Lit Professors


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
There are so many funny, witty people here that I think would make awesome college professors.

Who would you like to teach you??
Technical Theater (Stage Craft) . . . of course

A class in Interpersonal Communication would be cool.
BigDawg69 said:
Technical Theater (Stage Craft) . . . of course

A class in Interpersonal Communication would be cool.

Duh! I can't read! I thought the question was what kind of class would you want to teach! *shakes head*
BigDawg69 said:
Technical Theater (Stage Craft) . . . of course

A class in Interpersonal Communication would be cool.

Who, dawgie, who.

We need a direction-taking class for you. ;)

But yes, both are good.

And many people need the latter class.
I'd like to take "How To Make Your Computer Do What You Want" from Weird Harold.

"It's All about the Azz" from Lavy.

"The Basics of Uzi Maintenance" from KM

"How It Is To Be Speaking The Good English That There Is The Being All The Time" from Gnufi Poppets.

Morgy class on Photographry

Perky class on Cooking

Eumenidies class on Theater

Drake class on Computer Stuff and Psychic stuff

hmmmm there's more . . .
1.) How to make this stupid piece-of-shit lighting system to work on a budget---Dawgie

2.) The art of Phone Sex--Perky

3.) The art of playing hard to get -- Amelia

4.) Creative Insults while Cooking Jewish Foods--Nora

5.) How to make people retch with a single picture--PV
I would teach "How to be invisible without really trying". ;) Also "Being a Responsible Adult in Today's World."

I'd love to try to slam information through the skulls of my betters.

I'd teach Polygamy 400 (100 level clothing is mandatory, 200 optional, 300 frowned upon, and 400, well, if you're in a 400 level course with me, clothes are checked at the door)
If I'd had Dixon or Hamy as my theatre proff my one unfullfilled fantasy of having an affair with a proffeseur would not be unfulfilled. lol Provided I caught them single of course. lol

Hmm, I think Rambling Rose IS my teacher as she's constantly schooling me on the ways of the world. Or maybe that's just bossing me around. Huh.

Lastly I'd love to have PC as a speech proff. Can you imagine having your grade raised for using Fucktard in a political debate?
Dillinger said:
"The Basics of Uzi Maintenance" from KM

You'll want to take it from Professor Never who actually has experience with an Uzi. I believe that enrollment for spring classes will begin sometime in October, depending on how many credit hours you've got.