Lit Get-Together at Mile Marker 155, Interstate 40, outside of Arapaho, Oklahoma

We've already moved it away from the rock that looks like a bear and the bear that looks like a rock. I can't e-mail everyone again.
Re: Re: Lit Get-Together at Mile Marker 155, Interstate 40, outside of Arapaho, Oklahoma

RosevilleCAguy said:
Sorry. Can't make it unless you move it to marker 154.

want want want, need need need.

dcl, i'll bring the 7-layer dip.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
We've already moved it away from the rock that looks like a bear and the bear that looks like a rock. I can't e-mail everyone again.

How about the oil derrick that looks like an oil derrick?
Lancecastor said:
<blown by gale bit>

"Say what, mother-fucker?"

I don't care which marker it's at so long as those pesky pigs will quit dive bombing my head.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
"Say what, mother-fucker?"


Yes, Mr. Sayers, a pun. For those playing the Home Game....

1.Blown by Gale

2. Blown by Gail
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Under the overpass. It's tornado season.

With the sexual orientation makeup here are you sure you dont want to have your party at a highway rest stop instead?
Okie Dokie

Count me in. This get together sounds better than shootin rats at the dump. Soon as I get the pickup runnin, I'm on my way.
Ya know, Dix. Normally I would, being the Lit-Meet whore that I am, but I've taken a solemn oath to never set foot in Oklahoma. I'd not even break my vow for the excitement watching the bug zapper at the local honky-tonk with you.
Oklahoma's okay. Sure you could roll a nickle and it would roll all the way to Colorado before it hit anything and fell down, but that's not a metaphorical flatness. There are some very cool people in Oklahoma.

That is until they move to New York or L.A.
Or to Texas. :D My hubby's from Oklahoma. The reason I won't set foot in it is more due to in-laws than anything else.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKlahoma where the lit memebers gather at the underpass...and the wit is sharp, the girls are sweet, and the men all rolling nickels on the way!

:eek: Sorry...had to do it or suffer major corn orary.
curious2c said:
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKlahoma where the lit memebers gather at the underpass...and the wit is sharp, the girls are sweet, and the men all rolling nickels on the way!

:eek: Sorry...had to do it or suffer major corn orary.

That was beyond bad.
Don't sell Oklahomans short, they are engineering masters with international shipping capabilities.

An international shipping port and intermodal transportation center in the heart of northeastern Oklahoma is hard for many people to visualize. But it's true. On any given day you might see cargo at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa coming from or going to South America, Asia, India or Europe - entirely by water!
70/30 said:
Don't sell Oklahomans short, they are engineering masters with international shipping capabilities.

An international shipping port and intermodal transportation center in the heart of northeastern Oklahoma is hard for many people to visualize. But it's true. On any given day you might see cargo at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa coming from or going to South America, Asia, India or Europe - entirely by water!

You obviously haven't heard me sing 70/30. Trust me, you don't want me there.:D
They also have many well respected institutions...

Mission Statement
Oral Roberts University was founded as a result of the evangelist Oral Roberts' obeying God's mandate to build a university on God's authority and the Holy Spirit. God's commission to Oral Roberts was to "Raise up your students to hear My voice, to go where My light is dim, where My voice is heard small, and My healing power is not known, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth. Their work will exceed yours, and in this I am well pleased."

Oral Roberts University is a charismatic university, founded in the fires of evangelism and upon the unchanging precepts of the Bible. The Board of Regents and the president and chief executive officer are dedicated to upholding the University's founding purpose.

Mid-America Bible College Oklahoma City

"Enjoy School?" You Ask. "Isn't that a contradiction of terms?" Is it one of those... what do you call those things... like "jumbo shrimp or honest politician..." Oxymoron! "Enjoying school" is not an oxymoron. No, its a reality, and you can find it at Mid-America Bible College. Your experience at MBC will be the most fun you every have. You'll make friendships with students and professors that last well beyond your college years. MBC helps to prepare you for tomorrow by making the most out of today. It is true, at MBC you will really enjoy school!

Heartland Baptist Bible College OK City


In view of the present apostasy in which many are departing from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, teaching the commandments of men, and disseminating the seeds of fatal error involving the honor of our Lord and the destiny of souls, Heartland Baptist Bible College sets forth a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us in order to place on record the Confession of Faith to which we subscribe and to which HBBC requires the subscription of the members of the faculty and student body.