Kids and Sick Days


Oct 9, 2001
Don't you hate making that decision?

I mean, colds last 10 days, coughs longer. You can't keep them home that whole time.

What if they don't have a fever, but they do have a cough? What if they have a runny nose, but it's not green?

Decisions, decisions.
What I hate is if anyone gets sick within one month of your kids its because of your kids.
Oh, don't you hate that, tyme! It's not like your kid is Patient Zero.

Rubyfruit said:
Don't you hate making that decision?

I mean, colds last 10 days, coughs longer. You can't keep them home that whole time.

What if they don't have a fever, but they do have a cough? What if they have a runny nose, but it's not green?

Decisions, decisions.
Just imagine your kid sitting next to someone exactly as sick as he is. If it wouldnt bother you, then send him. If you'd like to wring that mothers neck, then keep him home.

plus...sick kid = grumpy kid

let him sleep

p.s. would you go to the prom with me?
You know, just yesturday I was having a fit because my sister’s missed so much school lately. She would throw up in the mornings if she ate breakfast at home. We chalked it up to motion sickness and I thought my mom was being too much of a pushover letting her stay home because of motion sickness. Finally, I said that if she missed school one more time I’d take her to the doctor. It turns out that my sweet, tiny, eleven-year old sister has gastritis.
If they aren't blowing green snot on kids and they you can't fry an egg on their head, then send them out the door.

It helps build the other kids immune systems. :D
I agree with the green snot thing...and the fever.

If mine are running a fever, it's a no brainer: they stay home. Besides, if I sent them, the school would send them home just as soon as they figured out they were feverish.

I'm really fortunate to have a couple of relatives who are home during the day and will let the kids stay over there when it's not a really bad illness.
You know every time I have to take a midterm I’m sick. It’s like a curse. I can’t miss because of the damned test and all I want to do is crawl in to my bed a die in peace.
My very first exam I have walking pneumonia.
CoolidgEffect said:
If they aren't blowing green snot on kids and they you can't fry an egg on their head, then send them out the door.

It helps build the other kids immune systems. :D

That's exactly how I feel. Germs are everywhere, and if that cold has your name on it, you'll catch it.

April, only if you're blowing greet snot or I can fry an egg on your head. :)
:) Now, April, you shouldn't be talking like that to a young, impressionable grrl like me.
snot...fevers, yeah that all sucks but I think I speak for everyone Ruby when I say that may be the cutest av ever
Last week, my daughter ran a fever for four days. Two days it was 103 or better. Doc called it a virus and sent us home.

Then, this week, little man has a flu which started last night.

It isn't any fun, but I keep the children home with fevers. As far as runny noses, I pat them on the head, send them to school and tell them to see the nurse if they don't feel well.

We have a great school nurse who won't hesitate to call fi they need to come home.

Decisions, Decisions.

Never easy.
Saytur said:
snot...fevers, yeah that all sucks but I think I speak for everyone Ruby when I say that may be the cutest av ever

Thanks, Saytur. :)

Well, I patted him on the butt and sent him off to school, but only after I let him sleep in and get a lazy start to the day.
I am also home today with a sick kid, my ten year old. I kept him home on Tuesday, sent him to school yesterday, but kept him home today because his temperature is back up to 101.5.

I try not to let them stay home if it's only a slight cough or runny nose, but, if there's a fever involved, that's different. He's being so quiet and hasn't even asked to play Game Cube, so I KNOW he feels terrible.
J.B. said:
You know, just yesturday I was having a fit because my sister’s missed so much school lately. She would throw up in the mornings if she ate breakfast at home. We chalked it up to motion sickness and I thought my mom was being too much of a pushover letting her stay home because of motion sickness. Finally, I said that if she missed school one more time I’d take her to the doctor. It turns out that my sweet, tiny, eleven-year old sister has gastritis.

I was just sure the last two words of your post were boing to be "is pregnant."
In my old high school, they had an attendence policy. If you miss 10 days from a class, NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON WAS, you don't get credit for that class. Instead you gotta fill out an appeal and pleade your case to them.
In the case of colds, by the time the kid is showing symptoms, he/she probably isn't contagious any more. If I could walk, my mother sent me to school.
JadeEyes said:
I am also home today with a sick kid, my ten year old. I kept him home on Tuesday, sent him to school yesterday, but kept him home today because his temperature is back up to 101.5.

I try not to let them stay home if it's only a slight cough or runny nose, but, if there's a fever involved, that's different. He's being so quiet and hasn't even asked to play Game Cube, so I KNOW he feels terrible.

LOL that is the true measure of kid sickness. When they want to stay in bed and sleep.

I give mine a kids antihistamine for the runny green stuff, and as long as there is no, or only a mild fever, off he goes. Cruel as it sounds, I can get sick kid days more easily, if the school phones me at work to come and get him. Then I get the next day without a fuss.
as someone who spent almost every year of middle and high school missing over half the year because of illness...i give this advice to all parents...

if the kid is in doesn't want to get out of bed...just wants to sleep...keep them home...if they just have a bit of a headache or a stomach ache, give 'em pills and send 'em to school...once they know they can get you to let 'em stay home, they'll take advantage of it. I me. Also, if they get used to being able to stay home at the slightest thing, they wont learn to push through cant' stay home in th real world just cause you have the sniffles. If they're doubled over in pain, or to the point of crying from it..yeah, let 'em stay home...but if all it is is a little scratchy throat, make 'em go. You can always go pick them up at school if they're feeling worse later on. And speaking from experience..the makeup work is a bitch.