Lie Detector


a long way up
Apr 17, 2002
Ok after hours of graft I have developed Lits first Lie detector .

If anyone is game to have a go just post
Indigo.Rose said:
real name : Winter

Lit name : pretty obviously, Indie


next two questions

sex ?

how many posts on Lit
Indigo.Rose said:
sex - yes please? (female)

posts - 1439

Checking dials and attachments


though 1440 posts now - though true when you posted

next questions

where do you live

colour of hair

what is your occupation ?
Hanns_Schmidt said:
oh oh I know

Hook it up to sexy-girl and ask her if she has ever thought of Hanns' dong


it is Hann's dong - there is only one of you

Or is there ?
Indigo.Rose said:
live - Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.

hair colour - dark brown with hints of auburn.

occupation - columnist, part time bartender, part time photographer.


Ok name me at least two bars in Vancouver Island

give me the ideal shutter speed if taking a photo of a sunset at say 1/2 mile

when did you first post on Lit ?
heh Indie

stop flirting with Hanns on other threads - there is a time limit on this you know
Indigo.Rose said:
two bars - the boom boom room, steamers, evolution (thats three)

shutter speed - im not a typical photographer, we use a digital camera for the pics i take, usually of food products or crafts, for magazines, then they are rendered on a couple different graffics editors and submitted to the promotions dept. if they dont like the shots, we do it all over again. i have an old manolta camera though, but i havent really played with it much, it was passed down from my mom.

first post - yanno im not sure, september 29th i think?

Ok we are now getting somewhere

The bars - true

Photos true - though I think you will find you have a Minolta

First post - now think carefully I didnt say as Indie - your 1st post - ever

Next question

If I said I am off to Captain Cooks '

What would I be doing

What does the term colour positive mean to you ?
Indigo.Rose said:
oops @ spelling errors

first post - not sure, how would you know i had ever posted before indie anyways?

captian cooks - im not too sure about this one, but one of the main streets here is named after a captain james cook, theres also a restaurant called captain cooks, and i think theres a casino called captain cooks too.

colour positive - film developing, each colour has a mixture of positive and negative cells

Ok on we go

I think we can establish that you do come from Victoria- there is a deli called Captain Cooks in Vict

Yes film is either color negative or positive

I am asking questions here - so you have posted before Indie ?

next question

What paper is the best - Times Colonist or News Group

and what do the numbers 250 381 2331 mean to you ?
Indigo.Rose said:
yes ive posted before under another name.

the times communist is on fucking strike right now, have been for weeks, the fuckers, they are a pretty good paper normally though, i dont read the news group, im not even sure its a paper here. if it is its probably one of them freebie ones or something.

250 381 2331 is a phone number, not sure if its a real one or not, 250 is the area code here, 381 is a common prefix for a phone number.

i thought we had already decided i was clearly from victoria?

ive never seen captain cooks deli.

Yes well I can safely say that you have past this part of test - only slip up was you didnt say that you had posted before - which the detector picked up straight away

pone number is for Boom Boom's - so you dont work there then !!

Captain Cooks is on 1019 Fort street - they do mean pastries you must try it !!
Indigo.Rose said:
thats crazy, i live on fort street.

ive never even been inside boom boom's, its known as a sleazy pick up bar for white trash.

whats the next part ?

Well you must get out more !

sleazy, pick up , white trash, yay hay - lets go , yes and I am sure you have never been ;) -

well this is a fairly state of the art , cutting edge pice of equipment - and only so much detecting can be done in one day - it is as in all good soaps TO BE CONTINUED
Indigo.Rose said:

how typical, a man leaving before the work is done.

Heh - its hard work this detecting lark , any way I have to try and do som work today - even just a little

you not going to work ??