Legacy: A Star Trek RP

He got to his feet and dusted his uniform, tucking it into proper proportions before looking over the Enginering section as the crew rushed about to do their repairs and find ways to bypass the blocked pathways. He flicked open his comm unit, "Captain Hunter. Steward here. Our search of the isolinear chips have proven that we have a healthy bank of chips. Sir, wasn't there a disturbance just before we got the distress signal? Would we not find answers there?"

Thank god for that Mack had thought to himself. He had been combing over the lines of code in the computer, because something didn't seem right in all of this. "I don't know Lieutenant, I was busy at the time. However....." he paused as he found the problem. The Commander was right, someone had sabotaged the ship with a virus. However her assumption that it was in hardware is where she had been wrong. He couldn't blame her for the assumption after all the ship's diagnostics should have picked this up. In fact it was doubtfull that even a level 5 diagnostic would have found it. He only did because he he was one of the few people that knew every bit of this ship from the ground up. "Lieutenant assemble the senior staff in the briefing room in an hour." he ordered.

He hadn't been able to narrow down the location of the virus yet, but thanks to the amount of data he had gone through he was able to estimate when it had been implanted. Nearly a year that virus had been in the computer waiting to become active. He started to look up the ship's datalogs to see who was on the ship at that time that would have had level of access needed to plant that virus. He now new roughly when the virus had been installed and by who, he contacted both the Chief Science officer and the Chief Engineer and relaid the information they would need to at the very least isolate the virus so they could keep it from infecting the rest of their systems and with bypasses they would once again have some control over the ship. He'd let everyone in on who it was they were facing during the briefing.

One thing he didn't understand was why hadn't they come back to finish the Chimera off. Where they worried that perhaps the Chimera's crew had already repaired the ship enough to be a threat to them? Where they doubting the effectiveness of the virus? Or did they have something else planned.
August 15, 2264 1545 hours

Briefing Room

"Good afternoon. The reason I've asked that you all come here is to give you a quick heads up." Mack said as he started the briefing he had asked Lt. Steward to call for all department heads. He saw a couple of faces that he had already met and then there were still a few he hadn't. They were still missing a few officers mainly due to injury.

A holographic image came up showing a schematic of the ship, and all the damage that was done to it. "As you know Chimera had a few... issues during the attack. In fact, we suspected internal sabotage. Sabotage it was, but not just from within. The ship was hit hard in vital areas, areas only known to people like the chief engineer or one of the designers. He knew exactly where to hit us." he said as his hand physically manipulated the hologram to zoom in on various areas.

"What we've been able to determine is that this virus was put in our computers in a place where it stayed hidden until now. Mack continued. "But the list of those that would know that information is very small." he then tapped in a command on the controls on the table itself causing the image to change. The image of former Starfleet Captain Garth appeared hovering above the table.

"What did Chimera in was a subroutine that was written to override and lock out all vital systems. A subroutine and engaged by the ship's former CO, Captain Garth."

He knew some of the officers on the ship had served on under Garth's command before he had been removed from duty. As such he gave them time to let it sink in. He knew how it made him feel. Garth was supposed to have been in a rehabilitation center on Earth. But he could have very easily have gotten out and somehow gotten on board the Chimera while she was docked. Starfleet never took away his rank, the higher ups were hoping that whatever maddness had hit him could have been cured. "What the good Captain wasn't counting on was someone being on board whose knowledge of the ship's systems predated his own. As such I was able to direct the Chief Engineer and Lt. Rhinquist on where to look. Since then they were able to find and isolate the subroutine so it won't cause us any more problems."

That was when the Chief Engineer spoke up. " I think we'll be fully functional within the hour. Still will need to do full repairs at a starbase, but we can fight."

Mack nodded his eyes were still locked on those of the holographic image of Captain Garth. "Anyone have any questions?" he asked.
It felt strange for Dale to be seated at the table with the leaders of the different departments. He felt that he didn't belong there, but Commodore Pike must have seen something in him, which he did not know of. When nobody spoke up after the Captain's question, he cleared his throat.

"Not so much a question than a suggestion sir. During the repair time frame, can't we issue a general quarters for non-essential personnel. That way we can make certain that there will be no more further internal surprises when our attackers return."

He shifted slightly in his seat, "Also since we are on amber alert, it would be faster to prepare for an attack when we go to red alert, less panic as well. I have received reports that the red alert caused great disruptions and response times indicates that we have a lot to work out before getting to permitted parameters."
Mack was about to answer the Lieutenant's question but was cut off.

=/\=Bridge to Captain Hunter. =/\=

Mack couldn't place the name of whoever it was that was calling for him from the bridge but he pressed the control on the briefing table. "Hunter here."

=/\= Sir, we are receiving a distress call from the Westrbridge farming colony. They say they've been attacked by an unknown vessel. From the description they're giving it sounds like the same ship that attacked the Saratoga and us.=/\=

Mack knew that they were being bated. If it was Garth that was in command of that other ship, then he knew that he needed to act before the Chimera could get back up to combat status or else the Chimera would trounce all over him. "Doesn't look like you're going to have an hour." Mack told the chief engineer.

The CEO smirked. "I never do."

"Helm plot a course to the colony and engage at best possible speed. "All hands to battlestations!" he ordered over the speakers.

He then looked at the Doctor. "We might have more wounded coming your way doctor."
20 minutes later

"Five minutes to arrival Captain." the helmsmen reported.

"Sensor scan." Mack ordered.

"The hostile vessel is still there sir, with her fire power she could have wiped that colony out by now. Instead they seem to just be toying with them."

"No they want us. If it's who I think it is they want to stop the Chimera. Without her Pirates will have the run of the unaffiliated sectors." Mack told him. "Think about it, in the last five years a new power has emerged in the quadrant. One that is about community and peace. That wasn't about to make a lot of people happy. They also see that the Federation and Starfleet are becoming a technological powerhouse and don't understand how or why. The refits that the Constitutions are going through, that the Miranda will soon be going through and then there's the Chimera. Within the next five years Starfleet will become a force that this quadrant hasn't seen before. So what we're dealing with now are some of those that don't like that are trying to stop that from happening." It was funny how now as he sat in the center seat again he could see all of that so clearly. He could also see everything that he had spent the last few years building threatened and he didn't like it at all. "Are communications up enough that we can send a message to the hostile?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," she replied, adjusting her earpiece. In fact, just a minute ago, repairs had been completed, restoring communications to 100 percent.

"Open the channel." he told her. he then waited a few minutes. "This is the Federation starship Chimera, Mackenzie Hunter in command. You are ordered to cease all hostilities."

A few moments later the image of man that Mack had thought of as a colleague appeared on the viewer. "Mackenzie Hunter... you're on the Chimera."

Mack stood up from the command chair. "Stop this madness Mal. To many innocent people have died already."

"What world are you living in Mack? There are no innocent people. Everyone is guilty of something."

Mack sighed. "Maybe... but don't you think we deserve a second chance, to change to live peacefully?"

"I don't want change!" he replied. "I wasn't taught peace when I went through the Academy. I was taught how to wage war, and I intend to use what I was taught." Garth replied.

"You're right. But one thing I know that your Academy taught that I teach my students everyday. Never take on an opponent unless you expect to win. Give up Mal." Mack told him.

"I made that mistake once before, I won't do that again. You are as impotent as your ship Captain." Garth challenged sounding proud and simultaneously revealing that he had been the cause of the Chimera's recent computer troubles.

"I'm warning Mal, if you don't surrender now I'm going to use every resource on this ship to bring you down and I'll succeed. Oh... we found your virus.... it's over"

Garth smiled. "You want to kill me don't you Mack. The warrior in you want to taste a little blood, isn't that funny. I kill for power, you kill for peace. We're just two sides of the same coin, heroes to our own cause. Well we'll see who gets the parade." and his last words the image went off the screen.

Mack sat back down in his chair.

"Captain we're nearing the coordinates now."

"Red Alert, secure us from warp!" Mack ordered.


The Chimera seemed to appear out of nowhere and instantly seemed to have hundreds of pulses of red fury lash out at Garth's vessel. The shield impacts were visible indicating that the battle was far from over.

Chimera Bridge

"Ablative armor is at full strength, but aft phasers are still down. It's best to keep the nose pointed at him at all times." the Engineer told him.

Mack was looking at the tactical display in front of him as the Chimera moved even closer towards their adversary. Their ship was smaller than the Chimera, not as heavily armed and yet easily more powerful than an independent ship should be. Garth had obviously given these pirates some tips. Defending the ship's rear wasn't going to be easy. "Full axis rotation to port. Continue firing all phasers. As we pass them fire aft torpedoes full spread. Then turn us around as quickly as possible." he ordered. His words calm and yet no less demanding.
Dale's fingers did their job, keeping the phaser fire blasting into the shields of their opposition, they were taking hits in return, but this time the shields was there to protect their hull.

"Shields holding sir."

As they passed the enemy ship, he fired the aft torpedoes on a full spread pattern.

"Hits registered sir."

Already the Chimera were turning to protect their vulnerable hind. As their target came into view again, Dale resumed lashing out at them with phaser fire.
"Lieutenant give them another full torpedo spread!" Mack ordered as he watched as the image on the viewer turned with the ship until it now seemed as if Garth's vessel was upside down. Phasers continued to pound on the smaller ship and just as Mack had ordered the Chimera released a burst of torpedoes upon passing Garth's vessel. At first the cluster of torpedoes seemed to only be one, but once a safe distance away from the Chimera the torpedoes separated revealing 8 individual torpedoes flying out to separate targets and rocking the smaller vessel.

"Their shields are down to 30 percent," Cavy reported, checking the scans. "Their engines are out. Other systems are suffering, but not yet failing."

Even as he heard everything from around him including the reports as Garth's ship's shields were near failure. Mack's face was as if stone as he watched the tactical readouts. Some of the junior officers were starting to wonder if former Captain Garth was right and that Captain Hunter did in fact want to kill him. Who could blame him, after all the former Starfleet Captain had cost the lives of so many. "Mister Steward if you will be so kind as to knock out their shields." Mack ordered and then activated one of the controls on the command chair. "Hunter to transporter room lock on to every living being over there. As soon as that ship's shields are down beam all the survivors directly to the brig." he ordered.

=/\= "Acknowledged." =/\= came the quick reply.

Mack then switched the channel to sickbay. "Bridge to sickbay. Send a medical team to the brig. Possible incoming wounded."
Dale frowned, something about this just didn't seem right. He would have spoken up, but they were on red alert and the captain's orders were to be followed even if you did not agree with them. So he focused phasers on the weakened parts of the shields and kept a rotating fire sequence on the ship. At the same time he checked the proximity scan...just in case.
The seconds that passed seemed to feel like hours. "Their shields are down!" Cavy called out. "Cease fire Mr. Steward and drop shields... Transporter room Energize now!"

Almost fifteen seconds later came the final verdict. =/\= "Twenty survivors aboard and secure in the brig." =/\=

"Mr. Steward bring the shields back up just in case." Mack ordered.

Cavy turned around and announced. "Scans show primary systems are failing aboard the enemy vessel. She'll be adrift, but salvageable."

"Launch a buoy and then inform Starfleet to get a tug out here to recover it." Mack ordered the communications officer as his mind was finally able to focus on other things around him. He was finally able to breathe normally and from what he could tell everyone around him were breathing sighs of relief.
"Cease fire Mr. Steward and drop shields... Transporter room Energize now!"

Ceasing fire was easy, just a touch of a button, but did he really want to drop the shields? Go for something that wasn't really the best idea? But it was either disobey a direct order and be the reason people die, or do what the captain commanded and just hoped for the best.

"Shields down."

"Mr. Steward bring the shields back up just in case." Mack ordered.

Following the most sensible order in his books came naturally and fast

"Buoy deployed sir and shields raised."

He stood at his con, waiting for further instructions. His mind going over the occurrences the past few hours and wondering what he have missed.
One's place in the world

Location: En Route to Earth
Timeline: August 15, 2264 2230 hours

Mack walked into the quarters he been asigned and went into the bathroom. He splashed some water on his face. It had been a long day and things had happened that he never thought would. When he agreed to take this little pleasure cruise it was so that he could say his goodbyes to the great void. "So much for the plans of mice and men." he said softly as he looked into the mirror and grabbed the nearby towl and dried his face.

A lot of people had been injured, like his best friend Chris Pike, and would never be the same again. Several had also died today, and yet thanks to the hard work of this crew a great many more had survived. They, like the Chimera herself, were still pretty green but the had a lot of potential.

Mack placed his hand on the nearby bulkead "And you did well as well." he said as if speaking to the ship. "A couple of weeks in drydock and we'll have you as good as new and after a full computer wipe we won't have to worry about any hidden viruses in you."

he had gone through a lot, but some how he now felt he was where he belonged. He then sat down at the desk and activated the computer access. "Computer begin Captain's Log."