Let's dissect User Names


Nov 27, 2002
Based upon my earlier thread about colour where I found out that "black" people choose to insert their race into their user names...I thought it might be fun to see what we come up with if we were to dissect other user names. We have heard ad nauseum about how the names were chosen...now let's see what they mean. ;)

I already know from the earlier thread about these names...

Angel uses that name because her mother called her an angel when she was a child. I burst that lil witch's bubble tho and told her how parents are prone to lying.

Blackbich uses that name because her favourite colour is black and she hasn't moved up the ranks to a real bitch...she is still just a lowly bich.

Any others that you can think of?BTW...these meanings are not what you think your OWN should mean...it is how your name appears to others!
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I deliberately chose a random and totally generic sounding AOL nick...

Nitelite33... A total blank right?
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Boy this is a hard one.

I love it when a man cums on my face.
Hmmm...well...ummm...let's see...

Nah, I have no idea where my screen name came from. Oh, well. ;)
fond of facials said:
Boy this is a hard one.

To tell you the truth...I have this visual of you spending 24/7 in beauty parlours getting your face done.
Judging by some of the pm's I get, you'd think people took my nic to mean I'm a girl who cybers.
I like to carrie-on! it is also my name and I love the song "carry on" by CSN&Y
To tell you the truth...I have this visual of you spending 24/7 in beauty parlours getting your face done.

Who needs that kind of facial when cum is so good for your skin? ;)

Dream---I love dreaming of women

guy-------I'm a guy

001-------dreamguy was taken so I added 001

and that makes Dreamguy001
cybergirly1989 said:
Judging by some of the pm's I get, you'd think people took my nic to mean I'm a girl who cybers.

1989 notches on your bedpost, baby...

I've heard through the gossip mill that our own loverly debbiesxxx is really BAMBI WOODS!



Thank you, no no, thank you!
love - ya - mon
because I do ...:heart:
Some of my favorite names here

The Heritic
cybergirly1989 said:
Judging by some of the pm's I get, you'd think people took my nic to mean I'm a girl who cybers.

Tease, I so wanted some cyber loving and
I got nuffink. She gives it all to the duck. :D
Liontamr = I work in a circus

Oddly enough sometimes my life is one..