

Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
All my undershirts look like their blue tie died now.
I swear man was never meant to do laundry. Thats womans work!
I'm very picky about laundry. I just couldn't let somebody else do it. Well, a male somebody else, that is. :)
I hate laundry. If a male is proficient and doesn't mind doing it, i'd gladly negotiate my way out of doing it.

It helps that most of my clothes are blue, red, and black. Kinda hard to mess them up.
Aquila said:
All my undershirts look like their blue tie died now.
I swear man was never meant to do laundry. Thats womans work!

And there is a reason for that! ;) Whites with whites, similar colors together, denims, white towels, colored towels...
I hate for anyone to do my laundry. I'm just to picky about certain things.
See, all these women with laundry knowledge. You where born to it! ;)