"Lay Her Bones on the Beach"- Open RP


BBW Queen Gypsy
Jul 20, 2012
It's an adventure! Filled with sneaky theives, blood thirsty pirates, and who knows what else? Post a character sketch and jump on in!
A lady theif

Name: Lilly (Last name unknown)

Age: 20

Appearance: 5'7", 200 lbs, well balanced and muscular. Short marroon hair, often held back a white strip of fabric. Wears black trousers and a red blouse with a black vest. When not working, she makes a habit of wearing bold golden jewlery in the form of numerous bracelets, multiple tiny gold hoop earrings, and even a nose piercing. When hunting for her prize, she wears only her trousers and blouse/vest, preferring the lighter tread of bare feet. Her green eyes sparkle with wit and intelligence and her pretty plump lips are not afraid to say what need be said. Her blouse barely contains some D-cup breasts that in a pinch don't mind saying hello. All that glory tapers into a flat stomach and then flares out into inviting, swaying hips, which flow into long, lean legs.

Bio: Lilly grew up a begger, bringing into her family what little she could scrape up from those generous enough to care for the little girl. When her mother died, their drunken father ran her and her younger brother out swearing to kill them if they ever returned. That was the night Lilly became a theifff. Word got around the underground of her talents, and soon, she found nobels wanted to hire her to steal from one another, and they were willing to pay a pretty penny for the best, which she was. It all became a game to her, a game that had led to her and her brother living a pretty comfortable life. Until that fateful night...
On that particular night...

Lilly sat at a corner table at the local tavern, surveying the usual rough-and-tumble crowd. She had been offered a tip directing her to a potential client. It seemed strange she could be so comfortable knowing the extent of trouble she could get into if ever she were caught at work. Her employers hired her to bring them their treasures. They were not interested in bailing her out of jail. A thought of her younger brother, tucked in and sleeping at home, made her feel a familiar twinge of guilt, but thinking of the feast she could provide for his coming birthday and the practice bow she'd had her eye on for him caused all hesitation to dissipate.

Taking another sweep of the dark, boisterous room, Lilly decided to wait just a bit longer to see if her cliwent just might show. It was in this sweep she caught sight of the deep blue cloak, made of material far too rich for this rowdy crowd. She grabbed her mug of ale, downed the last of it, and approached the stranger.

"Shall we find somewhere more private?" She offered, feeling the person jump under her touch on their shoulder. She felt the slight motion of a nod. Signalling the bartender, Lilly led the way to a door at the back of the tavern, confining them in a tiny back room. As she lpcked the door, she felt for her dagger at her hip, just to be sure. She turned and found herself face-to-face with a young woman about the same age as her own. Startled for a moment, Lilly quickly composed herself.

"So, what can I do for you, m'lady?"

The woman stood tall and proud, brow furrowed. "I need something stolen."

This meeting was how Lilly wound up onboard a ship, bound for gods knew where, carrying nothing but a small, jade key. The lady had simply said a black box into which the key of jade would fit. She had not been able to give me much more information except that it had been stolen by pirates. So now I was on the hunt for pirates. I looked back at the shore, thinking of my brother. I had once again left him in the care of the bartender and his wife. Though I hated doing it, I knew I had to. The reward for this was far too great to pass up.

I fixed my eyes on the horizon and smiled ruefully.
Captain Wallace Worth

Better know as :

"Captain Mad Wall "

"Son of two whores"


"Golden Tooth"

"Fucker of Aunts"

and some other names that are best not spoken...

Once a brigadier aboard the Golden Abyss, a simple ship on the service of her majesty naval army, Wallace Worth soon became notorious by killing his Captain in a mutiny at the shores of Port Caelle, and also for having sex with the captains aunt who was traveling with them at the moment, some say the two stories are entwined who noes...

Having no other choice the black captain let is new man to a series of pillages and ship sinking like the Port add never seen.

The bounty on hes head as grown like the late tales of a mysterious box that he carry's wherever he goes.

Appearance : 6.10 black beard, tan skin, black daring eyes. Always with his black pipe and pointy black hat, with a red cross. The clothes he wears vary on the task at hand, and pirates are not very found of their clothes, but the same cannot be said about their weapons. The captain posses one silver saber (stolen ) with a incrusted ruby on the handheld and two silver matching pistols.
The Golden Abyss was a frigate of one master, not a simple pile of wood constructed with the sole purpose of sailing the seas, no she was a beauty meant to wreak havoc on every god damn sea.

But she was also a confident if she could speak she would tell tales of wonder like no one as heard before. She could tell about her lover, her master, her Captain.

He roomed the deck watching is crew come back from a night of lust at the Port Miraflores, a not so dandy place, it only at a house of whores and most of them did not had very meaty bodies, like the Captain liked.

His current crew was most old sailors from the war, tired from taking orders from others, tired from staying away from a woman touch for too long.

This was the last night of them together, from there they would sail to the Island of Kerberus and divide a year of plunder, some would take leave, others would retire, and some would embark for more one year of faithful sin.

But not tonight...tonight...he watched the sea

-Set sail you maggots - he roared - We sail...
Being a theif, it had been easy for Lilly to use some treasures she had lying around to bribe her way onto thf ship. Once aboard, she had volunteered for various tasks that most of the crew despised. One of her favorite duties was night watch. She was amazed when the captain had granted her request, but then again, the power of her alluring body was always a shock to her.

At the moment, she leaned against the mast, looking out over the quiet water, wondering what she'd do once she'd securwed her treasure. She thought of the handsome price the woman had pit on this mission, a price that was doubled should Lilly succeed in killing the captain. Lilly shook her head. She was a theif, not an assassin. She would have to settle for the lesser sum. It was still a hefty reward and she took comfort in that.

Besides, it was an excuse to get back on the open water. She had longed for this, but with her brother Elijah, she had mostly stuck close to home, using her talent to stir things up between nobles and keep them entertained. Now she felt the salty wind whip her face and tug at the tails of her head scarf and she began to wonder why she ever settled.

She once more withdrew the jade key to inspect it. What was so important about this box? If it turned out to be valuable enough, Lilly might keep it and move Elijah and herself to a new home to sell the box and start another life under new identities. She sighed, dropping the key back into her pocket and turned her eyes back to sea.
-The sails are at full stretch Captain - said his first maid Jimbo Squalace...Jim or Squid for his friends, who where so few

-We will make one last stop at Marina Island to stock some last supplies and from then we only stop at Muerte Island.

Muerte Island the lair of the most notorious pirates, practically a City of pirates on the back of an Island.

The trip to Marina Island would take them three days, with good weather,
The trip to Marina Island would take them three days, with good weather,

The Golden Abyss was a rigid frigate with a hold for 50 men, but usually only 30 where on board. The Captain always said we don't need many men we need good men. Hes days in the navy had taught him that, many times had he seen good soldiers flee the battlefield when in the face of danger, and worst many more had tried to gain favors. So he only wanted the lowest of the bunch, the dastardly, the psychos, the "i will fuck my daughter", you know, the ones where i did not need to be always looking behind his back, because all of them would be too busy looking behind their back. And the better part, when word spreed that his ship was full of murdering bastards, sons of a whore, what kind of merchant ship would try and face them?? The answer was no one.

In their last raid trough the seas they had gone a year of pillage and murders, rapes and bondages, poems and songs. The name Golden Abyss was infamous around all the ports, and that was good and bad, they where now tired and rusty in need of some good rest, so no other better place to split the loot that Island of Kerberus.

In his cabin Captain Mad Wall watched the seas trough is open window, his quarters where small with only space for his bed, a wardrobe and a table that he used to take is meals and read maps, it was a lonely life aboard the frigate, he could count on his mates for a good laugh but not for a good talk, so he spend some time at night reading and writing, because for him the best pirate was a smart pirate, many pirates had gone at sea and get themselves a good loot but few had lived to enjoy the wealth, not he, he had some plans.

And they all had to too with the black box hidden under his bed, it was a not a usual type of box, it was perfectly squared, its faces all polished, the material of the box, no one knew, and the key entrance add not bulge for nothing, what kind of key could open such a mysterious box was the reason he was stooping at Muerte Island, there the shamans, and pirate voodos could help him. And then he embark on his private adventure and retrieve the key from the dead hand of his former master.
The port of Marina Island. Once so full of life and teaming with merchants, now crawling with pirates. Lilly looked on curiously. The ship had run through a rather rough storm and there were some much needed repairs that needed done which could not wait for a more welcoming harbor. Lilly smiled Surely a theif could find pleanty of work in a place so dastardly low and dirty. She eagerly lept over the railing, and landed with a sound, rather shaking thud on the dock. She ignored the pain in her ankles as she ran for the nearest inn. Knowing they would be held up for some time, she figured she could do some investigating.

The crowd at the inn tavern seemed rather inelegant and uninviting but Lilly was sure that while her cutlass remained sheathed, it was in plain view. She was not above slitting a few throats. She took a place at the bar and ordered her drink. Waiting for the right opportunity, she leaned in close, offering the bartender a glimpse of her generous cleavage and a few gold pieces. "Ever heard the name 'Golden Abyss'?" She asked, rather loudly, so as to catch the reaction of nearby patrons.

The bartender scoffed and swept up the gold, being sure to get a quick swipe at her huge tits as well. "Ye'd be wise no' to asj after that vessel long as ye live," he replied gruffly. Lilly grabbed his shirt front and pulled in close. "Why's that?" She snarled.

"People go lookn'" he said, prying her fingers from him, "and don't never come back."

Lilly pondered this and threw some more gold on the table. "I'll take a room."
Word would spread quickly about the sighting of the Golden Abyss on the Marina Islands. And since they could not dock at the port that leave the Captain no choice he had to divide the crew. All of them would kill and spit his bones if he did not allow them to go to land.

He was at the deck dividing the crew in groups. One would go with him and gather some new members to help on the last part of their voyage and the rest would stay and make sure no good mother cracker tried to steal their loot.

In plain clothes, a red coat with red trousers and a white shirt he almost looked a normal man going onto shore to sell rice. but then there was his belt with his pistols and the shinny nasty saber, and on his head the final piece the pointy hat dark as his soul.

-Mon capitan - said one of his crew pirates, a handsome french blonde backstabber, throat cutter, teenager fucker you know the like - i must have a girl in my arms tonight.

-Quit year whappin - he roared so all the crew could ear - you will stay with first mate JImbo and that is that - he looked at Jimbo who was readin the row boat to be dropped - And if i return and i find out that some of you went to land without my permission....- he looked around eyes open, teeth grinding, beard pointing - I will cut yer balls and feed them to the sharks.

And that was that, no pirate wanted his balls cut of, and all of them took his word for granted, for many years back he had taken an eye from one member of the crew who was saying he had cheated him on the loot, he had taken the eye with his mouth.

So the boat was filled with 15 dastardly pirates rowing like crazy to quickly go onto shore and feast.
Lilly had gone up to her room to settle in a bit. She scrubbed her face and reapplied all her bangles and jewels (though she was smarter than to wear anything real). Proud of her image in the looking glass, she went downstairs. A ruckus had risen as the night had wore on, and drink flowed freely now. She ordeered her ale and sat at the wnd of the bar, laughing with the crowd, striking a conversation with the lad on the stool beside her.

"It's the usual for this time of year," the man said to her inquiry after the festivities. "The pirates are usually going about the ports this time and we all celebrate what little wealth we'vre tucked away before they come and clean us out."

Lilly scowled. "Why don't you fight?"

"Never see it until it's too late. Catch us inawares, they do. Besides," he added, "I'd rather lose me fortune than me head." A loud cheer erupted at that and many drinks were thus polished off. Lilly grit her teeth and downed the lasst of her drink, ordering another. She should stay sharp, but the ale put her fear aside Nand made it easier for her not to think of things that would distract her.
The boat came to shore with fifteen pirates ready to cut lose, the port was in the middle of his on party, light well lit, girls dancing around, people singing and screaming

"Oh oh oh the pirates on catch our gold
oh oh oh sod of yer dirty hoes"

Mad Wall was mesmerized this was better than what he expected, a bunch of drunk mongrels was a bit easier to kick than a bunch of grubby lying bastards.

-Yer coming with me - he said pointing to a big wall of muscles with black trousers and a bandana on his head - the rest of ye go and enjoy the night don't let a single cunt go unfucked.

They entered the inn, and the singing continued this was almost to good to be true he tough.

He approached the bar with quite a few problems, every now and then he wondered if no one would recognize him, he the terror of the sea, he who had sunk so may ships, eaten so many babies, he who was now face to face with the bartender literally screamed on his ear

-Free drinks for everybody

the crowd stooped, the singing ceased and that so familiar look of fear appeared.

-Don't mind me lads continue with yer singing and yer laughing and yer cute stories about pirates. - he grinned a wicked smile - Now wheres that free drinks...
Lilly was amused as she watched this man assume control. She waited the din of business had more less been restored, nervous though it may have been. She stole away and up to her room. If this was really the fabled captain she'd been looking for, this would be easier than she thought. She knew a strategy was in order and as a plan formed in her mind's eye, she untucked her red blouse and tied it in a knot just below her heavy bosom. Over her tight black leggings, she slipped a long gypsy's skirt. She made sure all her bangles were in place and even added a belt of golden chains. Out of her sack, she grabbed a flute and racced, barefoot, back to the bar.

Asking a few locals if they could clear her some floor space, her leakingg bosom not hurting her request, and when she had room, she raised her flute to her lips. The first strain of notes carried over the crowd, laying a blanket of muffled hush over them all. Once she knew she had their attention, she picked up the pace, her feet beginning to slide across the floor. Her steps matched the tempo she played, and as her music picked up, so did her steps. She was soon dancing even between the crowded tables smiling at large men who began clapping a beat so even when she needed a breath, she could dance on.

She continued her trend until everyone was up and stomping, laughing, and singing to her familiar tune. Finishing in the center of her original circle with a flourish, bowing dramatically. A cheer greeted her that shook the room and she blew a kiss and winked before settling back at the bar.
The bartender grinned ans started passing some filthy cups rimmed with beer and ale, but the friendly people in the inn where not to pleased with the offering.

-Drink until your mothers be drunk - he screamed as he took a mug of beer and drank it in a second. His mate drank and snarled at some drunken sailors who tried to thank the captain.

Mad Wall was not enjoying himself the crowd where a sorry sod losers who where chicken shit, he was thinking on starting a bar fight but this was no fun.

HE prepared to leave the inn and proceed to buy some materials for the ship when a sassy lady started playing a lovely tune in a flute. She moved like a panther between the tables jigglin a fine pair of melons, he was immediately thinking on removing that long skirt to see if her under curves where as good as the upper.

The crowd was starting to be alive again, laughing and singing, this was more like what he was searching, she stopped in a uproar, blew a kiss and went to sit at the bar.
And where she went the captains eyes followed.

He quickly pushed the maggot that was trying to seat by her side, he barked and tried to raise his sword, but the captains pistol was faster, the barrel pressed against his temporal.

-Now..now me lad, dont want to drench the lady with yer filthy blood, or do i - he said with a humor,

He wondered if she was enjoying his display of raw pirate power.

-One mug - he screamed to the bartender and approached the boobilicous miss. - You have caught my attention - he said in a good english accent, since he really was english. - What kind of poison are you seeking here ?
Lilly looked amused as the rough man sat beside her. She held up her glass of ale, remarking, "I'm set," before taking a rather large swig. Slamming her glass to the counter, she leaned an elbow on it's surface. "What brings you here tonight? Certainly not the sewage tap they pass for brew."

She laughed lightly, waiting for his response. Her sense tingled. She had never had time for any suitors, much less for shallow "playmates" but for some reason, this man intrigued her.
What a sassy lass tough Mad Wall observing her features.

-sometimes you must mingle with the pigs in the hopes of finding a treasure - his eyes sparked as he said "treasure", a pirate favorite word - the real question is what is a lass like yer self doing dancing for this wretched people.

He talked loud like it was his Ship, he wanted all to ear what he was saying, it was like a challenge, an invitation for someone to step up and prove him wrong, at the same time he always wanted the ladys to see that he was fearless, he laugh at the sight of a fight, his heart was alive when in pillage, and something in his pants was starting to come alive in such a bossom view.
Shrugging, Lilly raised her glass for another one. She felt a flare rising to her cheeks from the attentions of this stranger. "Gotta earn my keep somehow. They don't just pour ale for free."

She downed another glass, feeling a familiar buzz at the base pf her skull. She declined the third glass, knowing ashe had to stay at least mostly alert. There would be time to celebrate after the mission.

"So, who may I ask, are you? You seem pretty familiar around here, but I'm new."
He raised his eyebrow and brooded for a moment, who was the young lass who did not knew about him. This smelled worse than a ship full of drunken pirates. But he liked a bit of danger.

He stood up and raised his glass in a thunderous zoom

-Yer Filthy maggots - he screamed to the crowd - This little walking flower does not know who i be.

He walked to the nearest table, two older sailors, eyes filled with years at the sea.

-Who be me ? - he said grabbing one of them by the collars

-Maddd WAlll - the grey man said loudly

He let him go and twirled onto the next table, bot high on the table, mug raised high

-Who i be scoundrels - he roared again.

-MAD WALL - drunken, fearing voices screamed in unison.

-Captain Mad Wall at yer service lass - he said returning near her, his eyes lashed onto her inviting chest.

- And how may i call the ?
"Amber," Lilly lied. Name's were powerful things, she'd learned, and were not meant to be thrown about lightly. If she was to be safe she was best kept secret. "I guess it's pretty obvious I'm new in town." She put on her innocent face and smiled flirtatiously at him.

The bartender came over and took away her second empty glass. "Anymore for ye lass?" He asked gruffly, eyeing the captain. Lilly nodded but this one she sipped a bit more slowly, watching Wall.

"Do you have a companion tonight, Captain?" She put on her sweetest smile and batted her eyes. "If not, would you care to dance? I might even be nice enough and let you lead." She winked.
The first thik that came to the Captains mind was tonight there be booty, but then there was something fishy about this girl, for starters he had never seen her around the town, and every year and so they would stop, and gather some skanks and drink some beers and have a good time.

The other thing was, he could not quite but the finger in it, but the calm way she drank, the show she had given, there was more more than an inviting bossom about this girl. But pirate be pirate and booty be booty.

-Mad Wall always leads - and with a quick pull he grabbed her by the waist and with not a single word he was spinning. His hands where all over her back, trying to see if she was tasty at the touch has it was at the eyes.

Lilly laughed as he swept her away and she did in fact let him lead. It was against her nature but it was one way to get what she wanted. She swayed her hips to the music and purred a littkle at his fancy footwork. She did her best not to cringe from his sea-stench. She simply let herself get swept away.

"You are a most excellent dancer," she remarked. "Where did you learn?"
-In the far away port, with a sassy long legged girl - he said, trying to look down her blouse.

He turned her around and grabbed her by the waist, he put his hands on her waist and in a second lifted her up in the air, like a mermaid pulling out of sea.

She came back down a little surprised. He remained with in her back holding her firmly.

- So tell me from what port do ye came that you dont know Mad Wall the most infamous pirate on this side of the world?

His head was resting on her shoulder, his lips an inch from her ear, so close that if he wanted he could bite it.
Lilly rolled her hips, making sure to grind soundly and invitingly into his groin. "Have you never heard of a gypsy?" She asked, imitating a french accent. "I am from nowhere," now in russain, "And everywhere," she finished, flourishing an italian accent. She laughed as if her jokes were the best to be told. "You of all people should know that to stay still for too long is dangerous and breeds a false sense of security that wears down one's acute senses."

She pulled away a little and twisted her wrists above her head, bringing her hands down either side of her body, as if displaying it and offering the hidden treasures beneath the whisps of clothing.

"I move around too much to care for news. The 'big news' is different wherever you go. What's important in Greece does not matter to the populace of Japan."
What in bloody hell was this lass talking about was all that was going trough is mind, had she not heard of him, because she was site seeing? What the bloody hell. His mind was coming back from his groins into his brain. If there was something all pirates had was a big ego and not even a cute piece of candy meat like the one he had in front of him would change that.

He snapped his fingers and the brute muscle got behind him.

- Well best be going to japan or greece and slaughter all the babies so yer can remember my name. - he snarled at her, as he walk past her.

-Listen yer filthy pile of muts, me and my scoundrels will be keeping a close eye on you so dont try and to nothing that makes me want to carve yer eyes out - he kicked chair next to him - Keep yer fancy dancing and squirking singin to a minimum and maybe we will let ye see the sun.

He stared at the sassy lassy with the big front region one last time and gave her a cold almost "i will gut you" look.
Lilly had the audacity to blow him a kiss and wave. "Have a good night, Captain. Come again."

Before she saw whether he'd turned back again or not, she was behind the bar and into the kitchen. Finding a back door, she slipped out. Using a stack of empty crates to get a head start, she scaled the wall expertly to the roof where she soundlessly (mostly due to the soft tinkling of her jewelry) from one rooftop to the next until she could see the dock. She spotted her ship and raced for it over the top of the city, settling as close to the port as she could get while maintaining her bird's view advantage. She knew now, it was only a matter of waiting.