"Lethal pneumonia sweeps globe."

This is the new West Nile Virus. It's nowhere near as powerful as they alarmist reports are saying. Some WHO reports are saying that it might just be a flu... prompting large increases in the cost of flu shots.
Problem is, though...people ARE dying...and it relates right back to where they travelled from. A man in BC is in critical condition right now.
is it ?

could it ?

can it ?



Biological attack?

na just mother nature
Mia62 said:
Problem is, though...people ARE dying...and it relates right back to where they travelled from. A man in BC is in critical condition right now.

Okay. So now what?

Heck in 1919 there was an flu epidemic that killed more people than WWI.
Don't even mention West Nile virus around me...been doing nothing but reasearch and formulating solutions to the potential outbreak since last spring. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it.
In 1348 a plague of some kind struck France and killed 1/3 of the population
Actually, I'm kinda looking forward to the collapse of civilization.

I can do the "Mad Max" thing then.
Mia62 said:
Problem is, though...people ARE dying...and it relates right back to where they travelled from. A man in BC is in critical condition right now.

People die from pneumonia all the time, even young healthy people get it and die. This isn't a huge newsflash.
The Third Pandemic by Pierre Ouellette is a powerfully written work of fiction that traces a devastating bacterial infection.
It will encourage you to wash your hands more.

It is true that the media grabs onto these outbreaks and has a field day. But an underlying issue remains that bacteria and viruses are getting stronger and are more resistent to our present day antibiotics. More and more people are being colonized with Staph and Strep.

A part of the problem lies in the use of soaps with triclosan for everyday use in the home. It kills much of the bacteria, but not all. The organisms remaining are stronger and more virulent. We destroy the normal, friendly bacteria on the skin and can even encourage the growth of yeast and fungi.

To disinfect surfaces, use a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water. Handwashing with a mild soap is adequate, as it is the friction of the washing, not the strength of the cleanser.
just pet said:

To disinfect surfaces, use a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water. Handwashing with a mild soap is adequate, as it is the friction of the washing, not the strength of the cleanser.

I like practical information. Thank you, jp. Here's to vigorous scrubbing.