Life after death


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
This is a spin-off of the "John Edwards" thread.

Two close friends of mine are serious researchers into after death contact. They do NOT pretend or attempt to make contact. What they do is research the stories and report them after corraboration. They are authors and have been on several national television shows.

I don't know what to make of it. But these two have the most data I've seen to date. Their web site is:

If you'd like to discuss go for it.

Also, if you have a story e-mail them. They are both friendly and reseptive.

My word I will have to show that to my In laws. They have so many story's. Mine are not as good. I do KNOW that there are ghost. I have seen them and touched them or should I say one touched me. Thanks for the link I will email it to them tonight.
Ish? Would you like to borrow *Spelling Buddy* for tonite? I am too lazy to do it myself. Consider it a gift. :)
Ishmael said:
Yep, designed that way. Repulses the agnotics and communists.


*runs screaming from all the butterflies and pinkness*
Mia62 said:
Ish? Would you like to borrow *Spelling Buddy* for tonite? I am too lazy to do it myself. Consider it a gift. :)

No, but a new keyboard would be deeply appreciated. :)
