LEXMARK Printers Suck!


AV invisible to idiots
Nov 14, 2001
I bought a Lexmark printer earlier this year. A z33 printer. Faster than the old HP 500, sharper print and colour too. I was quite pleased with it. However it wasn't long before the black ink ran out. And then the replacement cartride ran out. And then replacement cartridge for that one ran out to.

And they're expensive cartridges - £29.99 a go for black. I can get them cheaper but not a whole lot cheaper.

I since found out the cartridge for the z33 prints an estimated 410 pages at 5% coverage.

The cartridge for the old HP was about £22 and printed an estimated 1100 pages at 5% coverage.

Now try and get your head round this:

At Currys, an electical appliance store (UK) I could buy a replacement cartridge for: £29.99

OR for £29.99 I could buy:

A Lexmark Z23 colour printer with 1 black cartridge, 1 colour cartridge, USB cable, Photographic paper, cartridge paper, and some photo editing software.

I can see that I'm going to be knee deep in printers soon!
I have a Lexmark z52. And yes, the cartridges cost an arm and a leg...
I think the next one won't be a Lexmark.
HP seems to do a lot better when it comes to the cheaper printers.
The stupid thing is what I can get for the same money - a whole new printer and bundle!
I've got an Epson under the table... i fell beside it when saw the price for the replacement cartridge... two of them cost as much as the printer (ok, it's been cheap...)
after some searching i found generic cartridges for about a third of the price of the originals... and they work better than the original, better printing and not drying up so fast...
I have a Lexmark X73. Got it for my birthday in May and still have not had to replace the ink cartridge. My Lexmark kicks ass.
No, I haven't read that printer story just yet. My temp cache fucked up. I read enough to sniff a hint of Polish, though.
I had the Lexmark x73 also and it worked for a while then for some reason it was not campatable with my comp. any more
Okay, so some of you have lexmarks with good ink consumption.


Mine eats ink like it's going out of fashion.

Damn! Luckkynight was right about posting while drunk.
Have you thought about going to a computer fair and buying refillable ink cartridge's, my brother in law use's them and get's lots of life out of them

I'm on my second x73's in ten months. Not the cartridge, but the machine. The first one lasted four months, ate through three B and W ink cartridges, and suddenly was possesed by the devil (when I turned it on, the ink cartridge assembly starting baning itself against the left side of the machine WHAM, WHAM, WHAM, until one cartridge broke and leaked ink all over. I dragged it over to Walmart and told them to call a priest! They replaced it free. The second one has been fine for six months and appears to use half as much ink. I admit, I am a heavy user, especially black and white, I probably print out 500 pages a week. Still I miss my Okidata 400e. Should have never let it go!

Lately I have been refilling the black cartridge manually to save some money. It cut the cost of in by 2/3's, but can be very messy!

Haven't had any problems with my LexMark printer.. yet. I've had it almost 3 years...

I don't print very often.. so I really can't say how long my ink lasts..
In case you haven't figured it out yet this entire thing is Lexmark's entire marketing strategy. They sucker you in with a super low price on the printer and then nail you in the ass for replacement cartridges. No secret to that. Lexmark has publicly acknowledged that as their strategy.

I have a Z-22 that came free with my PC 10 months ago and I'm still using the original cartridge... Of course I've refilled it 7 or 8 times since then. I can buy a refill kit for $12 that does 25 refills. Yeah, Lexmark doesn't like it and it supposedly voids the warrenty.. so what? With what I've saved on ink already I can buy 4 more Z-22's and still be ahead of the game.
Just did a quick search for "Ink cartridge refill's" on Yahoo and found a site that did B/W refills for about £13.99 and I wasn't even really trying so I bet there's cheaper to be had, I'm gonna have look the next time I'm at a computer fair.
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Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:

Damn! Luckkynight was right about posting while drunk.
Shit happens.

Here's another one of those marketing thingies for you to ponder: Now that we're approaching Christmas, go look at the price for a string of lights - say 100 or 150 or whatever. Then check out the price for replacement bulbs. It is WAY more cost effective to buy an entirely new strand of lights.
Re: lexmarkx73

Skandalon said:
I'm on my second x73's in ten months. Not the cartridge, but the machine. The first one lasted four months, ate through three B and W ink cartridges...

Ah! That's the problem! See, if they left out the white ink there would be more room for black!

Thanks for the tip about refilling. I have been thinking of it but not gotten a roundtoit.

I really must get a roundtoit.
A little trick I learned with my Epson 480, when the indicator program tells me the cart is out, i reinstall the SAME cart again...(just go thru the motions with the software...dont actually take the cart out of the machine.) I get twice the life out of the cart that way...and I never buy the genuine Epson ones...always Calidad replacement carts.

This works for both the colour and Black carts too....
My cartridges conk out when the ink indicator says 2/3 full. It isn't fooled by telling it that it is a new cartridge either.
Ah yes, chronic creeping conking cartridge syndrome, I've heard of that.

Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:

I really must get a roundtoit.