Let's headbang!


Jun 13, 2013
I was wondering if there were any people here that are into the Post-Hardcore metal scene. The way I see it, most Post-hardcore bands get ignored due to the brutality of the screams or the way their clean vocals can hit insanely high, but if you sit back and listen to the music, the lyrics are powerful and hold a strong message behind them. Not only that, but in order to make it in that scene, you have to mean everything that your singing. Your emotions have to resonate with the lyrics and the crowd has to feel that power, it's one of the biggest reasons I love the scene.

Any other takes on the music? Or if you don't like it, provide your view points.
Dear Detached (virgin)

I don't even know what you mean, but that's ok. I am just saying that I don't like screams all the time. I am also saying that 'post-hardcore' isn't the only genre with great lyrics even if I don't even know what 'post-hardcore' is.

There are lots of great music with great messages. So that can't be youre only reason. if the suit fits wear it and wear it proudly. i like lots of music. not so screamy...but some people are surprised.
Oh don't get me wrong, I too enjoy other music without screams. The reason I like it so much is because I myself sing/scream. I put the most effort into the genre and can hit that emotional peak I crave. But I agree, there are many bands that have powerful messages and sound amazing. For instance, Darkside of the Moon is still one of my all time favorite albums. I was brought up with Pink Floyd, Queen, Hendrix, etc. What do you normally listen to?
I am a fan of the screaming.

I do prefer punk screamo, but I have some harder stuff on the iPod.

I love people's faces when it's blasting from my Jeep.
Sorry man...that shit just ain't brutal enough.
I am a fan of the screaming.

I do prefer punk screamo, but I have some harder stuff on the iPod.

I love people's faces when it's blasting from my Jeep.

Lol same here (that is when I'm stateside and actually have my jeep). What bands do you like in particular? I myself am a huge A Day to Remember fan, along with Memphis Mayfire, Pierce the Veil, Jamies Elsewhere, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! and many others.

Also @ botany, Nothing is brutal enough for Nathan Explosion.
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Lol same here (that is when I'm stateside and actually have my jeep). What bands do you like in particular? I myself am a huge A Day to Remember fan, along with Memphis Mayfire, Pierce the Veil, Jamies Elsewhere, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! and many others.

Also @ botany, Nothing is brutal enough for Nathan Explosion.

Except black coffee.....but it's got to be black...blacker than the blackest black times infinity!!
Lol same here (that is when I'm stateside and actually have my jeep). What bands do you like in particular? I myself am a huge A Day to Remember fan, along with Memphis Mayfire, Pierce the Veil, Jamies Elsewhere, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! and many others.

Also @ botany, Nothing is brutal enough for Nathan Explosion.

Pierce the Veil is my fav, though Singing with Sirens and Mayday Parade are a very close second.
Pierce the Veil is my fav, though Singing with Sirens and Mayday Parade are a very close second.

All good bands, King for a day with Kellin Quinn was an epic song, that guy can sing. I actually do an acoustic cover of Hold On 'til May, but I have to sing it a little lower since I cant hit as high as Vic.
I gave up on this stuff after my Cannibal corpse days back in my late teens early twenties.

The over the top vocals and ridiculously over the top "torture" lyrics now just sound like a bunch of frustrated sadists that get whipped by their mom.

Now about the hardest I enjoy is Zombie, Manson,Metallica, slipknot etc....
I gave up on this stuff after my Cannibal corpse days back in my late teens early twenties.

The over the top vocals and ridiculously over the top "torture" lyrics now just sound like a bunch of frustrated sadists that get whipped by their mom.

Now about the hardest I enjoy is Zombie, Manson,Metallica, slipknot etc....

I do enjoy my Slipknot and Metallica from time to time, but I live for the screams. Nothing gets me more pumped before work than finishing a nice workout and putting on For All Those Sleeping's cover of You Belong With Me, screaming my heart out the whole time.
I do enjoy my Slipknot and Metallica from time to time, but I live for the screams. Nothing gets me more pumped before work than finishing a nice workout and putting on For All Those Sleeping's cover of You Belong With Me, screaming my heart out the whole time.

I agree it is great workout music, especially if you're working a bag. But I'm in my forties and I think as time goes by our tastes change a little.

I find Metallica's Kill em all still is my album of choice when I'm training.

But to me, the ultimate angry song, lyrics wise anyway is this one.

I sued to play it on a loop back a few years ago when I would still enter tournaments.

This is my fav song and there is not even any screaming in the acoustic version


Sleeping With Sirens - James Dean & Audrey Hepburn (Acoustic version)

I rather enjoy all of his acoustic songs. My friend was showing me some pure acoustic songs of his a couple months back and I was amazed. I'd have to say You had me at hello or the acoustic version of Have faith in me (both by ADTR) are my favorites though. Mainly because they were the ones who got me into this music.
I agree it is great workout music, especially if you're working a bag. But I'm in my forties and I think as time goes by our tastes change a little.

I find Metallica's Kill em all still is my album of choice when I'm training.

But to me, the ultimate angry song, lyrics wise anyway is this one.

I sued to play it on a loop back a few years ago when I would still enter tournaments.


It's understandable. I'm in my early twenties so I still have my punk stage going on. But I do love singing Limp's cover of Behind Blue Eyes. They killed that song.
It's understandable. I'm in my early twenties so I still have my punk stage going on. But I do love singing Limp's cover of Behind Blue Eyes. They killed that song.

Great remake. I also got a kick out of LP's cover of Faith.
It's understandable. I'm in my early twenties so I still have my punk stage going on. But I do love singing Limp's cover of Behind Blue Eyes. They killed that song.

Yeah, my kids are in their early twenties.:rolleyes:

But I was the cool dad. Took them to all the good concerts.

A few months back I took my daughter's with me to see Zombie with Manson.

My youngest is twenty, but looks younger. At one point during the show a boy who was obviously flirting with her, said, "That's awesome your dad takes you to these things"

Her answer was "Are you kidding? he was going to go without us!"

As an aside the little shit got my daughter's number and they've been dating since then.

Should have taken her to an emo concert where they're all gay:rolleyes:
Yeah, my kids are in their early twenties.:rolleyes:

But I was the cool dad. Took them to all the good concerts.

A few months back I took my daughter's with me to see Zombie with Manson.

My youngest is twenty, but looks younger. At one point during the show a boy who was obviously flirting with her, said, "That's awesome your dad takes you to these things"

Her answer was "Are you kidding? he was going to go without us!"
As an aside the little shit got my daughter's number and they've been dating since then.

Should have taken her to an emo concert where they're all gay:rolleyes:

I plan on doing the same for my children in the future. One thing I loved when I went to see Five Finger Death Punch was all the chill parents introducing their kids to metal. But I cant say I blame that kid for going after your daughter. I do the same thing at any event I attend. As long as they are older than 18 of course.
I plan on doing the same for my children in the future. One thing I loved when I went to see Five Finger Death Punch was all the chill parents introducing their kids to metal. But I cant say I blame that kid for going after your daughter. I do the same thing at any event I attend. As long as they are older than 18 of course.

Of course;)

Actually he is a pretty decent kid and my daughter received her black belt late last year. I'm not that worried.

But music is generational. I still enjoy Motown and doo wop because my father played it all the time.'

As we move on I think our "playlist" gets more diversified as we go through phases.

I have all types of metal on my I-pod, but also ahve a lot of "oldies" some blues even "turns red" some disco. There is good and bad music in every genre.
Of course;)

Actually he is a pretty decent kid and my daughter received her black belt late last year. I'm not that worried.

But music is generational. I still enjoy Motown and doo wop because my father played it all the time.'

As we move on I think our "playlist" gets more diversified as we go through phases.

I have all types of metal on my I-pod, but also ahve a lot of "oldies" some blues even "turns red" some disco. There is good and bad music in every genre.

Same situation over here, except I grew up with 60's and 70's rock for the most part and branched out from there. I saw Roger Waters perform the wall back in 2010 and to this day I can honestly say it was the best concert I have ever seen.
Same situation over here, except I grew up with 60's and 70's rock for the most part and branched out from there. I saw Roger Waters perform the wall back in 2010 and to this day I can honestly say it was the best concert I have ever seen.

I saw Waters back in the 80's on his own for his "Radio Chaos" tour. Great stuff.

And I will tell you what, although I still conside the bulk of my taste "heavy" two of the best concerts I've seen were

The Eagles, the Hell Freezes over tour. They were amazing. I was too young to see them in their prime and figured, "well they might not be that good, but I can say I saw them" man they were spot on! Did all the hits, sounded fantastic and were having fun.

Sadly on their next tour they played 4 straight songs off whatever their new album was. They werwe all political and Henley was back on his horse about the Government while speaking in between. Just shut p and play.

The second was Charlie Thomas and the Drifters last year. Thomas is in his seventies, but not only sounds spot on, but played for close to an hour and a half. When he did "Stand by me" I had goosebumps.