Knife play


Oct 1, 2002
I've noticed a few people mention knives in descriptions of their playing before, so I wanted to start this thread for discussion of such.

This is also another activity that I've emensly enjoyed in the past. Of course always done safely. I've never done deep cutting knife play, though I have seen in performed on people at a club with medical staff present. I don't think that I would ever 'want' to do deep knife play. A little tooooo extreme for me.
I've had my flesh marked by light scratches, even a couple of times when we got a bit more extreme that it drew a couple small beads of blood while playing. Never anything that's scarred.

I love and enjoy the feel of the cool steel being drug over my flesh.. my back..legs,..chest,..neck.. everywhere. It's a wonderfully thrilling feeling.

Only once did I ever have a bad experience while doing this play. That was of the fault of my ex,.. and him being braindead as he was so good at being at times. He was tracing my back with one of his favorite knives one evening. I was relaxed, and enjoying it because it was more mellow play that evening. Without any warning he took the knife and ran it hard and forceful across my back. I freaked.. jumped.. etc. My instinct of course told me that he'd just cut me, and deeply. After a moment I came to realize that he had turned the knife over and used the back of the knife which was dull to do what he did. Not injurying me at all.
He of course then got upset because I "didn't trust him" enough.
A ridiculous situation... and a bad experience that I brought up, just as an example of what NOT to do if you ever decide to do some light knife play.

When done safely, and with a person you know well and trust.. knife play can definitely be a fun addition. :)
One thing I was thinking, for me at least, is that there would have to be MANY nights of this sort of play before you start throwing in 'surprises'. Activities that can kill should not be taken lightly.
I LOVE knife play!! I think it's a very sensual, erotic experience and I love the feeling of helplessness while under the blade...
I know I mentioned knife play in conjunction with a forced sex fantasy. It is almost a necessity, in order for it to work for me. First, of course, to imply danger without having to punch her in teh stomach. Then, once I'm done tying her up, I've got to get the clothing off somehow, right?
mmmmm....knives. i have had oodles of experience with knives in the past. it takes, of course, an immense amount of trust in both the person and their ability to not screw up. i also have zero interest in "deep knife" play, but i've been cut lightly with knives, just enough to draw blood, but never any scarring or serious injury. it goes along with the nonconsent scenes i've played in, and it does at that presence of REAL danger. this is thrilling, but not to be taken lightly. so yeah, i think i'm done reiterating what everyone else has said!
I love knife play.

I guess having grown up around knives and guns my whole life i feel comfortable around then but when i have somone else that i trust beyond measure holding that cold steel against my skin it makes me melt and brings out all my sub tendencies.

Though i am not into the deep cutting like many have commented here the scratching and anticipation of what will happen next is a total turn on.. as well as having my clothes cut from my body... can't get much better then that in my opnion.


When you love,
you wish to do things for,
you wish to sacrifice for,
you wish to serve.
I've read and reread this thread and I dont think knife play is something I want to try. It scares the pant's of me.
trainee_sub said:
I've read and reread this thread and I dont think knife play is something I want to try. It scares the pant's of me.

It could just cut the pants off of you instead...bad joke, sorry!

If someone ever suggests this to you, you can always find them some of those funky knives that they sell at the mall...look threatening, but they have no edge whatsoever.
Re: Re: Knife play

Johnny Mayberry said:
It could just cut the pants off of you instead...bad joke, sorry!

If someone ever suggests this to you, you can always find them some of those funky knives that they sell at the mall...look threatening, but they have no edge whatsoever.

LOL very witty :D I suppose if it were a dinner knife (very blunt) then I might think differently but then wouldnt that spoil the fun for my tormentor hm difficult one, think I'll just give it a miss full stop.
Re: Re: Re: Knife play

trainee_sub said:
LOL very witty :D I suppose if it were a dinner knife (very blunt) then I might think differently but then wouldnt that spoil the fun for my tormentor hm difficult one, think I'll just give it a miss full stop.

Good plan.

For me, knife play doesn't involve more than the threat of cutting. Cutting someone seems like a violation of their person, something I'm not into.
Re: Re: Re: Knife play

trainee_sub said:
LOL very witty :D I suppose if it were a dinner knife (very blunt) then I might think differently

There's only one thing i find wrong with the blunt part.. granted it seems safer, but a dull knife can be more dangerous then a sharp one.

Think of a dull knife with just any edge at the end of it and you slip with that dull edge and that sharper point is liable to pierce the skin. If knife play isn't your thing i would suggest just not messing around with it, for safetys sake


When you love,
you wish to do things for,
you wish to sacrifice for,
you wish to serve.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Knife play

amethyst wind said:
There's only one thing i find wrong with the blunt part.. granted it seems safer, but a dull knife can be more dangerous then a sharp one.
Think of a dull knife with just any edge at the end of it and you slip with that dull edge and that sharper point is liable to pierce the skin. If knife play isn't your thing i would suggest just not messing around with it, for safetys sake

I really don't think knife play is my thing and i will be steering clear of it :)
One of the hottest scenes I've ever seen was during a waxing. A sub was getting different colors of wax ladeled on her back. Her dom used a knife to carve it off. The design said "I Love You."
WynEternal said:
One of the hottest scenes I've ever seen was during a waxing. A sub was getting different colors of wax ladeled on her back. Her dom used a knife to carve it off. The design said "I Love You."

Ohhh ~grinz~ thanks for the idea.. ~filing that away to mention to Master~


When you love,
you wish to do things for,
you wish to sacrifice for,
you wish to serve.
WynEternal said:
One of the hottest scenes I've ever seen was during a waxing. A sub was getting different colors of wax ladeled on her back. Her dom used a knife to carve it off. The design said "I Love You."

Loving both candle play, and knife play, that scene sounds awesome.

For those Ds that do play with knife and edge play, where do you cut? Have you studied up on scaring, and sterilization? What thrills you most? The fear, the pain caused, the intimacy and total submission of it, the blood, the fat? I thank you in advance.

Johnny Mayberry said:
"The fat"?!?!?

heh, i was wondering that myself, and thought perhaps he meant the white layer of fat that you can see if you cut the skin deeply enough. (ouch)

however, in response to impish's original question, there are lots of things that appeal to me concerning knife play, the real danger not being the least of these. it's that feeling of trust, knowing that i am perfectly safe regardless of whatever scene i'm involved in. this, of corse, precludes knife play with people i'm not completly comfortable with. and being the little masochist that i am, the pain is also wonderfully exhilerating. the after-effects are also great, the little lines of red on my skin serving as badges of ownership and reminders of good times.
Oh my. Fat and Blood? Something I could not do was blood play. Too squimish.
If you cut someone deep enough to see the fat layer, they will need stitches, won't they? And how, exactly, is that fun? I used to cut myself all the time, it was pretty cool, so I suppose I could cut someone else, if that is what they are into, but not deep cuts at all...
Johnny Mayberry said:
If you cut someone deep enough to see the fat layer, they will need stitches, won't they? And how, exactly, is that fun? I used to cut myself all the time, it was pretty cool, so I suppose I could cut someone else, if that is what they are into, but not deep cuts at all...

In my first post, the deep knife play I spoke of was deep enough for stitches. Thus the medical staff present. It wasn't something that I watched extremely up close, and it wasn't something that appealed to me at all.
Re: yes... I did mean fat..

Impish said:
I have talked with someone who does like that.. and that's why I asked. ... so, bunny, Z, where have you been cut if you don't mind me asking? what are safe places...?

and for those who do go deep... how often and the first questions I asked...

thank you all. I'm trying to get as much info as I can.

With the light cutting that I've done. Almost everywhere.. mainly my back, chest, and arms is where its been done the most. The areas that have drawn a tiny bit of blood, were all the same.

When I saw the couple participate in the deep knife play, they were doing it on her back. Again.. this is something that needs to probably only be done if you either have medical knowledge, or have staff present. It just makes it a lot safer.
Re: yes... I did mean fat..

Impish said:
I have talked with someone who does like that.. and that's why I asked. ... so, bunny, Z, where have you been cut if you don't mind me asking? what are safe places...?

and for those who do go deep... how often and the first questions I asked...

thank you all. I'm trying to get as much info as I can.

i have also never participated in deep cutting, but have extensive experience with light knife play. some of the safest places to cut are in the fatty areas of the body, like the thighs and ass - places that would require a lot of work before you found an artery. i have been cut there, and also a great deal along the triangular muscle that connects the neck to the shoulders. (i think it's called a trapazius) VERY light cuts have been adminisitered to my throat and chest, and i do emphasize LIGHT. this was with the guy i dated for almost five years, so there were no trust issues even though i was placing my life in his hands. i have also recieved light cuts along my stomach and legs. so basically, all over. except for on my palms and the soles of my feet. EUWKY! those cuts that open and close every time you move the flexible skin just ugh! i can't stand those! like a goddamned paper cut! a guy i dated a long time ago wanted to slice open my palm, do the same to his hand, then join hands and then let the blood fall into a goblet in some sort of ritual, but i flatly said NO. no no no. no. that's just WAY too gross! and what's more, the hand bleeds a lot, and i really didn't think he'd know what to do if i started suffering from serious lack of blood.

sorry for the rambling and disjointed post!