Learning patience as a writer

You're hung up on the editing as the style. It's not, and I'm not saying that.

But you did.

My writing comes out raw and straightforward, and I bet you can find flaws in the above-mentioned story. But overall, I thiink, (and commenters agree), that it has impact. Other's writing is finely crafted. The best writing is a balance of the two. However and wherever anyone finds that balance - and that is a question of style, not objective value - the end result is all that matters.
I could revise more. I spend more time revising my non-erotica than my erotica, but even that is relatively low, I think, compared with others I've discussed process with.

Part of the thing, for me, is that I do my best writing when I have a head of steam. Sometimes I can tell what I've written isn't going to work, and in that case generally I'll just write it again. I suppose that's a form of revision, but it's not editing, it's writing. Beyond that, I might do a couple read-throughs with my finger on the delete key, cutting out the fat, maybe swapping in a better word here and there. But it's not a terribly in-depth process.

With erotica, I post at that point. With non erotica, I might run it by some readers, I might sit on it awhile and revisit later. I know there's often still room for improvement because sometimes I'll take a look years later, cut one paragraph, and poof, it's fixed. But when I sit down to write I'd rather write something new than stare at something old, so that's what I do.