Late Womyn are the Bone of My Existence.

I thought it was one late man in particular that was.
That too. It's gonna be dark soon, and no boogie boarding for me. :(
Re: Re: Late Womyn are the Bone of My Existence.

Marxist said:
You got another one pregnant? Jeez lady, some self-control is in order.

No kidding! I'm on the Pill even, but I guess I'm just that damn virile.

alexandraaah said:
I'm almost six hours late for my research class.

You're the bone of my existence.
alexandraaah said:
I'm almost six hours late for my research class.

The professor could not be that good. His research should have turned you up by now.
alexandraaah said:
I'm almost six hours late for my research class.

Didn't you have to wait to let somebody in your apartment or something?

Hey baby, how's your goal for the day going?
Rubyfruit said:

Didn't you have to wait to let somebody in your apartment or something?

Hey baby, how's your goal for the day going?

Shit, I even put that off--if you can imagine such a thing.