Ladies, have you ever had cunnilingus that just sucked?


Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
I mean, you'd think you can't fuck that shit up, but I bet it can be done pretty badly.

Ever had it where he just missed your clit all of the time? Just brazing past it, and not even enough to give you a tingle?

Or even worse, where he hits it and licks a little and then stops and goes and pokes his tongue in your hole and then back to your clit, never remaining there long enough to bring you off.

What the fuck? Thank god Irie eats my pussy like a god would... with full force!
It's times like that I wish I had an instruction manual with a diagram pointing to the right spots.

But, try having someone use their nose on you. I won't disgust you with what I found when I peed and wiped later.
No, I'm glad to say I've never had that problem, at least not yet.
I had one guy who licked EVERYTHING but the right thang for a long long time......thankfully after awhile, he ended up with his tongue on my asshole, so it wasn't all bad. :)
Perky, you seem like the type that would just get up, walk off and go read or something. I wouldn't expect you to put up with that chica. You prolly never fucked that sod again, eh?

I wonder why st4nton? Maybe because you are twatless?

Freya, You don't have to tell me. I think I can guess. Ick. :D
LipsyPoos said:
I had one guy who licked EVERYTHING but the right thang for a long long time......thankfully after awhile, he ended up with his tongue on my asshole, so it wasn't all bad. :)

AHHHHHHHH! That is awesome. At least you got something out of it.

sigh, I envy you for all the women who have.
I had a guy who would bite, not nibble. I was almost bleeding by the time I told him to stop!
That's the only kind I've ever had.

I have high hopes for the future tho :D
Starfish said:
Perky, you seem like the type that would just get up, walk off and go read or something. I wouldn't expect you to put up with that chica. You prolly never fucked that sod again, eh?

*laughing* I laughed, and said "are you kidding me?"

then instructed him, he got better.

I've never had the problem with a woman.

And, I have to admit when I was younger, I needed blowjob instructions. I'm a bit better now. <grin>
Starfish said:

sigh, I envy you for all the women who have.

I must confess to a slight advantage. The small sampling of clitlickers I've enjoyed in my life each have clits of their own, so they've got a pretty good idea of how to play nicely...
LipsyPoos said:
I had one guy who licked EVERYTHING but the right thang for a long long time......thankfully after awhile, he ended up with his tongue on my asshole, so it wasn't all bad. :)

for some reason lipsy, I just can't imagine you.....ummm......not taking the ole bull by the horns.....
sigh said:
I must confess to a slight advantage. The small sampling of clitlickers I've enjoyed in my life each have clits of their own, so they've got a pretty good idea of how to play nicely...

That makes me happy.

Women rule!

Okay, perks, that is so you! I'd imagine you spent many an hour on the naner learning right? ;)
Starfish said:
That makes me happy.

Women rule!

Okay, perks, that is so you! I'd imagine you spent many an hour on the naner learning right? ;)

no sug, I practiced on the real thing. For some reason I had lots of volunteers.

thanks for putting a smile on my face, fishie. Night sugah.
yep.......... i was gracious about it even thou i believe all that business about the male ego being fragile is crap ..... none the less i was nice about it and took it as long as i could being a good sport about things but when i just couldnt take any more i cried out oh my gawd i cant take any more please fuck me
i ment it one way
and let him take it another
when that happens to me i usually just grab them by the ears and start using thier head like a basketball.
Omg Fishy! I'm laughing SOOOOOO Hard!! Yes, yes I have!!!

And Freya? I actually drew a picture and circled the clit and threatened to tack it up on the wall behind the bed as a reference chart!!

Didn't help, though. I swear the boy couldn't remember what he was doing from one time to the next! lol!

The worst is when it *could* be good, but they stop. I hate that. Especially when you say, "if you stop, i'll rip your nuts off and feed them to you!" then they stop anyway. Bastards! Ooh! Or when the mouth feels ok, but then they start poking their fingers in you like pistons and they've not cut their nails! OUCHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

ok, I think I'm up to reason #463 why vibrators are better than men.
Nora said:
Omg Fishy! I'm laughing SOOOOOO Hard!! Yes, yes I have!!!

And Freya? I actually drew a picture and circled the clit and threatened to tack it up on the wall behind the bed as a reference chart!!

Didn't help, though. I swear the boy couldn't remember what he was doing from one time to the next! lol!

The worst is when it *could* be good, but they stop. I hate that. Especially when you say, "if you stop, i'll rip your nuts off and feed them to you!" then they stop anyway. Bastards! Ooh! Or when the mouth feels ok, but then they start poking their fingers in you like pistons and they've not cut their nails! OUCHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

ok, I think I'm up to reason #463 why vibrators are better than men.

Ok you made me snort, unfair! I think the worst is when they hit the clit by mistake - cuz you know damn well they have no idea what they just did, and then they end up moving away just as it's getting good. That's when handfuls of hair come in handy!

Fingernails hurt damnit! Men should always cut their fingernails. I swear to god I am so tempted at times just to ram my finger up their ass so they know how it feels to have fingers just jammed in them with no warning.