Legal intoxicants and how they might influence your writing. Or not.


Just a Regular Guy
May 12, 2020
A couple of mentions of Mary Jane in another AH thread got my mind churning about my own experiences with pot and alcohol, and any relationship either or both might have to my writing. Alcohol first.

I'm not Ernest Hemingway (imagine that!). The words don't flow well when I'm buzzed, which isn't all that often. Conversely, and especially when my wife and I are dining out, about halfway through my margarita I start talking about my writing, and the characters' most recent exploits. We have fun talking about it, and she digs at me sometimes asking, "What's Cyan up to these days?", this being the character mostly based on her. Anyway, on those rare moments I have a late-evening toddy to wind down from the day, I try to write and then get to untangle most of it in the morning.

Pot? Not here. No interest. I guess we're both turned off by how complicated "just rolling a joint" has become. Too many choices. "We" is appropriate, as she's an ex-hippie, VW vans and all.

However, my one experience with MJ 40 years ago provides inspiration from time to time. A bunch of ladies from our theater troupe convinced me to tag along on a camping trip to a coastal island with no road access - just a passenger ferry. Just me, and six 20-something women. One of them peeled me off for a walk down the beach, and we found a sheltered spot in the dunes. She pulls out a doobie, lights up, and after a couple of puffs hands it to me. We're back and forth with it.

In retrospect I can easily discern what she was after. But what was I feeling? The whole world went into slow motion. I couldn't do anything more but stare at the waves against the sand. We (she) gave up, and we stroll back towards the campground, only to be stopped by the rest of the group frolicking in the waves, naked. We stripped off to join them, but I was too stoned to do anything. But, oh, what could have been.

That experience remains inspiration for my current writings about a harem, basically, with the MMC at the center. The memory in my sunset years also provides a "huh... I was always like that" understanding that with one exception I never "hung" with guys. Even going back to junior high I was all about the girls, and my writing reflects that. The one encounter with pot just brings that into focus... unlike where I was that particular afternoon.
A couple of mentions of Mary Jane in another AH thread got my mind churning about my own experiences with pot and alcohol, and any relationship either or both might have to my writing. Alcohol first.

I'm not Ernest Hemingway (imagine that!). The words don't flow well when I'm buzzed, which isn't all that often. Conversely, and especially when my wife and I are dining out, about halfway through my margarita I start talking about my writing, and the characters' most recent exploits. We have fun talking about it, and she digs at me sometimes asking, "What's Cyan up to these days?", this being the character mostly based on her. Anyway, on those rare moments I have a late-evening toddy to wind down from the day, I try to write and then get to untangle most of it in the morning.

Pot? Not here. No interest. I guess we're both turned off by how complicated "just rolling a joint" has become. Too many choices. "We" is appropriate, as she's an ex-hippie, VW vans and all.

However, my one experience with MJ 40 years ago provides inspiration from time to time. A bunch of ladies from our theater troupe convinced me to tag along on a camping trip to a coastal island with no road access - just a passenger ferry. Just me, and six 20-something women. One of them peeled me off for a walk down the beach, and we found a sheltered spot in the dunes. She pulls out a doobie, lights up, and after a couple of puffs hands it to me. We're back and forth with it.

In retrospect I can easily discern what she was after. But what was I feeling? The whole world went into slow motion. I couldn't do anything more but stare at the waves against the sand. We (she) gave up, and we stroll back towards the campground, only to be stopped by the rest of the group frolicking in the waves, naked. We stripped off to join them, but I was too stoned to do anything. But, oh, what could have been.

That experience remains inspiration for my current writings about a harem, basically, with the MMC at the center. The memory in my sunset years also provides a "huh... I was always like that" understanding that with one exception I never "hung" with guys. Even going back to junior high I was all about the girls, and my writing reflects that. The one encounter with pot just brings that into focus... unlike where I was that particular afternoon.
Oh man this story pains me. This is why it's so important to get your tolerance up *before* you go naked camping with 6 beautiful women!
I end up writing ill-advised threads here when drunk. If I tried writing stories, I’d probably wipe my iPhone of all my work in progress. There is not a lot of me for alcohol to go round. It can get messy.

It's been quite a few years since I've done any of that stuff. I suppose I could write about the time I came back from Jamaica with a bag of 'condiments' in my pocket... in retrospect, the only reason I got through Heathrow with them was because I'd completely forgotten they were there. Guilty? Not me, officer!

Only way I could change that into something suitable for Lit was to be caught, and invited into a room for a more thorough searching... blackmail, forced nudity, domination... Hmm. Been done before, but so has a lot of stuff.

Is that what you meant? ;)
I've had too few and too unsatisfactory experiences with MJ to comment about that. But with respect to alcohol, whether it concerns erotic writing or sex or anything else, I concur with the judgment of the porter in Shakespeare's MacBeth:

"It provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance."
I've written high on alcohol and it's always been crap.
I've written high on pot and it doesn't really do much for me one way or the other, except that I write more slowly...the distraction level is higher (look! Squirrel!)
Never tried writing on acid or shrooms. I'm more interested in being in the moment then.
I only drink wine now and then only three times a week. Never did drugs (other than what the doctors prescribed). Always was subject to random drug testing to keep my clearances.
Intoxicants (alcohol or MJ) don't do much for my writing, if I consume them.

BUT when the wife goes outside to light up, she comes back in with my inspiration! That's usually when she's "in the mood" and gets into her predator mode, doing her best to turn me on.

IRL, after returning from one of her trips outside, I wrote this into "The Real Gift: Her Fantasy"):
"I like running my tongue over that soft head," her voice changing back to a seductress. She paused as she ran her tongue over her upper lip "... and the sensitive skin under your balls," Jan added "when I know I can drive you crazy."

She set her wine glass on the end table, slipped off the chair onto her knees and crawled on hands and knees, like a cat slowly stalking her prey, to stop in front of me. Looking up into my eyes, she ran her tongue slowly circling her lips.

So, our evening began with my wife in one of her playful, "drive a man crazy" moods ...
I've written high on alcohol and it's always been crap.
I've written high on pot and it doesn't really do much for me one way or the other, except that I write more slowly...the distraction level is higher (look! Squirrel!)
Never tried writing on acid or shrooms. I'm more interested in being in the moment then.
Yeah, as someone who’s never been drunk or taken illegal (now illegal) drugs I feel extremely capable of weighing in on this topic from a different angle.

Myself, I’m from a working class background of heavy-drinking and I always remember being introduced to alcohol by my Dad when we were away on holiday and thinking “this tastes disgusting” fast forward 40 years and I still think most alcoholic drinks taste disgusting, and the ones that do taste bearable I have no desire to drink excessively. There’s no way into this culture for me. I just don’t get it. Therefore other drugs didn’t appeal to me either. If booze ain’t gonna pull me in then nothing else will.

And that’s probably a good thing as the combination of chronic procrastination and imposter syndrome that’s plagued me all my life would no doubt have been made worse if other distractions were there to make me even less determined to get my creative funks on.

Also the Simpsons/UP reference there…love it.
Most of my stories are written on codeine and/or tramadol, with a rare section on alcohol or without opiates.

Judge away...
Most of my stories are written on codeine and/or tramadol, with a rare section on alcohol or without opiates.

Judge away...
Not judging. Sounds like you’re in a lot of pain.

If it’s for FUN now I’m judging.

For shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

I only drink wine now and then only three times a week. Never did drugs (other than what the doctors prescribed). Always was subject to random drug testing to keep my clearances.
I do like a glass of wine or a double of good scotch before bed every night. Nothing else because my company has done random testing for years. I've always found it interesting that while they test for both drugs and alcohol in the name of safety, testing positive for marijuana means immediate termination while testing positive for alcohol means just time off and one box ticked on the normal four step termination process. In my experience, if safety is the concern, it should probably be the reverse.

I don't write after that wine or scotch. I've tried and was embarrassed by the results. I do write about my characters drinking and then attempting to have sex, and that's based upon my experience. While alcohol does increase my interest, it also takes away things that are pretty important during sex, like coordination and the ability to stay awake. My experience with women who've had enough to drink to get agreeable is they suffer from the same problem.
I do like a glass of wine or a double of good scotch before bed every night. Nothing else because my company has done random testing for years. I've always found it interesting that while they test for both drugs and alcohol in the name of safety, testing positive for marijuana means immediate termination while testing positive for alcohol means just time off and one box ticked on the normal four step termination process. In my experience, if safety is the concern, it should probably be the reverse.

I don't write after that wine or scotch. I've tried and was embarrassed by the results. I do write about my characters drinking and then attempting to have sex, and that's based upon my experience. While alcohol does increase my interest, it also takes away things that are pretty important during sex, like coordination and the ability to stay awake. My experience with women who've had enough to drink to get agreeable is they suffer from the same problem.
Your company's policy difference ref alcohol and MJ probably comes from the fact your body can process and eliminate all traces of alcohol faster than all traces of MJ. You can have a few drinks in the evening, and your body might eliminate all alcohol by the next morning or within hours after showing up for work. A warning that you drank too much the night before might be sufficient for you to change your drinking habit.

But when you use marijuana, detectable amounts of the drug remain in your body for days. I was told by a drug tester they could detect it for up to seven days. Thus, when you show up for work, you are still impaired by even trace amounts for that day and possibly longer. It's the same for other drugs such as cocaine, which I was informed by an "expert" during a trial that traces of the drug remain in the body for days.

I think their logic is that if you're using marijuana or other drugs, they can reasonably assume you will always be somewhat impaired.
But when you use marijuana, detectable amounts of the drug remain in your body for days. I was told by a drug tester they could detect it for up to seven days. Thus, when you show up for work, you are still impaired by even trace amounts for that day and possibly longer. It's the same for other drugs such as cocaine, which I was informed by an "expert" during a trial that traces of the drug remain in the body for days.
The drug remains detectable for longer. It does not continue to impair a person beyond maybe 12 hours and that's a high estimate. Companies that choose to do hair testing can detect MJ months after use. They can detect it for longer in African American hair than Caucasian hair. Thus African Americans are disproportionately impacted by such testing. But it has nothing to do with impairment at all.

Therefore other drugs didn’t appeal to me either. If booze ain’t gonna pull me in then nothing else will.
I hate drinking but I'm a fan of other things.
Not judging. Sounds like you’re in a lot of pain.

If it’s for FUN now I’m judging.

For shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

Mostly for chronic pain... 😋

It comes and goes, but tapping on a phone to write shit is one thing I can do when I can't sit up. Just tried getting up for the third time today. Not convinced it was a good idea..

Ronde: While alcohol does increase my interest, it also takes away things that are pretty important during sex, like coordination and the ability to stay awake. My experience with women who've had enough to drink to get agreeable is they suffer from the same problem.

As Shakespeare's Porter said in Macbeth, alcohol provokes the desire but taketh away the performance.
I hate drinking but I'm a fan of other things.
Booze is the biggest gateway drug, statistically speaking it’s far bigger than any other gateway drug.

Besides drugs are something I’ve never had a way into. Other people want to feel ‘different’ to themselves, but I like being me. I like being in a party of 4-6 people and being the funniest person there all night, and I’m funny because I’m sharp (not to boast or anything it’s just who I am in those kind of environments).
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Mostly for chronic pain... 😋

It comes and goes, but tapping on a phone to write shit is one thing I can do when I can't sit up. Just tried getting up for the third time today. Not convinced it was a good idea..

Ronde: While alcohol does increase my interest, it also takes away things that are pretty important during sex, like coordination and the ability to stay awake. My experience with women who've had enough to drink to get agreeable is they suffer from the same problem.

As Shakespeare's Porter said in Macbeth, alcohol provokes the desire but taketh away the performance.
I know what you mean and I certainly sympathise. Nowt you can do in that case except hope it numbs the pain but keeps the senses I guess.
I know what you mean and I certainly sympathise. Nowt you can do in that case except hope it numbs the pain but keeps the senses I guess.
Just tested positive for Covid, and got my period, so hoping to feel better soon. This is really annoying as I wanted to submit a story!

Caffeine or sugar are probably even bigger gateway drugs...
Just tested positive for Covid, and got my period, so hoping to feel better soon. This is really annoying as I wanted to submit a story!

Caffeine or sugar are probably even bigger gateway drugs...

Statistically it’s alcohol. Let’s face it, alcohol affects personality, mood, lowers inhibitions and impairs judgement. That’s why there’s breathalyser tests. No-one ever got pulled over because they were suspected of eating a kit-kat.
I find that writing comes easier during my second martini. After the third or fourth, the writing goes all to hell.

Note that I said the writing was easier, not better. More words, faster, more creative, more ideas. But it always needs cleaning up when I re-read it the next day.
I've never tried any type of drug, because I had no interest. I know people who will try anything once, because they feel like they have to. A friend of mine did that in high school and wound up dead with an overdose. He wasn't really into drugs, but got coaxed into trying something really bad. That experience helped me decide at a pretty early age that I could live without it.

I'm also not much of drinker, and I find if I have even a glass of wine with dinner that my brain gets kind of foggy and I can't write.

I like the feeling of being clear-headed and not being out of control. But to each his own.
Booze is the biggest gateway drug, statistically speaking it’s far bigger than any other gateway drug.

Besides drugs are something I’ve never had a way into. Other people want to feel ‘different’ to themselves, but I like being me.
Likewise I don't do drugs either.

The only difference between alcohol and crack is one is legal, and one is deadly. And it happens to be the same one for both of those differences.

I've actually known some nice people that were crack addicts, but not so many nice people that drank.

I DO drink coffee. Caffeine does act as some kind of stimulant (I've also read that it's more of a 'tiring suppressant') though it doesn't have this effect on me. What it does do is reduce chances of Alzheimer's and several cancers, improve the immune system, and a number of other things.

I don't "do" ganja, but that's for lack of availability rather than any choice. It's not a drug. It's a spiritual aid, a super food, and a medicine. It's also from a plant that is a super-fiber that could give us sustainable paper and cloth supplies if we were to go that route, much as a lot of lumber could be replaced by bamboo for the same impact (not all, but much of it) - both of which are sustainable fast growing plants though plants in the hemp family do require a LOT of water so growing them in California at an agricultural scale would NOT be sustainable. If I did do ganja I wouldn't smoke it - it doesn't matter what you smoke, if you smoke anything you're inviting in cancer. I'd probably steam it in one of those air freshener things (but the smell is a bit... intense) or make tea with it.
sugar are probably even bigger gateway drugs...
The big problem with sugar is most people aren't actually taking it when they think they are. They're taking "High Fructose Corn Syrup", which is deadly stuff.

If you drink something like a Coca Cola in the US, then get one from Mexico (which can find in a local Mexican grocery), it will taste different. The reason is that the Mexican one still uses sugar.

Slam back 30 of them and the one from the USA will give you Diabetes, but the one from Mexico will just mean you need to go brush your teeth to avoid cavities.

I believe that's true for Coke from most other countries too - it's just that in the USA, the Mexican one is probably the easiest one to find, assuming there is a Mexican grocery near you (probably mostly a California and Southwest to Texas thing - the places that used to be Mexico). Somebody in Canada could probably do this with a Coke that was bottled there, if they do that.

Coke is my example because it's easy to find for a compare test. But this holds for any other food that is made locally - when made in the USA it will have the bad stuff now, when made elsewhere it usually won't unless that place has allowed in High Fructose Corn Syrup.

In the USA "High Fructose Corn Syrup" has been getting put into a LOT of our foods for the past few decades and that's why obesity and diabetes are running out of control. They will try to blame it on 'lazy people being online too much' or other 'lifestyle' factors - but we're really not that different from anyone else in the world except we're being fed that poison.

High Fructose Corn Syrup isn't just bad for your health as something your system doesn't know how to process well, it triggers an addictive sweets craving. You might think you're craving sugar, but you're actually craving High Fructose Corn Syrup...
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The big problem with sugar is most people aren't actually taking it when they think they are. They're taking "High Fructose Corn Syrup", which is deadly stuff.

If you drink something like a Coca Cola in the US, then get one from Mexico (which can find in a local Mexican grocery), it will taste different. The reason is that the Mexican one still uses sugar.

Slam back 30 of them and the one from the USA will give you Diabetes, but the one from Mexico will just mean you need to go brush your teeth to avoid cavities.

I believe that's true for Coke from most other countries too - it's just that in the USA, the Mexican one is probably the easiest one to find, assuming there is a Mexican grocery near you (probably mostly a California and Southwest to Texas thing - the places that used to be Mexico). Somebody in Canada could probably do this with a Coke that was bottled there, if they do that.

In the USA "High Fructose Corn Syrup" has been getting put into a LOT of our foods for the past few decades and that's why obesity and diabetes are running out of control. They will try to blame it on 'lazy people being online too much' or other 'lifestyle' factors - but we're really not that different from anyone else in the world except we're being fed that poison.

High Fructose Corn Syrup isn't just bad for your health as something your system doesn't know how to process well, it triggers an addictive sweets craving. You might think you're craving sugar, but you're actually craving High Fructose Corn Syrup...
We used to have strong food and environmental regulations in the U.K. as we were part of the EU.

As soon as we left the EU the upper-class twits of the year that run things started to allow shit to be dumped in rivers and seas so God knows how long till we’ve got the same food problems as the US.