
James Wolf knew that Tara would obey even before she did. He saw that look of resignation in her stunningly expressive soft brown eyes. He of course had expressed his demands in such a manner that Tara believed she had but two choices either do as he commanded or he would, himself, forcibly strip her.

“You know that just because I do this, doesn’t mean that you’ll ever have my respect.”

For the moment Wolf held his tongue as the gorgeous young raven haired coed having made her decision quickly loosed each button of her prim and proper blouse until it hung open giving him tantalizing glimpses of the sensual curve of her breast. He final said as she stood before him in only her white lacy panties, bra and red heels.

“My dear Miss Johnson it is not your respect I want young lady, but that gorgeous body of yours!”

He said quite calmly as he sat with his hands tented in front of his face.

“ Miss Johnson as you well know I do not make it a habit of repeating myself. I told you my dear to disrobe and I wish to see you naked my dear….Continue!”

There was a deadly seriousness in his manner and the tone of his voice now. Again he was relying on for these first faltering steps of hers that the young coed into the dark world of passion and domination would be aided by her conditioning to obey and there was always the implied threat of punishment if she failed to please him.
Gritting her teeth, Tara wanted to scratch Wolf’s eyes out at his demands. She was never a girl that wanted to be told what to do and the smirk on his face made it all the more infuriating. Sucking in a deep breath, she curled her fingers into fists at her sides and she fought against the rebellion that was rising inside her body.

Curing under her breath, she reached behind her back and flicked the hooks of her bra. Her full breasts bounced free as she pulled the white piece of fabric from her skin and tossed it on the floor. Hooking her thumbs in her panties, she shimmied them down her legs until she were standing before her boss in nothing but her red heels.

“Is this enough for you? Is this what you wanted?” She asked him, her hands resting on her hips as she glared at her boss with every piece of acrimony that she could muster.

Her body was never anything that she had been ashamed of. Her skin was smooth and blemish free, her hips nice and shapely, complimenting her full breasts. Her nipples, the color of a dusky rose petal, were standing at attention in the cool office air. Her mound was trimmed, topped with her raven black hair that shone glossy in the light.

It was one thing to be standing in front of a lover, readying to have sex, but to be standing in front of her boss as he demanded her submission…well, it was strange to say the very least.
Tara Johnson despite her rebellious nature and her need to show she was and individual submitted to Wolf’s demand. He could see the flash of emotions in her stormy brown eyes as she reached behind her to free the hooks of her bra. His face remained emotionless unreadable as Tara slip her thumbs in to the waist band of her lacy little panties and slipped them down over the swell of her hips and down her shapely legs to daintily stepped from them.

“Is this enough for you? Is this what you wanted?”

The young raven haired coed made no attempt to hide her body from Wolf’s view. There was no denying she was gorgeous her body perfectly in balance. The swell of her hips complement her firm young breast and her trim little waist accentuated both. Yet despite her boldness Tara blushed the most delightful shade of pink from the tip of her nose to the tips of her toes.

“Yes I do rather like you like this Miss Johnson. I like the effect of your heels have on your calves. In the future you will wear four inch heels for me with ankle straps.”

He paused for a moment to gauge Tara’s reactions to this latest turn of events. He slowly rose and began to circle her. He let her feel the heat of his gaze on her naked body and watch as the stray hairs at the nape of her deck danced in his hot moist breath.

“Tell me Miss Johnson how many lovers have taken you?”

He had not asked how many lovers she had, had or how many lovers she had taken. No he had pointedly asked how many lovers had take her as if it was never Tara’s choice.
“4 inch heels?” Tara said, her brow furrowing in disbelief. “I don’t have the money to waste on shoes.”

The blush moved from her cheeks to the tops of her breasts, a hint of anger coloring her face as she watched Wolf rise from his chair to circle around her naked body. She didn’t like the way that he looked her up and down as if she were a piece of meat, but she forced herself to stand still.

His body brushed against her every so often, the heat of his skin radiating through his clothing to hers. She shivered as he leaned in close to the nape of her neck and asked how many lovers had taken her.

“None!” She squealed, her frown deepening at the extremely personal question that had been leveled against her. “And how dare you ask me that!”
“4 inch heels?”

Tara said, her brow furrowing in disbelief.

“I don’t have the money to waste on shoes.”

Wolf was pleased that the first thing out of the young raven haired beauty’s mouth was her disbelief that he wanted her to wear 4” heels and how was she going to pay for them.

He loved the way that the girl’s blush deepened, the way her gorgeous young body shivered as his hot moist breath bathed the nape of her neck. His dark smile only broadened as Tara made her little confession.


Wolf was pleased not only by the information that she was a virgin but also at her innocent little squeal at his outrageous question as she gasped in horror.

“And how dare you ask me that!”

It was hard for him to believe that she was that sweetly innocent and yet quite erotically arousing at the same time.

“ I told you Miss Johnson that I was taking you as My Lover for the year.”

His finger tips trailed across the bow of Tara’s shoulders.

“I have just had you disrobe for me so I could see you in all your naked perfection.’

A single finger tip slowly seductively slid down the sinuous column of the girl’s spine to rest in the little davit at its base.

“ Do you really think your going to leave this room still a virgin Miss Johnson?”
Tara was panting as she felt his warm breath on the back of her neck. She shivered at the feel of her hair floating in the breeze caused by his closeness. When he touched her, she nearly jerked away. The feather light feel of his fingers tracing down her spine made her gasp in a sharp breath.

“You need to reconsider what you’re doing, Mr. Wolf.” She said in a soft voice, afraid to move as he declared that she wouldn’t be leaving the room a virgin.

“It’s incredibly inappropriate. You’re my boss and I’m your employee.” She turned her head to the side, looking at him as he stared down at the smooth column of her back. “Think about that. You are my boss.”

What he wanted they could not do. Never in a million years did she think that Mr. Wolf would be trying to seduce her in his office. Never did she think that she’d be naked in his office either, but there she was, standing in nothing by her heels.

“I’m going to put my clothing back on and you’re going to unlock the door. We’re going to pretend that this never happened.”
“You need to reconsider what you’re doing, Mr. Wolf.”

Ah how many times had he heard this before, the reasonable appeal to his better nature, to just reconsider what he was doing before it was too late? The question was too late for whom? Tara’s voice was a soft angelic whisper as she continued.

“It’s incredibly inappropriate. You’re my boss and I’m your employee.”

Again that soft voice and her reasonable appeal to him.[/i]

His eyes captured hers in their steady unblinking gaze as she turned her head to look at him such an adorable look of fear and hope in those soft doe eyes.

“Think about that. You are my boss.”

Wolf loved shiver that rippled through the young coed’s gorgeous young body as his finger trailed down her back. The way she panted as she stood there her soft brown eyes held captive in his gaze. He wondered what thoughts were racing through that pretty little head of hers. He wondered if the naïve young beauty really thought she could talk her way out of the position she now found herself in.

“I’m going to put my clothing back on and you’re going to unlock the door. We’re going to pretend that this never happened.”

“No Miss Johnson you will not be putting your clothes back on and when I do let you leave my dear you will no longer be a virgin.”

James Wolf moved with the swiftness of a serpent when it strikes his fingers entwined in Tara’s luxurious raven tresses and his mouth crushed to hers in a dark seductive kiss as he drew her supple young body to his. He let that kiss linger and deepen, he waited to see if she would yield to his kiss, yield to her fate.
Tara felt her face color in indignation as Wolf insisted that she wasn’t going to be leaving there a virgin. She parted her lips to give him a piece of her mind when his hand suddenly tangled in her hair and drew her into a sinful kiss. She squealed, her hands settling on his shoulders as he kissed her with an intense passion. At first she thought about pushing him away, but it became quickly apparent that she was going nowhere.

A soft moan left her lips as he deepened the kiss, her knees shaking like jelly as he threatened to rip her very senses away. It was so wrong, she told herself, but who was she to tell him no? He could fire her and leave her in a very nasty situation.

Her hands moved from his shoulders, up his throat until her own fingers dug into his hair with a rough touch. She was panting, her entire body burning from just this single, passionate kiss that her boss was giving her.
What a delightful maidenly blush when that her preciously guarded virginity would soon be nothing more than a memory. He smiled into their kiss as a little moan escaped the raven haired beauty’s moist ripe lips as their sinful kiss deepened until they shared but a single life giving breath. Then the first real little surrender to her fate as Tara leaned into that sinful kiss and her fingers curled into his ginger hair, as she gave herself over to the unholy passions it was stirring in her gorgeous young body. That kissed deepened until time stood still for the little coed virgin, until there was no past, no future, just the here. Just now and just that one sinful kiss that seared her young soul.

Wolf swept Tara up in to his arms, her supple young naked body pressed to the dark wool suite he wore. Cradled in his arms he carried the hapless young beauty to his mahogany desk. He set Tara down on the edge, the wood cool against her heated skin. A sweep of Wolf’s arm cleared the desk as it was transformed into the alter on which Tara Johnson’s virginity would be sacrificed. Slowly the young beauty could feel her self being eased backwards until the satin wood caressing her naked flesh.

Slowly his lips parted from his chosen victims, clinging to them to the last possible moment. Wolf’s eyes held her soft tear shimmering brown eyes captive before he leaned forward to kiss each of Tara’s fluttering eyelids in turn. He kissed away the tears that stained her flawless pale cheeks. Little kisses, as light as the kiss of a butterfly’s wing on a summer’s day, caressed the line of her jaw. Those sinfully tempting kiss floated down the sensual bow of Tara’s neck, and explored the firm contours of her breasts. He smiled as the tip of his tongue lazily circled the dusky pink areola of Tara’s left breast as he tempted her virginal young body to surrender to his will to embrace the arousing pleasures that his body and mouth were enkindling in her sweet innocent young body. Wolf cared little how much Tara’s words protested her virginal innocence and screamed No as long as her gorgeous young body screamed Yes, Yes, yes.
Tara would have never guessed the raw strength that Mr. Wolf seemed to have in him. Behind that smart suit was a man that was use to getting what he wanted and would do anything in his power to make sure that happened. Their kiss most certainly reminded her of that.

He was schooling her in passion, making her feel things she never would have thought she’d ever feel in her life. She was quite literally burning from the inside out as his mouth continued to stroke and demand from her the same level that he was giving her. She struggled to keep up, the urge to just surrender strong.

Then she felt his arms around her, lifting her off the floor as if she were nothing more than a feather. His fingers dug into her flesh as he pressed her tightly to his body, carrying her across the office until her bottom touched the cool wood of his polished desk. She let out a whimper as his arm swept across the surface and items clattered to the ground. Another whimper escaped as he slowly eased her backwards until she was spread out across the surface.

His lips left hers far too soon and she felt herself trying not to follow. She wanted more of the intoxicating kiss that scrambled her senses. As she stared up at him, she felt the strange tears that fell from her eyes. Why was she crying, she asked herself. Was it because he was about to do something so unspeakably wrong with her? Or maybe this was right…

A gasp was torn from her lips as he leaned forward and kissed her tears away, his lips lightly caressing along her jaw and down her throat until he tore a soft moan from deep inside her chest. He intimately caressed the firm breasts that stood proudly upon her chest, his tongue tracing circled around the pink nipple of her left breast until she let out a frustrated little sob.

“Mr. Wolf, please stop.” She said in a breathless voice, his chuckle telling her that he had no intention to stop anytime soon.

She lifted her hand and placed it in his hair, her fingers curling in his locks as she struggled with whether to pull him upon her stiff little nipple or push him away. Against her better judgment, she began to push him away from her body, struggling to keep her sanity for another few moments.
Each little gasp, each little staggered moan of unwanted pleasure pleased Wolf as the his hapless little victim’s treacherous supple young body was slowly seduced to the joys of carnal pleasure. Feelings that the young innocent virgin had no defenses against.

“Mr. Wolf, please stop.”

Tara’s sweet angelic voice was little more than a breathy, husky whisper as her mind warred with her traitorous young body. He felt her little half hearted efforts to push him away from her. His hands slowly closed over Tara’s and with an ease that demonstrated his physical power almost effortlessly stretched her hands above her head.

“ You will keep your hands there Miss Johnson unless you want me to tie them there my dear girl.”

As he spoke Wolf’s hot moist breath washed over Tara’s taunt rosebud nipple and breast.

“ Shall I bind your wrist Miss so you can feel the silk caressing them……..”

His teeth grazed the torrid tip of the young coed’s pebbled nipple.

“Bound so that you are innocent of what I am going to do to you Miss Johnson.”

His teeth gripped the girls tortured nipple. Wolf inhaled deeply drawing a cool stream of air over the girl’s feverous bud. He had offered her a way to excuse the dark sinful pleasures she was enduring.
Tara let out a gasp as her hands were pulled away from Wolf and pinned above her head in a single one of his large palms. She moaned at the thought of being helpless beneath her boss and his words set a fire in her belly that was burning brightly. The feel of his warm breath washing over her nipple made her gasp, squirming beneath him as he continued to talk in a low, dark voice.

She let out a groan as his teeth closed around her nipple, pulling on it until she was tortured with the pain of it all. She was ashamed with how wet her thighs felt. This was all so new to her body that it was acting without conscious thought.

“Yes!” She hissed as he inhaled deeply, the cool air making her buck her hips against the solid wooden top of the desk. “Oh, God.” Her cheeks were flaming, her eyes clenching shut tightly as she struggled to separate herself from the situation entirely.
Wolf enjoyed Tara’s little sensual moan as he drew her hands above her pretty little head. That sweet sensual moan mingled with the dark musky fragrance of the hapless young beauty’s growing arousal as he had whispered his outrageous question to her.

“Shall I bind your wrist Miss so you can feel the silk caressing them……..”


Tara had gasped as her hips bucked and thrashed in growing sinful ecstasy when he drew that cool steam of air over her fevered nipple.

“Oh, God.”

He wondered for a moment if it was a prayer begging God to deliver her from this unholy torment, or a prayer begging God for more of the sinful pleasure that was now racking her innocent young body. While Tara Johnson withered in her growing arousal James Wolf turned his attention to the gorgeous young beauty’s neglected nipple subjecting that delicate pale pink rosebud to the most delightful torment until it was taunt throbbing bud, so sensitive that the slightest breeze across its moist ripe surface brought the most sinful pleasure she could ever have imagined.

Wolf drew a red silk scarf from his pocket as his lips slipped from Tara’s teased and pleased nipple.

“Miss Johnson I am going to first blindfold you my dear and then I shall bind your dainty little wrist as you asked.”

With sure steady moves James Wolf blindfolded Tara reducing her world to one of darkness and softly muffled sounds where the stunning young beauty had to strain to hear his soft muffled words.

“Lay very still Miss Johnson as I bind your wrists and grant you absolution of any responsibility for what is about to happen to you my dear.”

His weight lifted from his sweet little captive supple young body. She lay there prostrated on the huge mahogany desk a virgin sacrifice to Wolf’s lust for her innocence. Soft silk encircled Tara’s delicate wrist as he drew them tight above her head, her last opportunity to flee the fate that was closing in on her was gone. His finger tips trailed down her out stretched arms, down the sensual curve of her torso, and her well toned legs till he stood at the foot of the desk gazing down upon the naked little virgin coed.

“Spread your legs wide Miss Johnson so I my bind your ankles and complete your absolution for all responsibility for what I shall take from you………………NOW Tara.”

He had called her Tara as if she were actually a human being instead of an object to be possessed. He had called her by her Christian name as if she had some worth to him.
Tara whimpered in desperate, dark need as he bent over her body to suck and tease her already throbbing nipple. Her lips parted, a silent scream making her entire body buck against the polished surface of his desk. She was quivering, whining from the attention that he was lavishing on her body.

“Blindfold?” She asked in a dumb voice, her eyes fluttering open to see him slipping a red silk scarf from his pocket. “I’m not sure…”

She let out a gasp as he slipped the red fabric over her eyes, sending her into darkness that muffled and sharpened her senses at the same time. She squirmed beneath him even as he told her to stay still, his words giving her the right to not take responsibility for what was about to happen.

“Wait…” She whimpered as his weight lifted from her body, her hands reaching for him until she was denied by the feel of soft silk encircling her wrist. “Oh!” She cried out as he drew her arms above her head, securing her to his desk as she waited for his seduction.

She squirmed from the touch of his fingers as he traced down her body, a feather light touch driving her absolutely insane. She heard his command to spread her legs and she started to shake her head no, her body instantly responding as he snapped out her name in a command that brooked no question.

Shaking slightly, she moaned softly as a soft breeze caressed her wet lips as she spread her legs for him, giving him exactly what he wanted.