Leftists More apt to Looney-Tunes Than People on Right


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Conservative high school seniors less prone to depression than liberal counterparts: Poll​

by Jenny Goldsberry, Social Media Producer |
May 14, 2023 01:01 PM
A recent study found that high school seniors that identified as liberal were more prone to depression than their conservative counterparts.

Columbia University surveyed more than 85,000 18-year-old teenagers from 130 private schools from 2005 to 2018, considering them conservative or liberal based on self-reporting. While all teenagers reported higher depressive affect scores after 2010, liberal students reported higher depressive scores than their counterparts, which were calculated by self-reports regarding their moods, self-esteem, self-derogation, loneliness, depressive episodes, and suicidal ideations and behavior.

"These findings indicate a growing mental health disparity between adolescents who identify with certain political beliefs," the study read. "It is, therefore, possible that the ideological lenses through which adolescents view the political climate differentially affect their mental well-being."

Of all respondents, liberal women reported the highest depressive affect, with liberal women without a college-educated parent topping the charts. More women tended to identify as liberal than me, with 22% reporting a left-leaning political ideology. About the same amount, 21% of men identified as conservative.

Those behind the study cited similar surveys that found "common aspects of a conservative identity are equally as protective for adolescent mental health as for adult mental health." However, when it came to black women, the education of their parents was more correlated with a healthy mental state because "conservatism alone was not protective for mental health."

More here: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/conservative-less-prone-depression-poll

Those of us here on the "astute" Right have known that liberalism is a mental disorder for a long time and have said so. So we can all rest easy now on the knowledge our instincts have suggested were always correct. :D
Your view of mental health and depression is typical of the right.

Conservative high school seniors less prone to depression than liberal counterparts: Poll​


So the Cole's notes of this is pretty simiple.

Children of parents who are highly educated, and who's parents understand the political world around them, and discuses this with them; those children tend to internalise it and worry maybe a bit more.

As opposed to children of parents who are uneducated and who don't discuss world and political issues. Who tend not to hear about it, and worry maybe a bit less.

"Historically, research has indicated that adolescent political beliefs are primarily informed by parental preferences"

"we hypothesize that political beliefs may contribute to downward trends in adolescent mental health."

Our research highlights the growing mental health burden faced by millions of adolescents, independent of political beliefs or demographic characteristics

Another fine thread of wrongways, that fails spectacularly....

Here is the link to the actual study, it's kind of hard to pull put in the bullshit articles linked by our resident idiot.

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Reichguide praising Liberals for being more mature and honest is my favorite take from him.
Yes we're talking about you. :D
100% of the world has mental health issues of some sort from time to time. Sorry to let you know. Most are very short term....some are long term. And every high schooler went through mental shit of some sort, because of puberty. The right just isn't comfortable admitting it.

Sorry you can't accept this as a thing.
They are both less depressed and commit suicide more often? Odd, either as I've said the guns are the problem OR more likely conservatives, especially among white males are told you don't talk about your problems. We see this in military and first responders.


Its almost like if you get a bunch of manly men together they can't help but start offing themselves. Though poverty in many cases or at least not making enough to take time off to get help is part of it. No conservative is at all interested in addressing any of this.
They are both less depressed and commit suicide more often? Odd, either as I've said the guns are the problem OR more likely conservatives, especially among white males are told you don't talk about your problems. We see this in military and first responders.


Its almost like if you get a bunch of manly men together they can't help but start offing themselves. Though poverty in many cases or at least not making enough to take time off to get help is part of it. No conservative is at all interested in addressing any of this.
When you don't actually admit your issues, you are more likely to internalize your bullshit leading to higher cases of suicide.
They are both less depressed and commit suicide more often? Odd, either as I've said the guns are the problem OR more likely conservatives, especially among white males are told you don't talk about your problems. We see this in military and first responders.


Its almost like if you get a bunch of manly men together they can't help but start offing themselves. Though poverty in many cases or at least not making enough to take time off to get help is part of it. No conservative is at all interested in addressing any of this.
That's not true. I'm surrounded by conservative people who solve our problems peacefully through debate and votes. We solve other problems according to the laws we all voted for through our representatives with "whatever force is necessary" to achieve a peaceful result. So there is a lot of peace where I live.
That's not true. I'm surrounded by conservative people who solve our problems peacefully through debate and votes. We solve other problems according to the laws we all voted for through our representatives with "whatever force is necessary" to achieve a peaceful result. So there is a lot of peace where I live.
You solve external problems....that's not the same thing.
You solve external problems....that's not the same thing.
We have institutions for snowflakes to avail themselves of if they find their way here and cross paths with normal people breathing testosterone infused air. :D
We have institutions for snowflakes to avail themselves of if they find their way here and cross paths with normal people breathing testosterone infused air. :D
You're the definition of toxic masculinity. And you're proud of that. And this thread shows that.
That's not true. I'm surrounded by conservative people who solve our problems peacefully through debate and votes. We solve other problems according to the laws we all voted for through our representatives with "whatever force is necessary" to achieve a peaceful result. So there is a lot of peace where I live.
While murder is an issue I was talking about suicide. That might hurt someone else's feelings but that's someone else's problem. The only thing this has to do with laws is how easy it is to obtain guns. At least existing laws. If we were less obsessed with masculinity we could pass laws like if you work in these fields. Maybe pick the top twenty five for suicide and say "You must visit a therapist every so often." This really falls back to conservatives genuinely don't give a shit how many people die.

Whatever force is necessary is incompatible with a peaceful result. These are opposites.

However you went fully off subject. The OP is about depression. Happy people don't off themselves. So either easy access to guns, stigma about seeking help, poverty that plagues pretty much every red state. That's not to say its not a problem every where but dear god.

The fact that you're joking about places for snowflakes to go and insulting their masculinity really shows the content of your character. There are plenty of things that are funny. This is another reason why we have so many problems. Even though you're a minority in the country a rigged system gives you grossly disproprtionate power. How a party that has only won a single popular vote in like thirty years has enough power to prevent progress is fucking insane.
While murder is an issue I was talking about suicide. That might hurt someone else's feelings but that's someone else's problem. The only thing this has to do with laws is how easy it is to obtain guns. At least existing laws. If we were less obsessed with masculinity we could pass laws like if you work in these fields. Maybe pick the top twenty five for suicide and say "You must visit a therapist every so often." This really falls back to conservatives genuinely don't give a shit how many people die.

Whatever force is necessary is incompatible with a peaceful result. These are opposites.

However you went fully off subject. The OP is about depression. Happy people don't off themselves. So either easy access to guns, stigma about seeking help, poverty that plagues pretty much every red state. That's not to say its not a problem every where but dear god.

The fact that you're joking about places for snowflakes to go and insulting their masculinity really shows the content of your character. There are plenty of things that are funny. This is another reason why we have so many problems. Even though you're a minority in the country a rigged system gives you grossly disproprtionate power. How a party that has only won a single popular vote in like thirty years has enough power to prevent progress is fucking insane.
We aren't like you people in CA, our towns and cities aren't in chaos, the majority of our people are healthy, happy, and well-adjusted.

I fight poverty by working hard not to be impoverished. Even as a young boy I had jobs that paid money and I've never been unemployed. It's the life sentence that most men are burdened with.

Masculinity doesn't run high in sniffling snowflakes, not the kind I associate with, or live around here. No one here is obsessed with our masculinity, we just know without it things don't get done. Most of the men I know wake up in the morning with one thought on their minds, the list of things that have to get done. We're a motivated species, we don't sit around in depression about how bad things are. We worry about how bad things will be if we don't do what we are born to do, that being to get things done so we don't wake up tomorrow in a worse fix than we were the day before. It's easy to go backwards, the Democrats want us to every day. Thankfully there aren't many Democrats around here.
I only get depressed when I think I have everything done and I can't think of anything else that needs to get done. I'm a workaholic. I have land to tend, a woodshop, and a metal shop. I have equipment to tend. I get 5-6 hours a sleep at night. If I'm not working on a production schedule for a construction client, I'm editing hundreds of photographic images of my own for possible commercial sale, or I'm planning a raod trip somewhere. I post here parts of the day between everything else.

What kind of minority are you talking about? Are you talking race or politics?

I keep telling you that the popular vote doesn't mean shit in a presidential election.
there used to be a guy here who claimed that isis ran him off the site and was obsessed buttholes. that guy was bonkers.