LitAnalysis Thread: How many are too many?


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
Have we become so insular that the most interesting and most viewed threads are about the mechanisms adn inner workings of lit, lit relationships, lit posters, lit manners, unwritten lit codes ?

Or are have we just worn out all the other original ideas?

Just wondering....

Discuss :D:eek:
I have an original Idea

You - me a stick of butter, a midget with a cam corder, the russion olympic gymnastics team, a tub of super lube, six virgin duch girls and a drill instructor wearing a tutu barking out commands.
i've kinda noticed that too ... i guess its the old thing of the thing that everyone likes talking about most is themselves

you do realize though you've started a thread analysising lit about how we over analyze things ? :p
Aquila said:
I have an original Idea

You - me a stick of butter, a midget with a cam corder, the russion olympic gymnastics team, a tub of super lube, six virgin duch girls and a drill instructor wearing a tutu barking out commands.

Try again, dear!

I did that in 98!

How many "Whats your favorite Dildo", "Beer", " Member Appreciation" , or " Here I Am Boys, Come Troll Me Till My Head Explodes From An Infusion Of Self Worth I So Lack On A Normal Basis" threads can one person stand.

Theres No Ersy, like Controversy
sexy-girl said:

you do realize though you've started a thread analysising lit about how we over analyze things ? :p


Umm yep!

That is sort of funny in a funny sort of way? :D

I was going to start a "How Sexy is Sexy Girl thread?" but htat is hardly original :D
MissTaken said:
Try again, dear!

I did that in 98!

what about if we throw in the boca raton YMCA womens swim team and the Ft . Lauderdale mens choir?
Killswitch said:
How many "Whats your favorite Dildo", "Beer", " Member Appreciation" , or " Here I Am Boys, Come Troll Me Till My Head Explodes From An Infusion Of Self Worth I So Lack On A Normal Basis" threads can one person stand.

Theres No Ersy, like Controversy

You are preaching to the choir, babe!

And isn't there other interesting Controverial things to discuss or is lit all that is left?
Aquila said:
what about if we throw in the boca raton YMCA womens swim team and the Ft . Lauderdale mens choir?

That might provide a bit of a twist !

see the problem with that is,when you here parents talking about their kids learnign shit on the street.... glam IS the street.
MissTaken said:
I was going to start a "How Sexy is Sexy Girl thread?" but htat is hardly original :D

You know so much about that subject being one.
MissTaken said:
Have we become so insular that the most interesting and most viewed threads are about the mechanisms adn inner workings of lit, lit relationships, lit posters, lit manners, unwritten lit codes ?

Or are have we just worn out all the other original ideas?

Just wondering....

Discuss :D:eek:

Generally I think things can get overplayed.........but those whose ideas truly come out provide interesting subjects and thoughts....fore with its all about imagination or true life experiences......isnt it??????????

WCM :)
MissTaken said:
You are preaching to the choir, babe!

And isn't there other interesting Controverial things to discuss or is lit all that is left?

Hey I do my part....

10% Fluff...90% Tough.
april-wine said:
I grow weary of analyzation...........;)

When's the sex chat start????:kiss:

Hmmm with that av.....

When did you poke your pert little tongue out so seductively, April?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;)