Lancecastor's Improv Smutshack.


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
The premise:

Give Lancecastor a list of 4-7 words to use in a paragraph of porn written... just for you!
I have my Maker's here at my left hand. This is the real scary part, Lance, I am going to trust you.


I had to give you the seven because I like my smut thorough.
1 - Eggplant

2 - Cough Syrup

3 - Rolaids

4 - Goalie

5 - Pimp

6 - Anus

7 - Tongue
ksmybuttons said:
I have my Maker's here at my left hand. This is the real scary part, Lance, I am going to trust you.


I had to give you the seven because I like my smut thorough.

The persian cat on the table cocked its head and flicked his tail as if to apprise her alabaster skin, stretched and kneeling on the red carpet, also Persian. But of course, most cats aren't normally bound at the ankles and wrists by ethernet cables or wearing a wreath of lilacs, so she thought it might be the acid that prompted her to go home with the twins. What she did know was Carl's cum tasted like cherry tums...and the smacking of Cedric's leather-bound dictionary on her crimson glutes was absorbing forty seven times its own weight in excess inhibitions. Looking up, she purrrred, cherry joy dripping from her lips.
Lancecastor said:
The persian cat on the table cocked its head and flicked his tail as if to apprise her alabaster skin, stretched and kneeling on the red carpet, also Persian. But of course, most cats aren't normally bound at the ankles and wrists by ethernet cables or wearing a wreath of lilacs, so she thought it might be the acid that prompted her to go home with the twins. What she did know was Carl's cum tasted like cherry tums...and the smacking of Cedric's leather-bound dictionary on her crimson glutes was absorbing forty seven times its own weight in excess inhibitions. Looking up, she purrrred, cherry joy dripping from her lips.

Who knew what could come from those things that surround me. Very nice. Thank you. My very own BDSM paragraph!
brunhilda said:

The tequila was kicking in by the time they hit the third when the four military cadets stuffed a wad of twenties in her cleavage to suck the lifesavers sewn to the minidress, she spread her legs, tilted her head back and just let it happen. One guy sucked her ear, nearly swallowing the earring He'd given her when they became engaged. Another fingered her nectar filled flower while chewing over her hip. The third pressed hard from behind as if to tout his fat curved cock, sliding up her ass like a banana. The fourth was sucking red candies over her nipples and mumbling something about Baked aslaska. She came on the second guy's hand and thought "what a great bacheloette party..."
Georgia Girl said:







She'd always liked those quirky guys best; the ones who wore Birkenstocks, had piercings in their nipples and tongue and could speak in scripts from Cagney and Bogart when Thad told her he wanted her to wear a wet purple unitard and engineer boots to the Burma-Shave billboard retrospective at the midnite show down at the seedy rep house on Thursday, she nervously Magic-ed herself bald, slithered into the neoprene fucksuit. She was slippery with her sex before the lites dimmed in the empty room. Candles flickered, and she could hear the hissing of the coffee machine making steamy hot java in the lobby as her hand pumped his cream in the front row. The projectionist came hard, missing the reel change...but nobody cared.
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*Jumping up and down and clapping hands*

Yay for Lance! :D I like this game. :)
I would do it, but I'm afraid you'll put some really mean shit in my paragraph.
Mia62 said:

She stood at the window facing Times Square, running her hands down her neck, over her taut nipples, across her lean hips and around to caress her ass. The wine had made her dizzy after the long flight, unleashing the heat from her wet slick sex lips as she closed her eyes and gave herself to the public streaming below. Tentatively to the balcony, her languidly thorough streetside fuckfest making her thighs quake. She wanted to cum...but stopped to withold her release for him, pressing hard against the cold rail, nipples to the throng, water dripping off the ledge and down the curve of her back, her ass, her thighs. Sighs.
superlittlegirl said:
I love this idea! Here's my list:






True to form, he swept into the reception, late, captivating and stoned. Hijacking a flute from the tray-tart, he styled the other way, two ripe brunettes quickly sniffing his chum. Bastard. He smacked the first one on the ass as she caught his eye with that wry disapproval that meant wicked trouble later, and she knew he knew she was already wet from it. The other one had cartoonish tits, fairly begging to be bound, clamped and filmed for posterity and shit...didn't the first one have a fucking lisp!? She had to smile as she walked up to him and deftly grabbed his package. Hard. "Do you bring me offerings?" she said. "I bear gifts, and will be devout in my service to you this night." he said, that lewd sarcasm dripping in her hand.
SpiceCake said:






"I just love sucking his cock." she said with conviction, and the grrls laughed so loud the waiters all glared and gave that look.
" He's got the most amazing shaft, thick as this baguette, and when I take him deep, he gets thicker." The grrls were squealing now, so she gave them the real scoop: "When he's ready to cum, his head gets so hard it turns, I've got a Polaroid of him jamming on my face." They lean in and fall silent, each instinctively slipping their hands under the linen for gentle, furtive incursions under their panties, wanting her as much as him. "Tell us more about the way you suck him.", one whispers.
Re: How fun!

Rubyfruit said:







" Roger? He's as loyal as a Labrador, but hung like a hamster. I could never love him; he'd be my pussy's demise. I'm done with him.", Fay deigned with derision, her gaggle giggling like fools. That was all Kitty needed to hear. She knew different, having caught a glimpse of his meat near the cabanas last August....a faint but intoxicating freeze-frame of him scrubbing his hard torso dry, his cock hanging long ang tasty in her mind. As soon as Fay drifted away, she was next to him in an instant. A bite on his neck made her intentions clear. They fucked that nite on the wet lawn, Fay cackling by the buffet. Yum.
Lancecastor said:
"I just love sucking his cock." she said with conviction, and the grrls laughed so loud the waiters all glared and gave that look.
" He's got the most amazing shaft, thick as this baguette, and when I take him deep, he gets thicker." The grrls were squealing now, so she gave them the real scoop: "When he's ready to cum, his head gets so hard it turns, I've got a Polaroid of him jamming on my face." They lean in and fall silent, each instinctively slipping their hands under the linen for gentle, furtive incursions under their panties, wanting her as much as him. "Tell us more about the way you suck him.", one whispers.

:D Ooooo, dang! I love it! I just love to give head!

Thanks Lance!:rose: