Kink in the dumpster


Little One
Oct 17, 2022
Ok,fun little story about how you can never tell just by looking at people whether they're fellow kinksters or not...
I watch a lot of YouTube videos, mostly political and diy stuff,but I enjoy 'dumpster diving ' as well, so as I was casually listening to a very ordinary ( some might say;'nerdy') couple knee deep in trash,describing what she's finding. I heard her call her husband, 'Daddy',not thinking much of it,(many vanilla couple's use that pet name)..She said it again, and I took a mental note. Then a few minutes later, I heard him refer to the teddy bear as a 'stuffie'...NOW I was glued to the screen!. Stuffie was used again and that's when I knew they were a DD/lg couple. NOBODY outside the kink community uses the word,stuffie.( thank god,bc I hate,stuffie,paci,etc) but you go on fellow kinksters!
I just don't like baby talk(from adults) if that's your kink or anybody else's,great. Maybe bc I've raised 4 kids and now have 4 grandkids,baby talk from an adult is like nails on a chalkboard. Absolutely NO judgement though.
I just don't like baby talk(from adults) if that's your kink or anybody else's,great. Maybe bc I've raised 4 kids and now have 4 grandkids,baby talk from an adult is like nails on a chalkboard. Absolutely NO judgement though.
We call our dog's chew toys stuffies (we don't have actual kids, just the fur kid). He's probably got more crap than an actual kid..
We call our dog's chew toys stuffies (we don't have actual kids, just the fur kid). He's probably got more crap than an actual kid..
Ok,so you're the ONE person who uses that term,who's not a DD,lol! But when a couple uses the terms,'stuffie' and 'Daddy', there's a dynamic there...can't b just coincidence,and if on the slim chance it was just a coincidence, let me have my's nice here,lol!!