Literotica has become unusable on Kindles


Mar 9, 2022
Something changed over the past week or so where Literotica has become completely unusable on Kindle. I'm referring to a Kindle Paperwhite ereader, which includes a very basic web browser. For a long time, I had a bookmark for as well as It worked decently well, and included things like:
  • paginating through multiple pages of Top Stories for a given category
  • you could select multiple tags and view stories that included all of those tags. The page would refresh cleanly after selecting each tag
  • the graphics were minimized and there were no animations or use of ********** is NOT good at all. How can I view a full list of Top Stories by category? Why do none of the stories show their rating? There's too much on each page.
  • Top Stories for Category X should have its own bookmarkable page
  • Random stories for Category X should be bookmarkable
  • Always show the story's rating
  • Create a mobile-friendly way to show and select tags

Something changed and to me, it's much worse.
Something changed over the past week or so where Literotica has become completely unusable on Kindle. I'm referring to a Kindle Paperwhite ereader, which includes a very basic web browser. For a long time, I had a bookmark for as well as It worked decently well, and included things like:
  • paginating through multiple pages of Top Stories for a given category
  • you could select multiple tags and view stories that included all of those tags. The page would refresh cleanly after selecting each tag
  • the graphics were minimized and there were no animations or use of ********** is NOT good at all. How can I view a full list of Top Stories by category? Why do none of the stories show their rating? There's too much on each page.
  • Top Stories for Category X should have its own bookmarkable page
  • Random stories for Category X should be bookmarkable
  • Always show the story's rating
  • Create a mobile-friendly way to show and select tags

Something changed and to me, it's much worse.
What are and Do they have something to do with clicking "bookmark" at the bottom of a story in I'd never used the web browser. Will have to research how it works. I see the url address field, but no way to enter a new address.
It seems like has had a number of different URLs with different "versions" of the site running on them. was a great mostly-optimized version that worked well on the Kindle.

I believe I found that URL from this old reddit post:
I wish I had good screenshots of what it looked like, but there was no "fluff". No **********, no animations, quick-loading pages, etc.

You could go to a Category (like Romance) and there would be separate links for New, Top, Random. Separate pages though.

Currently on, you get 5 new, 5 random 5 top (or something like that). There's no option to see beyond those top 5.

And of course there are no ratings on each story so you have no idea what the relative quality is.
I lost the ability to access my Control Panel on Kindle Fire about three months ago. I figure it was a combination of a Lit upgrade and a Silk browser upgrade not talking to each other properly, losing backwards compatibility.

Yours might be a similar problem - I'm not sure it's all on Lit.
I lost the ability to access my Control Panel on Kindle Fire about three months ago. I figure it was a combination of a Lit upgrade and a Silk browser upgrade not talking to each other properly, losing backwards compatibility.

Yours might be a similar problem - I'm not sure it's all on Lit.
That really sucks.

But on the plus side, you can now switch to a device that allows you to read Eldritch Pact without issues! 🥳

(And I didn't even have to carve any runes!!!)

(I am legitimately sorry that you can't use Lit the way you prefer)
That really sucks.

But on the plus side, you can now switch to a device that allows you to read Eldritch Pact without issues! 🥳

(And I didn't even have to carve any runes!!!)

(I am legitimately sorry that you can't use Lit the way you prefer)
EB looked at ExcellentAuthor's post, then noted that EA had, this very same day, posted elsewhere a sample of Eldritch Pact with diacritics (to demonstrate that in no way did AI assist her writing). EB thought, "The woman is a daemon, sent from the seven depths of hell to torment me, and doesn't have the courtesy to carve runes."

But then he remembered she's a nice girl from Poughkeepsie (somewhere like that), not a stone mason, and her sentiments are most appreciated.

It sucks, but since I don't write a story a week, I get by using an alternative protocol, which involves the family computer, a hidden browser, and tidying up as I go.