Leather vs. Latex


Cunningly Concealed
Oct 28, 2002
I'm posting this just to cause a possible knock-down drag-out between fanciers of either.

So which is better?
And why?
And how do you know that?
I assume this has something to do with a lack of liquid cows ;)
liquid latex hurts unless you're completely hairless. real latex traps sweat between your skin and the latex so your skin gets soggy and icky.

...or so i've heard.

It breathes, and i won't react badly to it.

How do you think i know?
What? I expected somebody was going to speak up for cling-film...
Mainly because it wasn't listed as an option.
Ahhhh, the smell of leather in the morning!

even better than napalm!
But what is it about them both?

Texture? The way it wears, feels, looks?

Why isn't... I dont know... polar fleece a fetish fabric?
It's awfully cuddly.
It has to be leather

The Smell

The Texture

The Durability


You ever try a leather condom?

Anything black and shiny will do the trick for me.
Definitely a fan of leather. It's more durable, smells better, look better and they don't make latex chaps.;)