

Literotica Guru
Aug 12, 2001
Cards on the table before I sign off.

To the General Board members as you have noticed over the last couple of months there have been some tension here between Lance and Hans. It is basically just nonscence something to pass the time away. That is usually all that it is from my end with the fact that I wouldn't trust either of them.

Over a week or so ago I replied to one of Hans intelligent threads (coughing). He continued to accuse a poster of having an affair. Words came out and some misconstrued while others read into it more than it was. The bottom line is that I voiced my opinion that Lance could be having an affair with another poster. I also voiced that I felt he was a player with more than one "exclusive" woman. One not sure about the other and such. I did receive a pm or two there asking who I was referring to.

In the mean time perky_baby posted a thread about friend making an ass out of herself. In her initial post she posted a picture. Nothing that revealing or such. Lance was kind enough to inform her that there was information on the link and perhaps she should take it down. She did and he did in that thread.

Within a fifteen minutes Lance posted it in the Hans thread. Remember this is the person that informed perky that it might be a smart move to remove it. I asked Lance to remove the picture. He did. Now he is trying to intimidate me with it. So if you see any references to gags, blindfolds or what not by Lance or Hans you know who they are talking about.

I refuse to be intimidated by you Lance. So cut the shit out.

To the rest of the posters thank you for taking the time to read. Go have a field day the rest of you. Enjoy playing in the shit. I am going to sleep now.

Sweet dreams....say, do you wear a blindfold to know, to help you sleep?

I'm curious to know why you're making such a big deal of BDSM play, lance. Isn't that part of your normal sexual repertoire?
Even if it's not, what's wrong with Tulip being interested in it? Hell, I've probably done a hell of a lot more in terms of BDSM-related sexplay than she has. Find something else to pick on her about- this just ain't cuttin' it.
freakygurl said:
Oh thank god I'm not the only one.

I feel better! I'm not alone!

I just posted in another thread that Lit the last two nights has been like being in the Twilight Zone. I have no fucking clue what is going on in some of these threads and think I must have missed a lot in other threads that ties in. The ones I'm reading just make no sense at all!
Cheyenne said:
I feel better! I'm not alone!

I just posted in another thread that Lit the last two nights has been like being in the Twilight Zone. I have no fucking clue what is going on in some of these threads and think I must have missed a lot in other threads that ties in. The ones I'm reading just make no sense at all!

yep.. it's been crazy around here lately.
Ok I am sucked into the

LIt Zone

Hans starts a thread where he accuses a poster cheating with married man.

I retaliate. I drop innuendos about Lance's character.

Perky starts a thread about a friend making an ass of herself where she posts a picture. Ok a blindfold and gag involved. Lance tells her to remove it on that thread because of some company information or such. She does and he does because he had quoted her with the link.

Lance goes back to the original thread, the so and so is having an affair with married man thread, and says Hans take a look at this picture. They banter. I see the picture. I ask Lance in pm to remove it.

He removes it but drops intimidating comments about it in different posts. Even tonight in the poll thread he mentions the company name and admitted that he snooped about that web site. He even mentioned that he informed the company that they should not have such pictures posted.

If you do not call that intimidation I do not know what you would call it.

If you still do not understand I am sorry. Basically I do not like it when others try to find anything to intimidate another with.

Are you saying it was wrong for Perky to take it down?

Should she put it back up?

I like bondage photos, and it was a good one!
freakygurl said:
It was your picture that is posted on a business website?

Or maybe linked from a company you are involved in?

I'm so confusicated.
Lancecastor said:
Are you saying it was wrong for Perky to take it down?

Should she put it back up?

I like bondage photos, and it was a good one!

You don't have to post the picture.. but can you put a little more light onto this subject?
freakygurl said:
You don't have to post the picture.. but can you put a little more light onto this subject?

I think Tulip should carry the ball on this one.
freakygurl said:
Nevermind I figured it out..

Another tempest in a crack pipe.

As long as I get the Thread Credits towards my CliquePin, I'm cool.