Leaving Soon But Not For Good


Really Experienced
Jan 17, 2002
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I just wanted you to know i was taking some time to myself. Some time to put my life back in order. Some time to figure out what it is a want out of this so called life. This means taking some time away from my vices. and this and the bottle are both BIG ones.

So I'm going away for a bit. But the mall might not close if Kendahl wants her I'll give him the keys. Heck he has added twice as many threads to the mall then I have.

Well how long will I be gone I don't know. Maybe 28 days We shall see. My last day here should be Thursday.

I just wanted to let you all know.


P.S. I really am going to miss you guys.

P.S.S. I don't want this confused with the drama queen B.S. that is going on on the LIT board.
Re: Going away

Enjoy your vacation... please come back and visit... just to say hi at least!

Hope all goes well!

Luv ya...
re: oooh kitty

Dear Christy,

First, I would be honored to assume temporary custody of the keys to the mall and your story. Gotta keep those girls in line.

Second, and most important, is your well-being. Everything in moderation, I guess. Don't think I've forgotten about you and your special words, kitten. I'll send a little goingaway present soon. I hope not to have to miss you, that you'll feel you can vent anything you need to me during your sabbatical. You know where to reach me.

Hope to see you in the mall soon, and/or, more importantly, that you're able to find the inner peace you need.

Much love,:rose:
28 days?

28 days... just like the Sandra Bullock movie? It's good timing for that because in the movie her 28 days is a month, that month being February. Very much a coinecidence. You shall be missed, but who knows what might develope over the time you are away. Maybe you will return to a better more ALIVE chyoo. Lately it's been pretty dead here, and I myself can't say I am bringing much life here. I've just been too lazy to put my words into type and do anything. I am trying to make a come back, today I wrote two new, great threads.

Chyoo needs great writers, so you better not forget to come back. I hope you find your world, or the world you are seeking.

(searching for my world too)
NOOooo!!! Christy, don't go!:eek:

Seriously, I guess its good to take time out from our obsessions (vices?) occasionally - even if only to see whether they are harmless diversions, or whether we really can't do without them.

So I hope you stay away for the full 28 days. But don't wait a day later before returning.

Remember, everybody here loves you.:heart:
Thank you all for your kind words
and I will be back as soon as i have "fixed" things in my head
I do love you all
and hope to see you all here when i come back
Luv always
Good luck! (though you shouldn't be here, since your last day is supposed to be Thursday... :p )

I know what you're going through. One day at a time!
