Last Daughter of Krypton: Legion OOC

Heya Chasi! You read the newest LSH issue? Or the newest Adventure? They've announced the new Legion GL! Anyone got guesses?:D
Oh hell NO He did not just walk by and say that!

"Now Lar and Kirt have each others' sloppy seconds."
Lar and Sodam I knew about. Third?

An imaginary character, a complex construct from the subconscious mind of Kyle Rayner, during the run-up to the showdown with Oblivion. One of the Lanterns he created to come and help him was a Daxamite who'd wielded a GL Ring on Earth during The Middle Ages, drawing off of courtly, knightly sensibilities and appearance.

Don't remember his name, but as imaginary friends go, he was pretty bad-ass.
If anyone has not read The Walking Dead, it is really an amazing, gut-wrenching series and I highly suggest it. At only 79 issue, 80 if you count the one due out this month, it isn't too bad to catch up on either.

Seriously. Even if you aren't into zombies, read this book. It is possibly the best graphic novel I have ever read.
Also, I may or may not know where you can download the whole thing... just saying. 78 of 79 issues in one book. Last one is loose though...
If anyone has not read The Walking Dead, it is really an amazing, gut-wrenching series and I highly suggest it. At only 79 issue, 80 if you count the one due out this month, it isn't too bad to catch up on either.

Seriously. Even if you aren't into zombies, read this book. It is possibly the best graphic novel I have ever read.

the series is frakking fantastic too!!!!!
You're such a pirate. :rolleyes:

Who's the thief, me or the industry that is charging like 30-50 bucks for a 30-40 page black and white book? Seriously. I love comics and graphic novels, but I would go into debt trying to stay current. If they charged a reasonable rate, I would gladly pony up the cash, but as long as they are raping me financially, well no. I think not.
I'm with ya. I think a heroin addiction would be cheaper than my graphic novel addiction!!


SERIOUSLY!!!!! If I actually bought all the stuff I want to read I would need like 5 more jobs!!!! Plus, I consider downloading no different than borrowing a book or sitting at Borders and reading it then putting it back on the shelf.