Ladies: Lubrication Preference?


Oct 21, 2002
Ladies, I'm looking for advice on this. I'm looking for a good lubricant. This isn't so much for penetration as clitoral stimulation, although it is used for both sometimes. I did a Lit search for lubricants in this forum, and found more threads than I can possibly review.

My wife and I started with KY. It was okay, but tends to .... glob (best word I could think of). We got a sample of a lube called Climax with a recent toy purchase. Tried it and like it better than KY as it's a bit thinner and doesn't seem oily. My wife recalls seeing an ad for a lube during the Sunday Night Sex Show once, but she cannot recall the name. She said it talked about enhancing sensitivity. Anyone know what I'm talking about? If so, do you have experience with it - good or bad?

If you have any other lubes you recommend, I would appreciate.

Thanks to the Lit vets that keep this forum truly informative. I've trolled for months during which I've learned and confirmed much. Thanks again.

Very good question to post here, OSA. :)

The best I have found is Astroglide, by far. Around here it is pretty damn expensive, but it is definitely worth it. "Motion Lotion" seems to be pretty popular, and it is relatively smooth...but in my experience, it tastes horrible, no matter what flavor you choose!

Astroglide is very smooth and silky. It doesn't "glob" (and by the way, that is how I would describe KY, too...), and I haven't had any problem with it staining fabrics, which can be a big deal with some lubes.

Something else I like, if you venture into anal play and the like, is Johnson's Baby Oil Gel with aloe. It is smooth as silk and leaves your skin soft, besides. But for clitoral stimulation, I would stick to Astroglide.

I hope this helps you. :)

I've tried KY, Astroglide for penetration but nothing else. For clitoral stimulation, I still prefer natural juices.
My boyfriend and I are big fans of Astroglide as well. We were using the KY liquid for everything, but were unsatisfied with it and tried the Astroglide, and it was, well, orgasmic. :) It works particularly well for clitoral stimulation because it stays liquidy for so long. We've also used Wet, but it's a little thick, so it works better for penetration as it gets too thick for clitoral stimulation.

Great info folks. Thanks for the help. It definitely sounds like I need to check out AstroGlide. Never tried it before, but it sounds like what we're looking for.

I like Wet, although I've never used it for clitoral stimulation, just backdoor stuff. I've never found it to be gloppy - if anything, it dries a little quickly for me.

I think worldwide it's the most popular, or something like that, so you may want to check it out...

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I have to admit that I've been a huge fan & advocate of Astroglide forever and a day. But just recently I saw an ad for something called Spring Water Lube. From what I've read, it's the happy medium between KY (which is considered too goopy) & Astroglide (too thin & watery). It's a water soluble mix that's odor & dye free so it seems a bit healthier. Haven't tried it yet, but could be a strong possibility down the line.
I like KY Silk-E, which is KY Liquid mixed with Vitamin E oil
They have a new product called KY Gell which is 1/2 way between the regular liquid & the old stlye KY
Both are pretty nice
James G 5 said:
I like KY Silk-E, which is KY Liquid mixed with Vitamin E oil
They have a new product called KY Gell which is 1/2 way between the regular liquid & the old stlye KY
Both are pretty nice

Have tried that before. Not for clit stimulation, but for anal. Seems that I needed it by the gallon though.
WynEternal said:
Have tried that before. Not for clit stimulation, but for anal. Seems that I needed it by the gallon though.

Which one, the Silk-E of the Gel? :confused:
Ahhh... what a post to be my 'first'!

I embarked on a search for the 'perfect' lube five years ago or so... I tried K-Y, AstroGlide, Wet, and various other no-names... what I found works best for ALL situations (meaning that it truly is the best for each situation on its own in my opinion) is Wet Platinum. I believe I bought a rather large bottle for 8.99 at one point. And I still haven't used the whole thing.
I worship Wet Platinum. It's not gloppy like the original. It doesn't get sticky like KY and Astroglide. Of course, as it needs to be, it's water-soluble... and I can rarely "feel" it. Instead, it seems to me like it softens your skin to make it less prone to friction - almost like rubbing glass. (As compared to the sensation of playing with finger paint).
I could go on and on, but I hope this has illuminated my infatuation with this beautiful lube enough. On a final note, my husband loves it as well!!!
Thanks Again

Thanks CelticFrog.

This appears to be silicon based - not an issue for me except, in my limited experience, those are the ones that tend to thicken after extended use, where extended is very relative to the particular lube. For instance, I tried one where after about 3-5 minutes of rubbing it thickens to the point where it feels like a wad of glue. Prior to that, it was ideal.

It sounds like you've put this lube through it's paces with great success. I think I'm going to place an order for a small AstroGlide and Wet Platinum to try them both out. Darn, this research stuff is just so demanding. Hope the wife is up to it! :D

Thanks again for the info.
Re: Thanks Again

OSA said:
Darn, this research stuff is just so demanding. Hope the wife is up to it! :D

Thanks again for the info.

The sacrifices people have to make for science is amazing isn't it?? :rolleyes: