Leather And Lace


Queen of the Damned
Dec 28, 2001
(This is a closed thread between Redelicious, Navarre, Tryingsumtinnew and Sexy Amber)

The building was extravagant to view from downtown city, the large almost castle like structure set secluded on the hilltop like a grand emperor overlooking his empire. It was close enough to the city for a brief drive yet secluded enough to provide the Members with the privacy they paid for. And they paid dearly, this Club was not for the everyday working class people, it was a place for those of affluence and power. A place where they could go and be seen and see those like them in the most erotic of environments.

The place was aptly named “Tommies”, and it was the classic leather bar of the time. A place where the gentlemen wore the finest of leather and the ladies donned in richly crafted leather and lace. The environment is everything you image a country club or resort, yet inside the walls was a world of intrigue and mystery. A place where status was judged and a place to show off your latest wares.

It is Friday night, a cool night in October and the skies were gray with whispers of stars struggling to peek through. Endless parades of foreign cars pulled up to the valet and beautiful people walked through the open doors.

Welcome to Tommies

Character name: Amber La’Joure
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue

As Amber walked up the long drive to the Club, she looked at her best friend Mary and smiled.

“We can do this, just have to convince the doorman”, she smiled slightly and gave her friend a wink of her chocolate lashes.

Upon her divine form she was dressed for the occasion. Her long sable tresses slithered wildly down the sadistic curves of her body. Her crystalline eyes of aqua were framed by long dark lashes. The pout of her silken lips painted a rich crimson color. Clinging helplessly to her ripe breasts was a lace shirt, of black, that teased hints of her caramel flesh through the pattern. The mounds of her breasts torment outlined in the scant shirt. The peaks of her coral nipples a constant teasing against the smooth lace as they strained against the material. The shirt cut off above her alluring navel, giving just the smallest tease of her flesh. Right below the flare of her unearthly hips the leather skirt began, it was like a second skin the way it accented every sadistic curve she possessed. They way it almost jealously adhered to the slope of her ass, tightly following the curve of her legs until it ceased at midthigh only to be overtaken by the fishnet stockings of charcoal. Her legs perfectly toned and sleek and upon her demure feet were stiletto heels, the heel itself covered in silver.

Each step she made was a silent seductive dance, her body seemingly created for the grip of a man. Her teeth captured her bottom lip briefly as they drew closer the one doorman, and she leaned against the ivory pedestal that sat there and her fingertip slowly teasing down her neck as her sapphire gaze lingered on him, that irresistible smile then overtook her exotic face and suddenly that enchanting voice was unleashed. Sultry yet innocent she spoke to the doorman.

“Good Evening”

She then let her bewitching gaze drift to her friend Mary with a smile.
Character name: Christian DePaul III
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Pale Green

Driving up to the manor on my vintage Indian motorcycle with the cool autumn air in my face and the moon reflecting heavily off the chrome, I notice a lot of limos and chauffeurs all over the circle drive. Everyone turns to look as my leather clad hands rev the throttle and decide to drive up the long brick walkway instead of taking my iron steed to the valet. Cruising up the walkway my bike vibrates wildly from the old and battered bricks sending my headlight cascading over the people walking towards the mansion. As I reach the end of it, I put my right foot down allowing everyone to see my perfectly polished black leather boots. I kill the engine and my spotlight goes away as they continue on their way up the drive. I take off my black helmet and slide my riding gloves from my fingers, my hands still red from the long ride over. I place the gloves inside of my helmet and slide the open end of it over the handle bars. I use my left leg to place the kickstand down and while placing my left hand on the fuel tank for balance I raise my right leg back and over the seat of the bike so I am standing on the left of it. Like a knight praising his stallion I run my hand down the vintage bike, telling her how special she is. I run my right hand straight back through my dark hair attempting to straighten it but only mess it up more. I hear a voice behind me and I slowly turn around to see who is talking, “Sir, you cannot park your bike there. You have to give it to the valet like everyo…………oh sorry sir I didn’t notice it was you.” “How are you doing tonight Chad?” I say to the young lad. “I am great sir, thank you. How are you doing this lovely evening sir?” Pulling a crisp one hundred dollar bill from my pocket handing it to him, “Listen Chad, I don’t want anyone near her and make sure she isn’t moved from this spot. You do that and I’ll make sure you are taken care of.” “Yes sir, anything you want and have a great time tonight Mr. D. She will be immaculate when you get back so have no worries sir.” he said as he pulled out a while linen clothe from his jacket and began to wipe the steed down. Walking from the young man towards the manors grand brick entrance, my black leather pants whisper to the crisp autumn night. My white silk shirt under my black leather jacket ripples in the breeze across my chest. I pause to look up at the full moon and light hits my piercing pale green eyes like a beam reflecting off of fine crystal. I take a deep breath continue towards the massive stairs. Walking across the cobble stone drive I feel the stares. As I approach the bottom step I cannot help but over hearing the new doorman giving two young ladies a hard time. The one on the left so beautiful and dressed to kill, I notice her long curvy legs flowing out from her short leather skirt. Her hair gently flowing in the crisp breeze, I know right then I must meet her. I firmly step up to them and ask, “Is there a problem?” “No sir, there isn’t a problem. These ladies were trying to get in and they are not members. I have orders to only allow members in sir.” I look at her face for the very first time and it’s so angelic, her radiant cobalt eyes stir my soul. “Hello ladies, my name is Christian DePaul.” I off my hand to the angel and she places it in mine, telling me her name is Amber and this is her friend Mary. I lean down and place a soft kiss on the back of her hand never taking my sight from her mesmerizing gaze. Straightening back up but still not taking my eyes from her I say to the doorman, “It’s quite alright; these ladies will be my quests tonight.” “But sir, I have stri”, as my glare cuts him off finally taking my eyes off this heavenly form before me. I step between the ladies and put an arm around each of their delicate waists. The three of us start towards the impressive double mahogany doors as another man quickly opens them for us. As we enter the grand foyer you can hear the lovely sounds of a piano and saxophone being played beautifully. As the gentlemen inside help Mary and Amber with their coats as I remove my own jacket and hand it to one of them. The long French cuffed sleeves of my silk shirt flow with my arms. I tell the one gentleman to please inform Mr. White, the owner of the club, I wish to speak with immediately as I will be in the other room and do not wish to wait for him.

Smiling at the ladies we head towards the other room, the sound of their heels clicking across the fine marble tiles.

Character name: Vladimir Broussard –Vlad for short
Hair: Thinning – the color of Espresso
Eyes: Piercing hazel

The supercharged engine of the Miata purrs as I make my way up the twisting road to Tommies, the club that a few associates and I founded. Yes, it has been a good investment, providing a place of respite for the members and money for our pocketbooks. Being the private person that I am I don’t mind at all if someone else appears to be the owner. It’s better that way.

As I enter the driveway of the club I notice the multitude of cars here tonight. “Business must be good.” I think to myself. Pulling up to the entrance I climb out of the Miata, letting it idle, hearing the engine purr like a finely tuned Swiss watch, detecting only the quiet whine of the supercharger drive. Strolling around to the front of the car I notice my reflection in the fine Zaino finish of the car.
“Chad, please see that my car is put in its proper place in the garage.” I say to the parking attendant. “Will do Sir, “ he responds as I climb the stairs to the club. I hesitate at the entrance looking over the people arriving, thinking how many things have changed in the last twelve years. Look at me now, handmade Italian leather boots, black leather Armani pants, Chinese silk shirt, topped by a black Gandalf calfskin jacket gold Rolex Oyster. Laughing, I think, “I didn’t dress like this twelve years ago.” Yes, life is good now; much better than before. There’s only one thing lacking…………

I nod to the doorman as he opens the massive doors for me. I admire the long polished Burlwood bar as I make my way toward the semi-private Clubroom, acknowledging the staff as I go.
Pushing open the doors to the Clubroom I spot my compatriot Christian, standing at the bar with two beautiful women.

Immediately my eyes are drawn to her………..
Character name: Mary D’Anjou
Hair: Long, red, and curly
Eyes: Green

Mary struggled to keep up with her friend Amber as they made their way to the club. She was wearing the new black stiletto heels she had purchased just for the night and they were causing her to wobble. Still, she walked ahead with as much poise as she could muster and grinned at Amber. Mary had been dying to visit “Tommies” for some time and she was flushed with excitement that they were actually there. Now if they could only get in the door.

Mary was what you would call striking. Her long red hair framed her oval face with ringlets that cascaded over her shoulders of alabaster skin. Her eyes were deep emerald green, and sparkled as they darted around in anticipation. Her wine colored lips were pouty, but when she smiled her face lit up and she became illuminated.

On that occasion she had chosen to wear all black. Her ample breasts were contained in a tight lace bustier, adding to her already stunning cleavage. Mary considered this her best feature and accessorized it with a delicate gold chain – a pear shaped diamond dangling between her breasts. She wore a short leather skirt, which did nothing to hide her full, round bottom. From underneath the skirt grew Mary’s shapely legs, clad in fishnet thigh highs which attached to a lace garter she had decided to wear in the place of panties. And then there were those shoes, higher then anything she had worn before, gracing her tiny feet.

It was clear the beautiful pair were not going to be able to work their considerable charms on the doorman. Fortunately Amber had managed to beguile one of the clubs distinguished members and the girls gained entry to this castle they had dreamed so much about. They followed him to the bar in the clubroom. Mary attempted to climb up on the leather stool without her skirt riding up revealing her secret underneath. Just then she felt a presence causing a blush to warm her creamy skin………

-her turquoise gaze held steady on the doorman, it was then a voice spoke near her. A masculine voice with a husky whispery rasp that made her head instantly turn. It was then she first saw him. Her vision was blinded with by his exquisite good looks, dark and mysterious. He moved before her with a confidence that only a man such as him possessed. Then, like planets their gazes collided, his emerald pools captured the pale brightness of her own aqua stare. Their eyes seemingly silently seduced by each other could not tear their stares, even as he bent to press his lips lips to the back of her delicate hand they were hypnotized in each others gazes. As he introduced himself, her angelic voice once again, like a memorizing symphony spoke.

“I am Amber, nice to meet you”

Only when he glared at the doorman did their eyes part from each other.

She looked toward her friend, Mary, a coy smile curled on her scarlet pout of temptation. Before she has the opportunity to mouth something to her, she can feel him beside her, his arm coiling about their waists. She could feel their scents combining, the light vanilla scent of her perfume and the manly scent of his cologne. Her bewitching gaze was immediately enraptured with the interior. It was by far the classiest place she had ever laid her eyes upon. She could feel the stares instantly upon the trio as they walked across the marble floor. When he spoke and asked to speak to the owner you could judge that his presence demanded respect.

As the entered the next room where he wished to await the owner, the music moved her. She looked to the bar where Mary had seated herself and smiled as her gaze caught the gentlemen who seemed to be looking at her beautiful friend, this made her smile even more and she turned to Christian with a lingering glance and slid onto the barstool next to Mary, one sleek leg crossing over the other with almost painful slowness. The silver of her stiletto heel absently drawing up the back of her opposite calf, teasing the black fish nets that craddled her leg. A finger lifted and twirling slowly in her raven locks as she tilted her head and spoke to him once more.

“I can’t thank you enough…. Christian”, she paused deliberately before saying his name, wanting to feel it roll from her tongue like warm honey.
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He glanced at the lady with the Auburn tresses, catching her gaze, but his eyes were immediately drawn to the other, the one with the long red hair. He was mesmerized by her…. Captivated by her looks and presence. It had been a very long time since he had laid eyes on such a woman…..a woman who caught his immediate attention. Due to his busy schedule and other “contractual obligations” he had been without a woman far too long.
Moving over to the trio, he takes a place at the bar next to the red-haired beauty, his piercing eyes taking in her smooth alabaster skin. He feels the warmth emanating from her. He detects a hint of that scent….the scent of a woman.
Nodding to his friend Christian he addresses the bartender, “Rick, give me a glass of Glenvilet, 18 year old please, with a splash of water. And give my friend Christian and these two stunning ladies whatever they desire.”
Turning to his friend, “Christian, how are you tonight? And whom might these two stunning ladies be?”