Links in posts


Nov 30, 2002
I'm a newbie:confused: so please don't beat me up for asking this. I have had some difficulty navigating the board. After several tries, I managed to get a story submitted and published. I have looked through the FAQ and clicked on all the buttons on the CP section and still can't find the answer to this question.

My question is this. How so I include a link to my story in my posts. I really like it when I read something interesting by someone and, lo and behold, there is a link to something they have written. Cool ...:D

Can someone please tell me how to do it???


You could do like I do and make the webpage link in your profile go to your authors page.

If you click the www button under my post it takes you to what I write.

If that isnt what you want to do, put a link in your sig line. Just use regular html to do it. <a href="http://www.yourpagehere">Your words to describe it</a>

You can do both in your edit profile page.