Lit personalities IRL


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
I’m probably the only one who sees this, but I was sitting in class yesterday and all I could think while my professor was talking was “He reminds me of Weird Harold”

As I sat there I came up with more comparisons:
Computer science professor 1: Weird Harold
Computer science professor 2: DCL
English Professor: Ram
Guy in class: Shaq
Friend: Sillyman
This guy I know: Nigel
That English professor must be pretty cool.

Did you sleep with him?
Not often. There was this guy whose idea of arguing was to call me a fucker 20 times.

I'll not say who that brought to mind.

I do assign you all surrogate personas though. Actors, singers, people I know. When you post it's them that I see.
that's funny. when i first signed onto the boards i'd associate posters with people i knew or know in real life but since hanging around the people i get to know become thier own individuals to me.

a girl i know in real life remarked to me conversing with me is like talking to pure id and that i always make her want to go out and get laid.

i was very flattered.
Computer Science? Really?

I would have though Humanities, Comparative Religions, or English Lit.

Or Parallel Parking.
Where do I fit in in this little imaginary lit directory? Huh?
Dixon Carter Lee Computer Science? Really?

He's an unusual man.

TWB Where do I fit in in this little imaginary lit directory? Huh?

You're one of a kind.
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I'll be the class clown...ok fine I may not be...I dunno what I'd be in J.B.'s mind.
Cibo said:
I'll be the class clown...ok fine I may not be...I dunno what I'd be in J.B.'s mind.

You know, there's this woman who sits right next to me in English.... Yup, that's you
Bah, and I'm a woman in her mind....I think I'll go and cry now. she hot? :D
Hmmmm....well I've always wondered what it'd be like to be a hot chick....I think I'll try to seduce the other hot chick that I sit next to in class...:)
Interesting, I always wondered how other people saw me. I know I picture folks as people I know, or have run across one way or another.

I've just realized one of our company reps reminds me of Glam. Someone in our data processing could easily pass for Lion. And our H.R. lady could be *Brat* in disguise.
Hmm, I've never experienced this - Lit people and personalities are here, and the RL people and their personalities are there...but who knows, it could happen.

I did, however, make an interesting 'slip' today - I was talking today to a woman at work who does not know my husband and I accidentally, without even thinking about it, referred to him as "Mr Keen." Doh....