Libido and age


Really Experienced
Jun 29, 2012
My daughter was talking about what she read on the internet: that a man's sexual peek is when he is 18 and starts to go down from then on.
A woman reached her sexual peek at 30 and continues to get higher as she get older.

I am over 50 and Shela is almost 50.
My wife and I are the opposite I want sex all the time and in many different ways. More then I did when I was young.
Most the time my Shela does not care if she gets it or not, but when we were young she wanted it every night.
I also am over 50, and am way hornier than I ever was in my teens, 20's and 30's. I'm lucky, my wife, though not quite to my horny level, will glad give it up for me at any time. Problem is, IT'S ALL THE TIME! Hahaha.
My daughter was talking about what she read on the internet: that a man's sexual peek is when he is 18 and starts to go down from then on.
A woman reached her sexual peek at 30 and continues to get higher as she get older.

I am over 50 and Shela is almost 50.
My wife and I are the opposite I want sex all the time and in many different ways. More then I did when I was young.
Most the time my Shela does not care if she gets it or not, but when we were young she wanted it every night.

If there's one thing I've had hammered into me, its that we're all individuals. So whenever someone makes a blanket statement I take it with a grain of salt. I think in most cases it may be true but there's usually at least one exception to the rule.

I'm lumped in with the majority. I definitely recall being more horny more often when I was younger. I believe that women peak later than men but diet and exercise are bound to be contributing factors.
Im only 43 years young and I want sex more now than I did when I was in my 20's and 30s. It may have something to do to the fact Im older, know more and willing to try new things that when I was in my 20s I would had been embarassed to try. My love is 46 and he has the hormones of a 18 yr old and trys his best to wear me out. ;)
I am 47 just turned.I have had more TIAs than I care to count and 2 full blown strokes.Bad Genetics.My wife is younger than myself.I am hornier than her most of the time.
I actually found that I might have had two peaks. The first was when I was a teenager/young man. THen again, when I was about 40-45 I was a total horn-dog. That started to subside when I was in my mid-late 50's. Now in my 60's, I'm still a mental horn-dog, but as the old story goes....the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. For what it's worth, I can't lift as much weight as I used to, can't hit a golf ball as far as I used to, can't see worth a damned, but at least they haven't thrown me into a hole and dumped dirt on me yet.

I'm on the other end in comparison to the posters above. I'll be 29 at the end of the year and the closer I get to my birthday, the hornier I get, lol. At least so far, that whole sexual peak at 30 thing seems to be true for me.
Good to here I'm not alone in this. I would hate to be all alone, masturbating in my room. OH ya I am right now.
That old "men reach their sexual peak at 18" jazz is just a lie made up for eighteen-year-olds to talk women into the sack. "But honey, it's now or never! If we wait, you'll never know how good it could have been...."
I'm 37 and my libido is all over the place. I haven't really been aroused for a long time.

age, i do not, feel has a whole lot to do with it, i turned 60 last week and my sex drive is as active as ever...maybe more so
I think the sex cravings increase with age!! Get better with age for sure!;)
I'm 34 now and as aroused as ever. The kinky and erotic factor has went through the roof as well the older I get! I think 18 was just the beginning
My daughter was talking about what she read on the internet: that a man's sexual peek is when he is 18 and starts to go down from then on.
A woman reached her sexual peek at 30 and continues to get higher as she get older.

I am over 50 and Shela is almost 50.
My wife and I are the opposite I want sex all the time and in many different ways. More then I did when I was young.
Most the time my Shela does not care if she gets it or not, but when we were young she wanted it every night.

This is the biggest 'Femi'Nazi' Bullshit. I know more men over 50 that want to Lick, suck and fuck more than there wives. I play golf with dudes in there late 60's that are walking hard-on. There wives have lost interest.
Now I'm not getting into this...Us against them. But, this suggestion that men peak at 18 and start going down from there,started with the; Earth-look Feminist Jack-booted movement. Some where's in the late 60's early 70's. It's also called "Emasculation"
Where men may lose 'something', comes from medical problems. Prostate and the like.

Please tell your daughter......Don't believe it. You get married honey. You keep those home fires burning, and you hubby will be crawling all over you.
i am 60 years old and can't get enough sex i stay hard, i love almost all kinds of sex, i am a 60 year old bisexual man and i can tell you ,i love sex more now than when i was 18, i thank ,, hell i can't remember lol

54 here, horny daily, ah, hourly, oh hell, minutes.
Been this way since I sprouted feathers,
Wife (48) is more accomodating than horny, her body betrays her though, wetter than she used to be, but says she doesn't really "care" whether she gets it or not.

Now, maybe that is a compliment, after, if what I do satifies her, then she is "full and content", not needing more, then maybe, I have done her well.

I dont buy the generalization, I meet more horny men than horny women, and all of my male aquaintainces say the same thing.
A woman reached her sexual peek at 30 and continues to get higher as she get older.

This makes no sense. How could one "get higher" after a peak?

I used to assume that I'd eventually lose the libido levels I had in my teens and twenties. To my surprise, I'm actually generally hornier and more easily aroused now that I am in my mid-30s. I'm much less sexually active than I used to be, but sexual thoughts and urges are even more frequent than before.
I think the OP was based on a misreading. Men's fertility does peak in the late teens. That is nothing to do with libido.

Women's fertility reaches a peak at ages that are not permitted in Literotica stories.

But both statements are generalisations and there are always exceptions. Lifestyle, diet, fitness and even clothing can affect fertility.
I would have gotten into a LOT of trouble if my inclinations had been as strong in my twenties as they are now that I'm pushing 40...
I'm almost 40, and my libido has never been stronger, although my wife, still in her early 30s appears to have misplaced hers.

One good life lesson to teach here would be 'don't believe everything you read on the internet'.

Oft-quoted and never substantiated, there appears to be a confusion between peak testosterone/peak estrogen production and peak sexual performance.

I think the wide spread of ages on Literotica would be enough to permanently erase this concept in most peoples minds, and to suggest that hormones and desire/ability are not necessarily as well correlated as you might at first assume.

And yes I am just as horny at 39 as 19 :) And much better at it too ;)

I guess I have got a lot of feedback to the contrary. I don't believe everything you read on the internet, that's for sure.
I'm horny 24/7

I had a kundalini it opened up a pandoras box of sexual excitement. I now enjoy sex daily. And still it's not enough. TG for my lover who helps fill the gaps. I'm 54 soon to be 55 woman and I recently discovered I'm bi sexual too. I am thrilled that I'm having the best years of my life now. I can't wait to see what the future holds! :rose::devil::kiss:
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Age, as well as sex, are both a state of mind first...