Lest We Forget

Which one put a gun to his head and forced him to blackmail Zelensky?

No, we hated him because he was an incompetent, racist thug who was dangerously unqualified to be president.

Putin, Comey, and misogyny. A fairly powerful cocktail. Admittedly some pure-as-the-driven-snow liberals contributed by refusing to vote for her because she didn't check every last one of their boxes, but that alone wouldn't have sunk her.

Even if I agreed that either of the impeachments was a sham (and needless to say I don't), the second one was after we HAD beaten him at the voting booth, remember?

What policies? A huge tax cut for the rich and kissing various dictators' asses?
How did the Obamacare replacement work out? It didn't! What about making Mexico pay for the wall? They didn't!

It never ceases to amaze me how the party of Personal Responsibility is never even a little bit willing to shoulder any of their own.

Even you don't believe that. Come on, it was the scientists whom the Republicans usually want nothing to do with who created the vaccine and got it on the market as quickly as possible. All Trump did was whine about it, as usual.

Projection 101. But I note that even you don't deny Trump's unethical business dealings!

Inflation and gas prices are up all over the world. I have no doubt you believe Biden somehow caused that too, but, well, that's not how this works. At all.

Engineered by Trump; Biden was just cleaning up his mess and getting our q gtroops out of a war they had no plausible chance of ever winning. And casualties happen in war. The people who joined the military knew or should have known of the risks.

When she was four years old.

According to a poorly sourced book that not only violates the secrecy that's right there in the Secret Service's name, but also ignores the fact that 90% of Secret Service agents are male. It is extremely unlikely that any female agent has ever had to watch Biden skinnydip.

Only one problem with that: we don't look the other way on them. It's easy for a wingnut like you to miss it, but by and large, progressives do not deify our leaders like you guys do with Reagan and used to do with Dumbya (I can't really accuse you of doing that with Trump, though; that's more like a cult than anything else). Most of us don't even like either Clinton very much, they were just far less bad than the only alternatives - including Trump.
Which one put a gun to his head and forced him to blackmail Zelensky?

No, we hated him because he was an incompetent, racist thug who was dangerously unqualified to be president.

Putin, Comey, and misogyny. A fairly powerful cocktail. Admittedly some pure-as-the-driven-snow liberals contributed by refusing to vote for her because she didn't check every last one of their boxes, but that alone wouldn't have sunk her.

Even if I agreed that either of the impeachments was a sham (and needless to say I don't), the second one was after we HAD beaten him at the voting booth, remember?

What policies? A huge tax cut for the rich and kissing various dictators' asses?
How did the Obamacare replacement work out? It didn't! What about making Mexico pay for the wall? They didn't!

It never ceases to amaze me how the party of Personal Responsibility is never even a little bit willing to shoulder any of their own.

Even you don't believe that. Come on, it was the scientists whom the Republicans usually want nothing to do with who created the vaccine and got it on the market as quickly as possible. All Trump did was whine about it, as usual.

Projection 101. But I note that even you don't deny Trump's unethical business dealings!

Inflation and gas prices are up all over the world. I have no doubt you believe Biden somehow caused that too, but, well, that's not how this works. At all.

Engineered by Trump; Biden was just cleaning up his mess and getting our troops out of a war they had no plausible chance of ever winning. And casualties happen in war. The people who joined the military knew or should have known of the risks.

When she was four years old.

According to a poorly sourced book that not only violates the secrecy that's right there in the Secret Service's name, but also ignores the fact that 90% of Secret Service agents are male. It is extremely unlikely that any female agent has ever had to watch Biden skinnydip.

Only one problem with that: we don't look the other way on them. It's easy for a wingnut like you to miss it, but by and large, progressives do not deify our leaders like you guys do with Reagan and used to do with Dumbya (I can't really accuse you of doing that with Trump, though; that's more like a cult than anything else). Most of us don't even like either Clinton very much, they were just far less bad than the only alternatives - including Trump.

Would 50 governors have railroaded trump and pence out of office for that? You say that with far too much certainty there. Besides the whole point of the green bay sweep (the actual coup attempt) was an effort to buy trump more time to muddy people's faith in the accuracy of the election results.

Thank god one Republican politician (Mike pence) had the principles not to go along with this coup attempt.
That 50 governors and states attorney generals would have filed suit against both Trump and Pence. Any continuation at that point would have led to criminal charges of sedition and criminal conspiracy. Both Trump and Pence would have been carted off in leg irons. No ONE! not even Hillary is above the LAW, not to say that teflon Hillary does get away with criminal behavior.

People who believe overturning our government is some easy task are just ignorant of all the checks and balances in place to protect our republic. It's all FIRE! FIRE! HAIR ON FIRE BULLSHIT BY DEMOCRATS.
That 50 governors and states attorney generals would have filed suit against both Trump and Pence. Any continuation at that point would have led to criminal charges of sedition and criminal conspiracy. Both Trump and Pence would have been carted off in leg irons. No ONE! not even Hillary is above the LAW, not to say that teflon Hillary does get away with criminal behavior.

People who believe overturning our government is some easy task are just ignorant of all the checks and balances in place to protect our republic. It's all FIRE! FIRE! HAIR ON FIRE BULLSHIT BY DEMOCRATS.
So Trump is un-American and Pence isn’t.

Not like that’s news.
Which one put a gun to his head and forced him to blackmail Zelensky?
Assuring that funding is not compromised by corruption is the responsibility of the executive branch. There was no quid pro quo or blackmail. The fact that Hunter Biden was on the Barisma board of directors is suspect, even the state dept stated that his appointment to the board was deeply troubling and a conflict of interest for VP Biden.

If anyone blackmailed the Ukraine it was Joe Biden when he forced a sovereign government to make changes to its judicial system, and Biden did it right on public media for all to see
No, we hated him because he was an incompetent, racist thug who was dangerously unqualified to be president.
He was never a racist, he was never a thug. While on his watch our energy economy was on solid footing, gas prices at 2.30 a gallon, he took interest in protecting our border and inflation was under control.
Biden is the incompetent fool and you're just as big a fool for believing otherwise
Putin, Comey, and misogyny. A fairly powerful cocktail. Admittedly some pure-as-the-driven-snow liberals contributed by refusing to vote for her because she didn't check every last one of their boxes, but that alone wouldn't have sunk her.
Comey was referred for criminal prosecution but nothing happened, I wonder why?
Even if I agreed that either of the impeachments was a sham (and needless to say I don't), the second one was after we HAD beaten him at the voting booth, remember?
Pelosi, Nadler and Schitt failed their first attempt so they gave it another shot, TYRANNY by party majority. Both impeachments were political and without any statutory relevance. Obstruction of congress by the executive branch is nothing more than separation of powers. Pelosi never obtained court orders, they knew they didn't have a leg to stand on. In one instance Pelosi didn't even bring impeachment to the floor for a vote
What policies? A huge tax cut for the rich and kissing various dictators' asses?
Trump's tax cuts benefited everyone. Trump hit Syria with two missile strike, killed 300 to 400 Russian mercenaries ( Wagner group ) took out ISIS, took out Soleimani, took out Al Baghdadi and gave lethal aid to Ukraine.
How did the Obamacare replacement work out? It didn't! What about making Mexico pay for the wall? They didn't!
Blame Ryan and an inept republican party not Trump. He did force a wait in mexico deal. Biden just lets everyone in, terrorist, drug dealers and people from 160 countries.
It never ceases to amaze me how the party of Personal Responsibility is never even a little bit willing to shoulder any of their own.
You mean like how Biden blames Putin for all of his policy failures LMFAO. Supporting defund the police, not coming down hard on rioters. To associate Personal Responsibility with the Democrat party is laughable on its face, an actual oxymoron. The democrat party is the party of killing babies, threatening supreme court justices and violence in the streets if R vs W is overturned. More of 2019 type violence which Pelosi, Schummer support.
Even you don't believe that. Come on, it was the scientists whom the Republicans usually want nothing to do with who created the vaccine and got it on the market as quickly as possible. All Trump did was whine about it, as usual.
Your typical deflection. Biden had the Vaccines and still 600,000 people died on his watch. He and his establishment bureaucrats didn't have the wherewithal for a timely response to the baby formula crisis, that's because Biden is incompetent and is surrounded by incompetence. I will give Biden credit for one thing, he selected a cabinet dumber than himself so he doesn't look so bad
Projection 101. But I note that even you don't deny Trump's unethical business dealings!
I've said it a hundred times, I never liked Trump as a person but he had sound policies. Biden is the centerpiece of a crime family as well as totally incompetent.
Inflation and gas prices are up all over the world. I have no doubt you believe Biden somehow caused that too, but, well, that's not how this works. At all.
You can't promise to destroy the fossil fuel industry and expect a positive response. Inflation is much lower in many countries. One thing Biden can brag about the US has the highest inflation numbers on the planet ( western countries)
Engineered by Trump; Biden was just cleaning up his mess and getting our troops out of a war they had no plausible chance of ever winning. And casualties happen in war. The people who joined the military knew or should have known of the risks.
Biden created the biggest mess in modern american history, worse than Carter. Only Biden and his administration could possibly believe pulling the military out before civilians was the way to go!! LMFAO! WAY TO GO BRANDON! What CiC in their right mind would leave billions of dollars worth of weapon systems and other types of equipment in the hands of their enemy? Biden!!! that who!
When she was four years old.

According to a poorly sourced book that not only violates the secrecy that's right there in the Secret Service's name, but also ignores the fact that 90% of Secret Service agents are male. It is extremely unlikely that any female agent has ever had to watch Biden skinnydip.

Only one problem with that: we don't look the other way on them. It's easy for a wingnut like you to miss it, but by and large, progressives do not deify our leaders like you guys do with Reagan and used to do with Dumbya (I can't really accuse you of doing that with Trump, though; that's more like a cult than anything else). Most of us don't even like either Clinton very much, they were just far less bad than the only alternatives - including Trump.

Which one put a gun to his head and forced him to blackmail Zelensky?

No, we hated him because he was an incompetent, racist thug who was dangerously unqualified to be president.

Putin, Comey, and misogyny. A fairly powerful cocktail. Admittedly some pure-as-the-driven-snow liberals contributed by refusing to vote for her because she didn't check every last one of their boxes, but that alone wouldn't have sunk her.

Even if I agreed that either of the impeachments was a sham (and needless to say I don't), the second one was after we HAD beaten him at the voting booth, remember?

What policies? A huge tax cut for the rich and kissing various dictators' asses?
How did the Obamacare replacement work out? It didn't! What about making Mexico pay for the wall? They didn't!

It never ceases to amaze me how the party of Personal Responsibility is never even a little bit willing to shoulder any of their own.

Even you don't believe that. Come on, it was the scientists whom the Republicans usually want nothing to do with who created the vaccine and got it on the market as quickly as possible. All Trump did was whine about it, as usual.

Projection 101. But I note that even you don't deny Trump's unethical business dealings!

Inflation and gas prices are up all over the world. I have no doubt you believe Biden somehow caused that too, but, well, that's not how this works. At all.

Engineered by Trump; Biden was just cleaning up his mess and getting our troops out of a war they had no plausible chance of ever winning. And casualties happen in war. The people who joined the military knew or should have known of the risks.

When she was four years old.

According to a poorly sourced book that not only violates the secrecy that's right there in the Secret Service's name, but also ignores the fact that 90% of Secret Service agents are male. It is extremely unlikely that any female agent has ever had to watch Biden skinnydip.

Only one problem with that: we don't look the other way on them. It's easy for a wingnut like you to miss it, but by and large, progressives do not deify our leaders like you guys do with Reagan and used to do with Dumbya (I can't really accuse you of doing that with Trump, though; that's more like a cult than anything else). Most of us don't even like either Clinton very much, they were just far less bad than the only alternatives - including Trump.
That 50 governors and states attorney generals would have filed suit against both Trump and Pence. Any continuation at that point would have led to criminal charges of sedition and criminal conspiracy. Both Trump and Pence would have been carted off in leg irons. No ONE! not even Hillary is above the LAW, not to say that teflon Hillary does get away with criminal behavior.

People who believe overturning our government is some easy task are just ignorant of all the checks and balances in place to protect our republic. It's all FIRE! FIRE! HAIR ON FIRE BULLSHIT BY DEMOCRATS.
So the ag in Texas that filed lawsuits against the swing states over the alleged voter fraud based off no evidence whatsoever beyond you lunatics' on the right's ridiculous conspiracy theories would file suit against trump? Do you seriously believe that?
I start a thread and in steps the good icanhelp1 to showcase a yeoman's effort in stripping yards from the hapless asses of the left. Good job.:D;)
"Trump's tax cuts benefitted everyone."

No; this is simply not true. I personally, as well as many retirees and low to middle income people, now pay far more in taxes than we did under Trump's "Tax Cuts."

Regarding Biden's energy policy; it is certainly true that we cannot simply quit fossil fuels cold-turkey before finding equally effective ways to meet this country's energy needs. This is something the far left doesn't quite understand; and which I believe Biden has gotten wrong; alternative non-carbon energy sources is a worthy and in the long term, perhaps even critical goal. But we cannot simply shut off the spigots and expect everything to instantly shift to clean energy overnight, as we still need to be producing enough energy until that day comes.

But what the far right doesn't understand- Trump didn't believe in clean energy AT ALL. It was "Coal, Oil, Gas or Nothing." He would even try to PENALIZE or de-incentive-ise attempts to promote or produce clean energy. And his denials of global warming and pollution were absolutely criminal. These sources are fininte and come with a huge enviornmental cost. While we do need to keep producing these meet our energy needs, the goal should be to slowly wean off these fossil fuels and develop alternate energy while we have the chance. This was the major fault of Trump's energy policy, which people conveniently ignore.
Assuring that funding is not compromised by corruption is the responsibility of the executive branch. There was no quid pro quo or blackmail. The fact that Hunter Biden was on the Barisma board of directors is suspect, even the state dept stated that his appointment to the board was deeply troubling and a conflict of interest for VP Biden.

If anyone blackmailed the Ukraine it was Joe Biden when he forced a sovereign government to make changes to its judicial system, and Biden did it right on public media for all to see

He was never a racist, he was never a thug. While on his watch our energy economy was on solid footing, gas prices at 2.30 a gallon, he took interest in protecting our border and inflation was under control.
Biden is the incompetent fool and you're just as big a fool for believing otherwise

Comey was referred for criminal prosecution but nothing happened, I wonder why?

Pelosi, Nadler and Schitt failed their first attempt so they gave it another shot, TYRANNY by party majority. Both impeachments were political and without any statutory relevance. Obstruction of congress by the executive branch is nothing more than separation of powers. Pelosi never obtained court orders, they knew they didn't have a leg to stand on. In one instance Pelosi didn't even bring impeachment to the floor for a vote

Trump's tax cuts benefited everyone. Trump hit Syria with two missile strike, killed 300 to 400 Russian mercenaries ( Wagner group ) took out ISIS, took out Soleimani, took out Al Baghdadi and gave lethal aid to Ukraine.

Blame Ryan and an inept republican party not Trump. He did force a wait in mexico deal. Biden just lets everyone in, terrorist, drug dealers and people from 160 countries.

You mean like how Biden blames Putin for all of his policy failures LMFAO. Supporting defund the police, not coming down hard on rioters. To associate Personal Responsibility with the Democrat party is laughable on its face, an actual oxymoron. The democrat party is the party of killing babies, threatening supreme court justices and violence in the streets if R vs W is overturned. More of 2019 type violence which Pelosi, Schummer support.

Your typical deflection. Biden had the Vaccines and still 600,000 people died on his watch. He and his establishment bureaucrats didn't have the wherewithal for a timely response to the baby formula crisis, that's because Biden is incompetent and is surrounded by incompetence. I will give Biden credit for one thing, he selected a cabinet dumber than himself so he doesn't look so bad

I've said it a hundred times, I never liked Trump as a person but he had sound policies. Biden is the centerpiece of a crime family as well as totally incompetent.

You can't promise to destroy the fossil fuel industry and expect a positive response. Inflation is much lower in many countries. One thing Biden can brag about the US has the highest inflation numbers on the planet ( western countries)

Biden created the biggest mess in modern american history, worse than Carter. Only Biden and his administration could possibly believe pulling the military out before civilians was the way to go!! LMFAO! WAY TO GO BRANDON! What CiC in their right mind would leave billions of dollars worth of weapon systems and other types of equipment in the hands of their enemy? Biden!!! that who!
So the ag in Texas that filed lawsuits against the swing states over the alleged voter fraud based off no evidence whatsoever beyond you lunatics' on the right's ridiculous conspiracy theories would file suit against trump? Do you seriously believe that

So the ag in Texas that filed lawsuits against the swing states over the alleged voter fraud based off no evidence whatsoever beyond you lunatics' on the right's ridiculous conspiracy theories would file suit against trump? Do you seriously believe that?
What's wrong with filing a lawsuit, that's the legal process for settling a dispute in a court of law. Texas stated that the Pennsylvania supreme court did not have constitutional authority over state legislators using the pandemic as a reason to make unlawful changes to their election laws at the last minute. The US supreme court ruled Texas lacked standing, SCOTUS DROPPED THE BALL! SCOTUS is the only court that can bring resolution between states. That doesn't mean that Texas would not abide with the final tally of electors. The dems challenged the outcome of electors in 3 separate occasions 2000, 2010 and 2016, if I remember correctly. That partisan hack Raskins who sits on Pelosi's kangaroo commission was one such politician, and he was within his constitutional right to do so. Democrats are hypocrites.
What's wrong with filing a lawsuit, that's the legal process for settling a dispute in a court of law. Texas stated that the Pennsylvania supreme court did not have constitutional authority over state legislators using the pandemic as a reason to make unlawful changes to their election laws at the last minute. The US supreme court ruled Texas lacked standing, SCOTUS DROPPED THE BALL! SCOTUS is the only court that can bring resolution between states. That doesn't mean that Texas would not abide with the final tally of electors. The dems challenged the outcome of electors in 3 separate occasions 2000, 2010 and 2016, if I remember correctly. That partisan hack Raskins who sits on Pelosi's kangaroo commission was one such politician, and he was within his constitutional right to do so. Democrats are hypocrites.
Challenging an election outcome happens every election, from both sides...even for a few votes.

And that stops occurring by January...in every single instance, except this last one. (And the 2000 election, where one single state had issues)
Challenging an election outcome happens every election, from both sides...even for a few votes.

And that stops occurring by January...in every single instance, except this last one. (And the 2000 election, where one single state had issues)
Having an election cycle in the middle of a pandemic brought on a lot of irregularities, required more time than normal elections. It is my firm belief that constitutional laws were broken.
Having an election cycle in the middle of a pandemic brought on a lot of irregularities, required more time than normal elections. It is my firm belief that constitutional laws were broken.
It's totally odd that all the "laws" that were broken we're on the side that you don't like.

I'm sure it's a coincidence.
So the ag in Texas that filed lawsuits against the swing states over the alleged voter fraud based off no evidence whatsoever beyond you lunatics' on the right's ridiculous conspiracy theories would file suit against trump? Do you seriously believe that?
I can't read Icanthelpmyself's mind, so I don't know if he really believes it or not, but my guess is he doesn't. What he is doing here is a textbook example of what I call "the there you go again trick": stand back and let our side tell the truth about their extremism, and then point out how silly and absurd the argument really sounds in order to imply that they can't possibly be that bad. It works precisely because the truth about the Republicans so often is really that bad and that extreme. Because they've been doing it for decades, some of them probably are true believers at this point.

Now, more importantly, would all 50 governors have put a stop to Trump's efforts to steal the election? First of all, it's not entirely clear they'd have the authority to do anything, depending on exactly what Trump's team would have done. Secondly, in Pennsylvania alone, the current GOP nominee for governor is openly saying he'll see to it that Trump gets PA's electoral votes regardless of what the voters do. So it's not much of a stretch to think some sitting GOP governors were covertly thinking the same way.
Having an election cycle in the middle of a pandemic brought on a lot of irregularities, required more time than normal elections. It is my firm belief that constitutional laws were broken.
One such constitutional law would be the Eleventh Amendment: a state cannot sue another state in federal court, which is essentially what the Texas AG tried to do.
One such constitutional law would be the Eleventh Amendment: a state cannot sue another state in federal court, which is essentially what the Texas AG tried to do.
But a state can file suit in the supreme court which is the arbiter for state disputes, which is what the texas AG did.
I can't read Icanthelpmyself's mind, so I don't know if he really believes it or not, but my guess is he doesn't. What he is doing here is a textbook example of what I call "the there you go again trick": stand back and let our side tell the truth about their extremism, and then point out how silly and absurd the argument really sounds in order to imply that they can't possibly be that bad. It works precisely because the truth about the Republicans so often is really that bad and that extreme. Because they've been doing it for decades, some of them probably are true believers at this point.

Now, more importantly, would all 50 governors have put a stop to Trump's efforts to steal the election? First of all, it's not entirely clear they'd have the authority to do anything, depending on exactly what Trump's team would have done. Secondly, in Pennsylvania alone, the current GOP nominee for governor is openly saying he'll see to it that Trump gets PA's electoral votes regardless of what the voters do. So it's not much of a stretch to think some sitting GOP governors were covertly thinking the same way.
You're such a bullshitter. The states appealed to the high court to start with, the states followed the law and the courts ruled. Not one state after the courts ruled took matters into their own hands. No AG would do that and no state AG would break the law on Trump's behalf. Once the legal arguments were ruled on by the court it's game over.

What does a gov nominee have anything to do with this conversation. Governors have to follow state constitutions or they're removed from office. You are a bullshitter, full of *what ifs*.

What's absurd is Pelosi's 2 sham impeachments and her partisan kangaroo show trial. She will go down in history as the most divisive speaker in modern politics. What goes around comes around.
It's funny seeing these idiots defend trump as if he were a good man or president.

The best was when he was in his weekly meltdowns and shitposted to twitter 50 times a day.

Even now when 99% of his administration are speaking out as to what a dumbass he is, you tards still support him.

This is the main reason your american experiment will fail.
Calling an investigation into treason and insurrection against the U.S. government a "Kangaroo Court" is, quite frankly, something a Russian or Chinese government agent would say. No true American should legitimately feel like this- regardless of whether they voted for Trump or not.
Calling an investigation into treason and insurrection against the U.S. government a "Kangaroo Court" is, quite frankly, something a Russian or Chinese government agent would say. No true American should legitimately feel like this- regardless of whether they voted for Trump or not.
Pelosi is conducting this kangaroo show trial just like the Chinese would, one sided. The house is a legislative body with oversight authority and should be a non partisan fact finding commission and everyone should be interviewed including Nancy and the Chuckster. Leave the criminal investigations to the DOJ and FBI.
Nope, it was McCarthy who chose to pull all the Republicans from the committee, not her.
Pelosi refused McCarthy’s picks of Jordan and Brooks to sit on the commission, majority tyranny! Typical Pelosi move. Jordan would have pushed for a deposition from Pelosi herself. Dems won’t have any of that, so, break house rules, that’s the ticket. Nov is right around the corner and Pelosi will be sent packing, may even have a subpoena under her doorstep and ordered to give a deposition anyway.
I start a thread and in steps the good icanhelp1 to showcase a yeoman's effort in stripping yards from the hapless asses of the left. Good job.
I can't decide what's funnier - your reacharound to a moron or the fact that your stupid ass believes any of that.
I can't decide what's funnier - your reacharound to a moron or the fact that your stupid ass believes any of that.
Making any kind of decision is beyond your intellectual capacity made obvious by your comment. You should play the shell game and see if you can find your pea brain.
Making any kind of decision is beyond your intellectual capacity made obvious by your comment. You should play the shell game and see if you can find your pea brain.
Just because you decided to be a blindly partisan Trumplitard doesn't make you relevant.

Which one is Pelosi?
Pelosi refused McCarthy’s picks of Jordan and Brooks to sit on the commission, majority tyranny!
Nope. It was entirely within House rules, and McCarthy was welcome to name any other two Republicans to the committee. Jordan and Banks (If you care so much, you ought to at least get the guy's name right) were both on the record as supporting Trump's efforts to overturn the election and were openly opposed to investigating the insurrection in the first place. It would have been totally inappropriate to allow them on the committee.
Typical Pelosi move. Jordan would have pushed for a deposition from Pelosi herself. Dems won’t have any of that, so, break house rules, that’s the ticket.
House rules were not broken, no matter how many times you say that. Also, the speaker is not responsible for House security, so Jordan would have been just wasting everyone's time if he'd done that (which no doubt is just what you would like).
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