Kindred Souls (Closed)


Jun 9, 2003

Maleena "Leena" Maxwell

She was technically on orphan due to her strange powers taking out her step father and his drinking buddies... One of many unsolved cases that the neighborhood if they knew anything they "never heard or saw a thing". Leena was not an orphan to those in the neighborhood she was all of their daughter and sister or aunt... she was theirs and they all looked after her and protected her from anyone they had to not that her powers really needed ht help. The elements seemed to bend to her will but only in self defense or in defense of the others in her neighborhood.

No one ever saw or heard anything in this neighborhood especially if it had anything to do with Leena or anyone from the neighborhood plain and simple they took care of their own. That was how this close little community worked and every cop knew it. Today would have been no different when two outsiders tried harassing Leena. She knew their intent as she moved to head down an alleyway to hide her powers from any other outsiders that might have been in the area. Some of the regulars moved to block the ends of the alleyway protective eyes watching over one of their own.

The two males tried to grab at her repeatedly till finally succeeding and spinning her around to face them as she just stared at them her eyes strange as she seemed to sink into a strange focused state almost unconscious to her that it was happening but she knew very well what was going on. The earth metals in the electrical wiring in the alleyway broke from its connections and snaked down still live energy running through them as they snaked around binding those that tried to attack her. The air thinned around her preventing anyone from getting near her or the two that were now bound as electricity sparked about them.
Benjamin Gray

A police car patrolled the streets at night to make sure the streets were safe while he patrolled them. This area of the city was not a highly troubled place, drunks and small fights, some loitering, but there was one neighborhood that was a interesting place. It was a old time neighborhood, tight-knit community, one that took care of there people that lived in that neighborhood, they did not care for outsiders to much. Ben turned down an alleyway and headed in the direction of that neighborhood.

Ben sighed as he saw nothing going on tonight, Ben looked around and saw his pepsi laying on the floor of the passenger side and he shook his head as he held his hand out and motioned with his finger and the pepsi moved to his hand and Ben smiled as he turned the car down a street as he looked to open the can of soda he saw two men on the floor wrapped in a electrical wire that fell from the power poles... he pulled the car over and he radioed in the situation. He saw where he was and he looked to see a woman standing near the two men.

"Mam get back away from the two! Its not safe there!"

He looked around and couldn't make sense of this. He held his hand out and was going to tear the fence away from the two, but it looked like it was already to late. He saw the woman and looked back to the two men.. he than felt like it was hard to breathe right here, like the air itself was thinning. He coughed as he looked to the woman. He backed off to his car as he didn't notice the woman struggling for air. He asked short of breath from his car.

"What happened? How did this happen? Are you ok mam?"

He didn't know what to make of this, Ben was not ordinary, but where there others out there?

Ben heard the sirens and he looked closer at the woman.

"I know its difficult, but can you come to my car, its not safe right there."

He smiled at this woman and wanted to make sure she was ok.

"My name is officer Gray, what's your name?"

Th sirens were geting closer and Ben could see people coming into the alley from the neighborhood. He had to stop them somehow so they would not get too close to the scene.
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((Posting cop pic for amon))


Leena looked at the cop the sound of cables straining from their proper place along the power lines creaked. Carefully one of the locals made their way over.

Officer... we will take care of this... just back away from her.

A few more locals moved between Officer Gray and their Leena but Leena motioned for them to move... the wires began to move around the two who tried to attack her tightening till they lost consciousness then moved away from them before the wires seemed to simply die.

Its alright... they will take care of the two... She slowly moved a little closer to the cop unsure why but she saw something she knew well. That itch to use an ability that most would not know how to react to. He might just be like her.

Itch there on your hand or something...

The air seemed to return to normal as she spoke. Her eyes still a little strange almost like a cats eyeshine as she watched him biting her lip a little defense to calm her powers.
Ben watched this woman carefully as people from the neighborhood talked to him, was she doing this, did she have powers like he did?

"Who is that girl?"

He than saw her get closer and he shook his head. She was beautiful, she had a strange look in her eyes, but that only added to the beauty. Than he heard he say something, it wasn't clear, but he nodded his head as he could not tae his eyes off of her.

He itched his hand so she could see it.

The other police units and paramedics arrived on the scene and they started to move people back, they approched Ben and he just told them to stay back and away from the girl, that he would handle it.

He just smiled as he looked to this woman.
When the other cops arrived she watched warily powerlines above them all seemed to twitch till Benjamin told them to leave her alone. She moved over closer to the car but still an escapeable distance. Nodding to an older gentleman she said.

Deal with the cops... I got this one.

She then nodded towards his hand.

Powers itch... want to do something use some hidden gift that no one would understand but ya don't so ya twitch a little.

She watched him carefully as her eyes went back to "normal".
He didn't understand what she was saying, it didn't make any sense at all. He than saw officers coming from the back of her and he held his hand out and pulled it toward him as he saw the dumpster move into th middle of the street knocking the cops to the floor.

Ben smiled as he saw her.

"You have a gift as well? I thought I was alone..."

He than shook his head as what she said now made sense, he did have a bit of a twitch when he went for periods of time without using his power.

"It would seem you have this all figured out. My name is Benjamin Gray."

He held his hand out to her.
People around here call me Leena.

She closed the distance a little more though she saw what happened.

So your a mover... that's what I have heard it called. Lets talk... diner back out there Toni's.

She shook his hand then kept walking she wanted away from all the other cops.
The way her hand felt was so electric, it was such a refreshing touch. He just smiledat her nd nodded his head as he watched her walk off. He knew this neighborhood, and he looked to the cops that was watching her.

"Leave her to me, do not pursue her."

He got in his car and he backed up and went down the alleyway the way he came in. He got back onto the street and he followed it to the diner she said to meet her at. He parked the car and got out. He looked around and saw she was inside already ad he went in to meet her.

"Leena... that is such a beautiful name. So what's good here?"

He wondered what she wanted to talk about.

"A mover huh? What do you know about these things, are there more like us? Where do you wanna sit down, booth or at the counter?"

He just smiled at her, trying to make her feel comfortable and calm.
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Leena shrugged then yelled back Hey Toni... your son or Pop cooking today...

Old man stuck his head out... Toni and Jigme at home... he sick... it me today.

Amdo... Good... 2 Roasted potato soups and a couple plates of those beef momo dumplings.

She looked over to Ben... Good food Tibetan family on the husbands side Greek on Toni's side of the family so all depends who ya got cooking Amdo Old School Tibetan great food the son is trying to fuse the Tibetan and Greek... Most everyone tells him to stick to the Greek food his mom helps him with.

as for more like us... yeah there are some... the Government knows about our kind existing but have a private sector Doc that tries to help with those that get out of hand... and there are other factions that are out there I just stick to my area here and they look out for me.
He shook his head in shock... all this time there has been government that knows about these powers and they do nothing about it but watch... Ben sighed as he turned his radio off and looked to her.

"You know what I can do, what is it that you do? And you said here was the government side and than other factions? How does that work Mrs. Leena? I have heard reports or stories of strange occurances in places involving people and just out of your mind things... like people being able to move parked cars with there hands and people making others do things aganst there own god given will... I mean I can only move stuff with my mind, there are far worse out there right? I never thought of using my powers for things like that and I don't know how to even..."

He sighed as he felt out of breath, but she was calm and patient.

"I am sorry mam, I don't mean to ramble... please tell me more about yourself... and the food hear smells wonderful. I don't think I have had either greek or tibetian, but I won't knock it till I try it."

He was still full of questions and he wanted her to tell him everything. But he didn't want to force things. Especially with what he saw she could do.
Those cables did not wrap around those two thugs by themselves... I can get the elements to do things... even processed earth metals like the wires in those power lines are not too hard to manipulate but I can only use it self defense or protecting the people here... don't know if it would work just for the heck of it ya know.

Its not the powers that are bad or good just the people. But yeah I know some of the "street names" of the different "powers" gifts abilities what ever ya wanna call them.

She laughed and nodded as the old man brought over the food. She watched him soot the stranger a look then look to her. Amdo... Cool he is a mover...

The old man nodded to him and smiled
Ben shook his head and nodded at the older man. What was with these people, I mean was he was wearing a badge and he was a cop... He just sighed as he saw the food and he felt so hungry, every time he used his power, he got super hungry. There was a feeling inside his head though, now he wanted to know more about these people with powers and know more about the powers themselves, it was like a hunger now to him. Thoughts of the endless possibilities for powers flooded his head and he laughed at the thought.

"Regeneration, super speed, super strength, laser vision, super senses... I mean these powers all exist? Are there any with multiple powers? I mean don't leave me hanging."

He started to eat the food, it made him feel better.

And than there was this gorgeous woman in front of him. How rude of him...

"I am sorry to ramble again... is that all you can do, control of the elements... wow, I mean explain more to me."

He saw there was water on the table and he drank it down.
Seems like only one "power" per person Don't know about Regen or anything like that Have met a pusher... that mental thing you mentioned... Heard about a woman who can manipulate her own senses fine tune her hearing or sense of smell but other senses shut down when she does... Fight or flight that everyone has... have heard people can ramp that up and do some pretty intense things

As for me yeah... thats it.

She sat back eating her food this guy really had no idea... he never ran across anyone like them before not get pulled off a case because some guy in a over stuffed suit showed up and "took over". Wow... she thought sheltered life.

So how did you figure out your power?
"Well, one day I was on patrol and I happened to have a DUI stop, I was a rookie, so my partner at the time was laughing at me, he made me do all the work. I got out and did my cop thing, suddenly I had a sawed off shotgun in my face... death before my eyes. I threw my hands up and the guy holding the gun hit the roof of the car... I fell back in shock and drew my gun, the clip fell out and I had no bullets cause I was so scared... the woman in the car picked the shotgun up, my partner was moving but not fast enough, again I threw my hands up and she hit the top of the roof as well..."

He sighed as he thought back.

"I was scared not only because of the situation, but because of what happened, I know it was me, but I didn't know what happened. I imagined them flying out of there seat and smacking into the ceiling of the car and all, but not ripping through there seat belts and all... that was hard to make up in the report... but that was not the worst part..."

Ben took the water and downed the whole thing, his hands started to shake and he got really nervous as he looked around...

"My partner came from behind me and put his hand on my shoulder, I suddenly turned around with my hand and he started to choke... I tried to help him, but before I could... he had suffocated... my mind chocked him and I could not stop it... raw emotions got the better of me... and I killed my partner..."

He sighed again as he felt so ashamed.

"That was in a different city, different state... different me..."

He took the last bite of his plate.

"Rambling again.... sorry."
Trauma seems to be the introduction the powers chose to use.

She stared down at her food. She could tell him how she found out about hers but he was a cop and it was still a missing persons unsolved case even though it was 15 years old.

Don't worry about it you are finally figuring out that you are not the only one... it happens to all of us. Amdo knew a couple of people like us in Tibet so he has kinda been able to help me in the beginning.

She smiled as he brought out more food for them just cooking now to cook and make sure they had plenty to eat. Hearing what she said about him he rested his forehead against hers for a moment and said something in Tibetan patting her shoulder and walking back to the kitchen.
Ben smiled as he saw Leena accepting him already, it made him happy to know that he was not the only one and that he could be so close to one that was so beautiful.

"So, Mrs. Leena, what do you do, I mean with your powers, you said you protect the neighborhood, protect them from what? This is a pretty quiet area."

He could not take his eyes off of her, she was a sight for sore eyes. She was and is beautiful... he could only imagine what it was like to hold her, to kiss her


He shook his head s he saw the cook pat her on the shoulder and walk off. He looked to his glass and it was empty, he saw a can of pepsi on the front desk and he looked around for a second as he motioned his finger at it and the can flew right into his hand. He opened it and started to drink it down.

"Sorry I get really hungry and thristy when I ue my powers, is it like that for you to?"

He really didn't know what to do now, he just thought about her now.
Was he this new to the police force here or was he fishing for info. She watched him for a moment before talking.

I suspect you are fishing for information... cops get called out here alot but no one in this neighborhood ever sees or hears anything so no case... a few missing persons cold cases last seen headed towards this neighborhood... records of all of that start 15 or so years ago... Sound about right... Detective Gray?

As for my ailment with my powers is a minor headache that passes fairly quickly.

He was fascinating... handsome with that little bit of clearly intentional scruff was very nice indeed.
He looked at her and shook his hands in front of him.

"No, no its not like that Mrs Leena, I am not trying to get info out of you. Look..."

He placed his badge on the table.

"I am not a cop right now, I am a curious person."

He sighed, he knew of all the cases involving this neighborhood, he didn't pay them any metion, he just wanted to know more about these powers and what to do with them.

"I am hardly a dectective anymore..."

He sighed.
Alright... start asking questions and I will see what I can tell you.

She stared at the badge for a long moment waiting for his questions but some part of her mind was slithering through the past. The leaves of a plant on the counter behind her seemed to twitch and move while she stared at the badge but once she looked back to him the vine like plant fell back to its resting on the counter.

Glancing back to him she seemed somber... almost sad tinge to her eyes.
Ben looked to her, trust seemed to be a issue here, he was a cop after all. He knew how this place worked, everyone kept there mouth shut, no one ratted on anyone... and here was this cop asking all these questions...

stupid... he knew

What was he thinking... he should leave, he felt eyes watching him, he felt he was being held now... Ben sat back in his seat and looked around at the few people in the place, he than looked at Leena, she was the one that was with power, she could kill him with a though... what was he doing...?

"I don't think I have anymore questions... just... I don't know... I got to go Mrs. Leena... I am sorry to have wasted your time... thank you for your help... I will not bother you again, as for what happened today, I will make it like you were not even there... thank you..."

He seemed really nervous as he stood up and he walked out the door without his badge, he moved quickly, he looked behind him as he got to his car and sighed. She was really a beautiful woman... too bad for him, a cop and someone like her could never...

Shut up Ben... stop thinking that way...

He started his car up and he drove off, he saw her staring at him as he was gone from the dinner.

He headed back to the station and there he was bombarded with questions, he just kept his head down as he moved through to his desk and there was the captain wanting a full report and yelling at him... but Ben was not here, he had a urge inside of him, he gulped as he felt the itch like she was saying... the urge was rising inside of him...

"Not again... please..."

Sweat poured down his face now as the Captain was grilling him.

"Stop please..."

He fought hard to keep thoughts from his mind, but he was struggling. The pen on his desk started to shake...
Gray... phone call... Said their name was Amdo... or something like that some old foreign guy.

One of the other officers called out.


Amdo... He can help....

Leena sat talking to the old guy absently twirling the badge in her hand. Beyond that like me not all that long ago needs help.

The old man sat there nodding reluctantly. He knew she was right but he could not shake the fact that this young man was a cop and if he learned the fact of what all has happened due to her powers.

I will call Lt Daniels he will send young cop back over here.
Ben picked the phone up and heard the voice. He didn't know what to expect, especially after that incident with the captain.

"When and where?"

He waited on the phone, not knowing if he could trust these people, but he had no choice. He wanted to know more about these powers and he wanted to be closer with Leena. She was a mystery.

He waited for the time and the place.
Amdo nodded. you come back here... Tell Daniels and Captain Amdo say Long weekend means Much food deliver when you come back. Return to Toni's now.

He hung up the phone and sat back down by Leena... You think you need tell him... The others will understand...

She just sighed and nodded. She and Amdo understood some things about how the neighborhood had to operate and having an ally outside especially a cop that was still patrol not just behind a desk or running back and forth to city hall was a bonus they needed.

We have to have someone we can trust who better than someone like me.... still not sure I wanna deal with that Doc yet...

The old man nodded and went to get her a mug of hot tea.

I think it will work... he said as he returned.
Ben nodded and hung the phone up as he went to the Captains office to tell him what they said. The captain just told him to take care of what he needed to take care of. Ben nodded and he left and headed back to the dinner. He stood outside and waited to see where Leena was.

What was going to happen, he checked to make sure his gun was in place and his extra mags. He didn't know what to expect.
Leena was still sitting at the table the old man was tending to other patrons. She looked over seeing Ben there and tossing some money on the table and walking out she nodded to him tossing him his badge.

You want more answers lets talk you want answers about me we will see.

She smiled and motioned for him to walk with her.