Lemon trees


Jul 24, 2012
Hi just wondering,
does anyone else have a lemon tree on here?
I'm currently ''self fertilizing'' my tree in the hopes that it will grow more fruit.
There are a ton of blossoms on it and i've been rubbing the pollen onto the stamens... they smell real nice

Does anyone know if blossoms are more fertile at the beginning or ending of their bloom ?

This belongs on the fetish board, we don't need to hear about your self pollinating.
This seems like a question that might have been better suited for google.
Or a forum centered around botany.
Hi just wondering. Does anyone else have a lemon tree on here?

That just happens to be my favorite song.

Hi just wondering,
does anyone else have a lemon tree on here?
I'm currently ''self fertilizing'' my tree in the hopes that it will grow more fruit.
There are a ton of blossoms on it and i've been rubbing the pollen onto the stamens... they smell real nice

Does anyone know if blossoms are more fertile at the beginning or ending of their bloom ?


Now I want to rub my pollen on my stamens...but you're rubbing the wrong spot.
Hi just wondering,
does anyone else have a lemon tree on here?
I'm currently ''self fertilizing'' my tree in the hopes that it will grow more fruit.
There are a ton of blossoms on it and i've been rubbing the pollen onto the stamens... they smell real nice

Does anyone know if blossoms are more fertile at the beginning or ending of their bloom ?


I have one in the backyard. It hasn't done anything all year, including not keeping the mosquitoes at bay.

Mind you, it's also all of a foot tall.
I'm looking for a lemon tree atm. But I don't want one that's already 2 feet tall.... I'm looking for one that's only just been grafted and established because I want to bonsai it.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a really small lemon tree?!
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet but the fruit of the poor lemon is a thing one cannot eat.