Kidnapped Cop (closed)


seduce the mind
Oct 10, 2002
Danny Anger:
In the neighborhood I grew up in you could go one of two ways: you could become a criminal, or you could become a cop. I went the first way, Maria Delgado went the second.

We knew each other by sight, went to the same schools for a while, but we travelled in different circles. She came from a better family and wasn’t allowed to hang out with my crowd. But I knew her. I remember her in high school, a very neat package. Too much woman squeezed into that body. She was a head turner, with that high ass, long legs, her tits always looking like they were going to bust the buttons on her shirt, She knew it too, and wasn’t above using her looks and those big brown eyes to her advantage.

She was always ambitious, always better than everyone else. So when she decided to become a cop it surprised the hell out of everyone. I measn, being a cop was a decent job, but she could do better than that. But then when we learned she was also going to law school, it made sense. There’d been a couple of kids in the hood who’d followed the same path to the big time, and it looked like Maria was following their lead. Get her law degree, make a little name for herself on the force, then she could write her own ticket. Politics, law, whatever she wanted. She started making a lot of noise down at the precinct house. Even calling her own press conferences. She made a lot of enemies down there. A lot of cops hated her guts.

She decided to make me her pet project. I’d done some time for petty stuff, but I’d starightened out. Night school, the whole bit. But she just couldn’t leave me alone. The idea of me making it just set her off. She started finding reasons to drop by with a warrant whenever anythging went down in the neighborhood. Walking through my place in her uniform, tossing my stuff around, going through my drawers. I’d go for a drive and Maria would pull me over. Small stuff. Harrassment. Until the last time.

It seemed Maria wasn’t quite making ends meet with her fancy apartment and fancy car on her cop’s salary. She actually started shaking down people on her beat. That’s not unusual around here, a lot of cops are on the take. But it was unusual for her. Playing Miss High and Mighty and then taking an envelope full of cash to make sure someone’s store didn’t get hit. She even started shaking down the street dealers, taking payoffs to look the other way. Then she'd call up some reporters and tell them how she was the only one standing between the good citizens and a criminal takeover of the city.

And there wqas something else I knew about Maria. She was a little kinky. I got a friend who works down at Mondo Bondo, the local leather bar, and he's telling me that Maria's harrassing him too. Coming in a flipping his patrons just for grins. But he can see the gleam in her eye. She was just a little too into it, a little too curious. He tells me she's a sub if he ever saw one. She did seem awfully fond of her leather jacket.

Then came the night she tried to shake me down. She’d come in on a warrant looking for some hot TV’s, tossed my place, and as I was cleaning up I noticed a bag of dope she’d planted in my dresser. I knew this game. She’d be back tonight or tomorrow in uniform to bust me. I’d seen this go down a hundred times. But this time I'd had enough.

I got friends on the force too, decent guys doing a dirty job, and there was no love lost between them and Maria. Even the lieutenant down there played dumb when he heard. He just didn't want to know.

This time I was ready for her when she came around. This time I wasn’t taking any shit. It was time she got hers.
“Police! Open up!”
It was her all right. I knew that voice. She’d certainly taken her sweet time.
I opened the door and she jumped right in my face, revolver in one hand, warrant in the other. That smile she always had when she was in a position to make you crawl.
“Got you this time, ass hole!” she said. “You’ve got some shit in here and I know just where it is!”
I put on the scared face and backed up. She’d been in here so many times she didn’t even make me get on the floor or anything, just walked in.
Good looking cop too. She had her long black hair up under her cap, but she was in full makeup for her press conference afterwards. Wore her tightest uniform shirt, a snug dark blue skirt. It was summer, so she didn’t get to wear her leather jacket, but she looked good.
I sat in a chair in the living room and discreetly pushed the record button on the power cord as she went right into the bedroom. I had everything on, two VCR’s, the tape recorder. Just like Hollywood.
I heard hre rummaging around in there while I checked out the window. Yep, no cop car. They wouldn’t let her use the cars anymore for one of her personal busts. She must have driven her own car. She was probably off duty too. She liked doing these extra-curricular busts.
“What the hell?” I heard her call from the bedroom. She came out, her face tight with anger. “Where’s the dope? What’s you do with it, scumbag?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. There was a bag of dope in your dresser drawer before. I know.”
“You must be mistaken, officer. I don’t use drugs.” I said calmly.
“I know it was there because I goddamn put it there, you dumb shit! Now what did you do with it? Or should I justuse this one here?” she said, pulling a baggie of white powder from her belt. The dropped it on the floor and said, “Oh! What have we here?”
Bingo! Game, set, and match. Ball was in my court now.
“Turn around, Anger. You’re going to the station. Put your hands behind your back.”
This was the one part I hadn’t really planned, but I figured I could take her without getting shot. She was four or five inches shorter than me and probably weighed in at 120 pounds to my 215, besides, I knew she couldn’t put the strap on me with one hand. She didn’t even holster her gun. She just put it on the coffee table.
Once I felt her hands on me, I spun around, rabbed her wrist and got her in a hammerlock, pushing her hand up behind her back as she gasped in surprise. I heard a button pop off her shirt and hit the ground from the sudden pressure of her tits and I almost lifted her off the ground, nervous as I was.
I acted by instinct, pushing her down on her face on the sofa as she swore at me. “Damn you! What the hell do you think you’re doing! I’m an officer of the law! I’ll have your ass for this…” Etcetera etcetera.
I wasn’t listening to her. I got a strap from her belt and cuffed her wrists behind her back, then put another around her ankles. I had all my stuff ready to go in a neat little pile by my chair, so I took a handkerchief and pressed it against her teeth till she opened her mouth, then stuffed it inside. I wrapped anothger around her head to keep it in place, then I tied one around her eyes.
I was full of adrenaline by then, so I let her flop around and kick on the sofa gagged and blindfolded as I went to the fridg and got a beer. I wanted her to wear herself out, and she did a great job. I never knew she had such a temper.
I never heard of a cop wearing stockings under her uniform either, but as she struggled and fell from the sofa onto the floor, her skirt rode up and I saw a flash of creamy brown of her thighs, naked where the stockings ended.
By the time I finished her beer she was exhausted and I flipped her over easily. I tied her elbows behind her back, then tied another rope around her knees.Then I tied a rope from her ankles to her hands, hog-tying her.
I admit it. I love the sight of a woman in ropes. Her skirt was bunched up, her thighs showing and her blouse had opened enough to show a hint of dark cleavage. She had stopped swearing and was just lying there panting, her chest rising and falling with the effort.
“You look good tied up.” I told her. “You look really good like that, Officer Delgado.”
She made a sound that was more like a moan than a scream of anger.
I had a big canvas sailbag bought special for the occasion, and I slipped it over her feet and got it over her head before she knew what was going on. I tied the top closed, then walked around theplace closing windo\ws and turning off lights. I picked up her gun with a pencil through the trigger, and put it under the sofa along with her hat. Finally I took the tapes out of the camera and recorder. I put one in my pocket, and dropped the others into mailing cartons I’d made up earlier.
Then I turned off the livingroom light, threw her over my shoulder, and walked out.
Maria Delgado lay truss up but good. How the hell had she gotten herself into this? This bastard was supposed to be an easy target so what was she doing being the one in cuffs?

Tired from fighting her bonds and her mouth dry from the gag and something she hated admiting...fear. Yes, she was afraid. She had always been the one in control, always been the one giving orders and now she couldnt even move.

She breathed heavily and blinked as strands of her dark hair fell from her neat bun and into her eyes. Her makeup was smeared from the gag and the sweat from her struggles and she was mad and frightened as hell.

And of all the people to trap hre like this it had to be that prick Danny Anger. She had known him since school. Him in his leather jackets and his bike club. Parading around with those ditzy cheerleaders who ohhed and ahhed and fawned over them. Breaking the rules and never getting caught but getting all the attention. It made her sick.

Her family was well known in the community. Her dad was a high priced lawyer and her mom was a socialite. It was from her father she had learned that rules could be bent to benefit yourself if you were careful. And she always had been. Up til now. She had placed that coke in Anger's drawers, had hidden it she thought but the asshole had found it. Hell, he had probably used it which was why he thought he could get away with treating a cop like this. Let her out of her bonds and he would know different.

Stopping her struggling she resorted to calling him every name in the book, her voice muffled by the gag but feeling better about having said them. Danny had always been a favorite hassle for her. She had hated h im since high school. She could always hear him and his 'gang' talking about her behind her back as she passed in the hallway. She could hear the airhead cheerleaders giggle at the comments they made. When she became a cop and he started breaking the law she knew she had an avenue for her revenge and she laughed every time she pulled him over or busted him on some minor charge. She wsa just waiting for him to break the law big time and then she would step in, get the fame, glory, praise from her family and even the jerks in the precinct would have to admit how good she was.

Only he didn't break the law big time. And she was getting impatient. She had a weakness. She couldn't give up the good life she had had while growing up but you couldn't do that on a cop's salary. She could have waited til she graduated law school, toning down her life a bit but why should she when the means to support that lifestyle was right at hand in the form of merchants who wanted to make sure their precious stores and merchandise was safe. If they played ball with h er she would make sure they got a fast call. If not, well she might be on the other side of town.

True she had had to lean on some low lifes to hit a couple of the stores before they realized they needed her but now she had this neighborhood nicely in her pocket. She had her superior in her pocket to. Those midnight meetings they had ensured that he wasn't going to take any calls about her seriously. She was all set.

Only now that asshole had her over a barrel. But not for long. She would get out of this somehow and then he would be sorry. Kidnapping a cop was serious business. She would make sure he would go down for a long, long time.
Once I got her on my shoulder she wasn't that hard to handle. I'm a big guy and used my time in the joint to get even bigger, so I didn't have any problem getting her down to the car.

I was going to put her in the back seat, but I decided to use the trunk. that's the way the wiseguys get rid of their people. Put them in the trunk and pump a few through the netal. No muss, no fuss. I knew that she knew this too, and I wanted her to sweat a little. This is a girl who never had it rough in her life. She acted tough, throwing her badge around, but I wanted to see how tough she really was, how long it would take her to start crying and begging .

I know a guy who runs a motel outside of town of highway 51. He doesn't do much business since the interstate came through, so it's nice and quiet. One of those old style motels that has the separate cabins. A couple of the cabins were pretty decenmt. he saved me one back in the trees, way back. With all the weeds and trees that had grown up, no one would see my car.

It took about 30 minutes to get there, and the last couple of miles were on some pretty bad roads. I pulled up behind the cabin and cut the engine. It was absolutely silent. Then the crickets started up again. Home free.

I went inside and checked things out. The place was a little stuffy and only a couple of windows opened, which was fine with me. There was a livingroom with a big brass bed in it, and two bedrooms. Plenty of beds. That was okay with me too. I had planned some special activities for me and Ms. Delgado, and a lot of them involved beds.

I unloaded some supplies from the back of the car, put some stuff in the fridg, threw some rope and tape on the bed and got a nice sturdy chair from the kicthen. Then I was set.

She started screaming again when I lifted her out of the trunk, but it wasn't that angry screaming I'd heard before. She was scared now, and her muffled screams were more like sounds of relief.

I got her into the house, stood her up in the living room, and opened the bag. She looked a little different now, I can tell you that. The gag was soaked, and she was covered with sweat, She moaned and leaned against me as I stripped the bag down her body as if she was just glad to feel another human being near her. I felt those big, firm tits push into my arm and I wondered whether she was trying to make a deal already.

I carried her over to the bed and put her down on it. She was still hogtied, and scared stiff, I could tell. She wasn't trying to wiggle away now, I guess she'd had enough of that.

She was one good looking woman, cop or no cop. The way her tits stretched the front of her tight shirt, the way her skirt fit, it was all too nice. And there's just something about a woman in a unifrom that gets me.

I sat down on the bed and was going to untie her gagm but i fugured what the hell. Instead I ran my hand up, from the tie on her ankles, up over her calf, over the rope around her knees, all the way up, under her skirt, till I felkt the soft skin at the top of her thighs. She held perfectly still as I did this, as if afraid to move. I went higher, higher until my hand was on her hip under her dress. Then I slid it slowly back down.

Now she jumped and whimpered as my fingers slid over her hip bone and back down her leg. I'd wanted to get into her pants for as long as I could remember, but she was always too good. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. Too good by half.

I had a strong temptation to take out the gag and just take her right there. But no, that's not my style. Patience, patience. This was going to be a long night.

Finally I untied the gag, Before i took it off her I said. "Now you be a good girl, Maria. There's no one here to hear your screams, so don't bother or this gag goes right back in your pretty mouth. I don't want to hurt you, and if you follow my instructions I won't have to. And before you start shouting your head off, I've got a little video I'd like you to see."

I went to the VCR, turned on the TV and popped the tape in. It showed the livingroom of my place in town just before she'd come in.

I went back to her, took off the gag, anmd took off the blindfold so she could see. Then I sat down in a chair to enjoy the tape with her.
It was the longest ride of her life. One of Maria's deepest fears, one she never let anyone know about, was enclosed places. Whenever she got into an enclosed place she began to panic and when he put her in the trunk and closed it she could feel her heart pounding and she began to shake with fear.

As the minutes passed by she felt as if the small space she was in was closing in on her. The thought that this was one of the ways that people get taken out to be killed was not helping her at all. Had she made him so mad that he was actually going past even what she thought he was capable of? The thought did nothing to soothe her at all.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the car stopped. Right about then she didn't care if he meant to kill her or not, she just needed out of that trunk. Only he didn't come get her. Faintly she could hear him get out and the car door shut and then nothing. Panic started to overcome her. He meant to leave her here in this trunk and let her die a slow death not knowing when anyone would find the car. He probably left it hidden so it wouldn't be found until it would take forensics to determine her identity.

Breaking under the fear and pressure she began to scream into her gag. She knew that there was probably no one around to help her as he probably parked in a spot no one would find easily but she couldn't stand just lying there in the dark doing nothing.

All of a sudden Maria froze. She could hear the sound of him rummaging around in the back of the car. He had not left her alone but she was puzzled at what he was doing? Setting things up to kill her quickly instead of letting her expire from lack of air and heat when the sun came up tomorrow?

She began to scream again, hoping beyond hope that someone was around to hear it. When the trunk opened she had just taken a breath and started her hopeless call for help again. Her throat was now starting to feel raw with the effort. He lifted her and carried her somewhere and all screaming stopped. She was now too tired and scared to continue and she wondered if she would even be ready to take an opportunity to escape should it come up.

When the bag was taken off of her she blinked in the harsh light. She was in some kind of house in a bedroom and, for a minute she couldn't focus because she was so used to the dark. She couldn't really stand due to the way she was tied and was forced to lean heavily on her captor until he picked her up and put her on the bed.

Breathing hard from fear and her earlier efforts, she froze when his hand began to explore along her leg. A animal whimpering came from her throat and she wondered wildly what he had planned. She was about to find out.

Laying there she was forced to watch a video which he took of her trying to shake him down. A knot formed in her belly. If that tape got into the wrong hands everything she had worked for would be gone. Maybe she could bluster her way through this, make him think the tape was not as valuable to her as he thought it was.

When it was done, she set her jaw in a hard line and spat out at him,"So what? Nobody is going to believe its the genuine artical, not from a low life like you. I have a dozen experts who would be willing to testify that the tape was tampered with to make people think it was me. You've got nothing, Prick, and when I get done with you the only thing you will have accomplished is being put in a small cell with two beds and someone to call your own. You can dance with him every night after the lights go out."
I smiled when she finished talking.

"I'll put my tape of you shaking me down against your tape of some egghead denouncing it any time, baby. Which do you think is going to play better on the nightly news?
"And I got two more versions of this. Another video and some audio tape. They're all save and sound.
"You're through, Maria--Officer Delgado. The party's over. Time to pay the piper, sugar."

I sat down on the bed next to her and ran my hand along her face. Her skin was incredibly soft, like a baby's behind. Al though baby's behinds don't snap at you and try and bit your hand.

I stood up and stretched. She was still angry, but she was scared now too.

"What are you going to do?" she asked defiantly.

"What am I going to do? Well what do you think is fair payback for a crooked cop? How much do you think six months in the slam is worth? And how many people did you railroad? A dozen? Two dozen? More? What do you think is fair payback? Well believe me, you're getting off easy, bitch. You're getting off real easy."

I went to my box of stuff and rummaged through it, pulled out a proper gag--a ball gag, and got it around her. I had to fighht with her to get it into her mouth, but I did it. Thank God. She was starting to scream again. She had a mouth on her.

I blindfolded her too, this time with a real blindfold. I picked her up and threw her into a chair. It was one of those cheap motel-style armchairs, open frame. Cheap but sturdy, then I rearranged her.

I buckled leather cuffs over her wrists to make things easier for me, then I tied her wrists to the arms on the chair. I fastened leather ankle cuff to her legs and secured her ankles to the front of the chair with chain, then I cut the starps holding her legs together and pulled the chain tight, so that each ankle was drawn up tight to a front leg of the chair. Finally I threw some rope around her waist and pulled her ass back snug in the seat. Time to admire my work.

My cock started to stiffen as I looked at her. The gag spread her red lips obscenely, as if she were locked in a silent scream, and the blindfold made her look all the more helpless. Her wrists were tight against the arms of the chair, her fingers clawing and twisting in an attempt to escape the bonds. With her ankles spread she had to keep her knees together to keep me from seeing up her skirt, but I knew she wouldn't be able to keep that up for long.

I took the polaroid and snapped some pics. I knew she could see the flash of the camera even with the blincfold, but that was okay with me. "Something to help me remember this magic moment ." I said.

She twisted vioently in the chair, trying to rip herself loose, and I watched her with a professional eye, looking for any weak spots or loose knots. No, she was stuck there good and tight.

I stood behind her chair and put my lips near her ear. "You know, I've heard you kind of like this kind of thing, Maria. A little bird told me that you were very curious as to what it felt like to be all tied up and helpless, unable to defend yourself, forced to do whatever someone wanted you to."

Her struggling stopped when I said this to her and she grew very, very still. I could see down her shirt to the creamy flesh of her breasts, even see to where the lacey top of her bra embraced her lush tits.

"Remember when we were in high school, Maria?" I whispered. "What a stuck up little snob you were? How you wouldn't give me the time of day? I wish I'd known then that you just wanted to be tied up and fucked. But maybe you didn't even know it then yourself."

I stroked the side of her neck as I talked, slipping my hand inside her shirt and traced my fingers along the ridge of her collar bone, barely touching her. She was warm and I could feel her heart pounding when I touched her throat.

"What was it?" I asked her. "Was it being a cop and putting handcuffs on people? Did that turn you on? Was it the feel of your leather jacket? Or the gun on your hip. Or did it just develop naturally? You know they say a lot of people in positions of authority secretly want to be tied up. It's like a relief to them, like a vacation."

I extended my tongue and just tounched the lobe of her ear. She moaned behind the gaga and rolled her head to the side, offering it to me. I could see her breasts hgeaving as she began breathing faster. Oh, she was into it all right. Shje was fighting it, but I had the goods on her now.

I slid my hand over her chest to her cleavage, where i stroked her gently, then traced along the edge of her bra as I spoke.

"But that's okay with me. See, I like a woman tied up. I don't want her wiggling away when I start kissing her and running my tongue over her. I don't want her squirming around when I drag my tongue down to her pussy and start eating her. Because I like to take my time. Lick her real slow, touch her all over, so I like my women to be nice and patient, 'cause it can take me such a long time."

She made one final jerk to get away, lifting the back legs of the chair off the ground, but everything held. She dropped her head back and I thought she might start crying. It looked like she'd finally given up.

I stood up and went to my goody box and pulled out a long vibrator. "Now I'm going to get all cleaned up, Baby. I'm going to shower before the fun starts. But I don't want you to be bored while I'm gone, okay? So here;s something for you."

I pushed her skirt up to her hips and bunched it up there, then I slipped the vibe under the ropes around her waist so that the head was pressed agaisnt her crotch, and I turned it on low.

She cried out as the low hum filled the room and tried to jerk free again, but it was no good.

"Okay, maria. I'll try not to take too long." I said. "Just make yourself comfortable."
Maria was angry...and very, very frightened. She began struggling in earnest but she wsa held tight. A prisoner. The talk of jail scared her. She knew what cops went through in jail and she knew that her fellow policemen would not even try to protect her. The filthy bastards were jealous of her and would love to see her hurt at the hand of people she had put in there as well as the guards.

His touch almost burnt her and his hints of what he might do to her made her shiver. She kept telling herself it was fear and that she was not thrilled at all by the picture he presented to her. She tired to ignore the tingle in her pussy as his finger traced over her flesh and his tongue touched her earlobe.

She was close to tears now and her chest heaved with each breath. Fighting the bonds only made them cut into her flesh harder and she knew she was bound good and tight.

The feel of his hands running up her legs and thighs as he pushed her skirt up made her moan behind the ball gag. She was helpless to do anything. And then she felt him place something long and hard through the ropes on her waist and against her mound. A jerk went through her as the vibrator was turned on and she struggled to get away from the stimulation of her already throbbing pussy.

She could hear him leave the room, could hear the shower running but her mind was fully consumed by the vibrations of the device between her legs. She struggled but it only made it worse, the vibrator moving up and down and across her slowly swelling lips touching her more intimately than anything had in a long time. She moaned and tears trickled down behind the blindfold as she fought to control her own body's reaction. She could feel a wetness start between her legs and she shook her head vilolently trying to make her body obey her mental commands and not that of it's own need. Her breasts strained against her shirt as she arched her back trying to get away from sensations but it was usless.

She moaned again as she felt her body infused with fire, her legs shaking from the effort at trying to get lose and the widening fire in her crotch. She screamed out behind the gag, yelling for him to come and take it away and threatening what she would do to him once she was released. Though he could decern nothing but muffled cries if he was even listening.

With a final moan she slumped forward, to tired to fight. In the distance she heard the shower being turned off and noises of him moving around in the bathroom. She took heaving breaths as her own little world closed around her. The vibrator was set on too low of a setting to make her come quickly and so she sat just on the edge of release as it continued to caress and stimulate her most sensitive area, moans coming from her every few moments, her legs shaking as electricity seemed to run through her entire body. With a sob she surrendered and stopped fighting and sat there, the chair becoming wet with her own juices as they trickled out of her shaven pussy to wet her thighs.
I stepped out of the shower and left it running toweled off quickly, then quietly opened the bathroom door and peeked out. I could see her in the chair. She had stopped strunggling and was just sitting there, her hips lifting in obscene little fucking motions at the vibrator, her moans audible over the low hium of the vibe. This was going perfectly. As I watched I saw her shudder suddenly and groan in frustration, her hands twisting in the cuffs as she tried to eacape.

I went back into the bathroom, closed the door, and turned off the shower. I didn’t bother to shave. I thought a little bristle would be good for her. I slipped on a pair of shorts, snug, but not too tight, that I knew made my prick visible. I finished drying, threw a towel over my shoulders, and walked out.

As soon as I left the bathroom she shut up, but I could see her shoes moving as she curled her toes in frustration. There was a big dark spot at the crotch of her panties, and that made me smile too.

I turned off the vibe and pulled it out of the ropes. Then I took off her blindfold. I caught the look of despewrate relief in her eyes before they hardened back into a look of sheer hatred. “Are we having fun yet?” I asked her.

She watched me intently as I just strolled around the room, dressed only in my mocassins and my shorts, a towel draped over my shoulders. I don’t like to brag, but I’ve got a pretty nice body. I’m big, but defined, and it’s all muscle. And more than one girl has told me I had a great ass. So I wanted her to have a good look.

I poured myself a drink and came back into the bedroom with her.

“How we doing. Maria? You want a drink? No? Suit yourself.”

She’d lost a lot of her starch. She wasn’t quite so tough as when I brought her in here, but we had a ways to go. Even so I had to work myself up a little to get into the right frame of mind. I had to think about my buddies she had set up, the one’s who’d died in the joint, the way she’d come shoving into my place earlier that afternoon. It wasn’t as hard as I thought.

I came over to her and removed her badge, being careful to rub my knuckles over her nipple as I did so. Hard as a little rock. I took the badge, then dropped it in the garbage can. I squatted down right in front of her and indied her tie, pulled it slowly through her collar as she stared daggers at me. Carefully I unbuttoned the collar button of her shirt. I took her lapels in my hands, and gave one shapr pull, ripping her shirt wide open.

She gasped and pulled back as if awaiting a blow, but I just opened her blouse and spent a moment just admiring her breasts. As I said, ner nipples were hard as diamonds, and I looked her right the the eyes as I ran the backs of my fingers over them. I saw her soften suddenly, her eyes almost crossing with desire, then she snapped back and regained control. But some of the hardness was gone.
“Very nice tits.” I said softly. “You’ve always had beautiful breasts, Maria. I’ve always wanted to touch them, to kiss them, to suck on them. Just run my lips over them, caress their smoothness. Are they very sensitive? No? How about your nipples?” I ran my thumbs in circles over her areolas through her lacey bra. She tried to stare at me defiantly, but the fire just wasn’t there anymore. Her pride was fighting with her need, and I intended to make sure her need won.

Finally she couldn’t take it. She shouted something, but her body slumped as her tension left her, and I felt the weight of her breasts against me hands. I continued teasing her nipples until she began to squirm her shoulders, her eyes filling with tears.

My cock was hard now, hard and ready for action, and I stood up right next to her chair so it was right near her face, so she could see its outline in my shorts. I pretended to be reaching for something over her head, but I was really looking down at her as I moved it in front of her face. She was ready.

But I wasn’t. This was just too much fun. I wanted to make her beg. I wanted to make her plead.

I knelt down in front of her and put my hands on her knees. Her skirt was still bunched up around her waist. I started sliding my hands up and down the outside of her thighs, talking to her as I did.

“A good looking woman like you, Maria, should have a man. Someone to take care of you, someone to make love to you. You were always to busy for guys, weren’t you? How come, Maria?”

Slowly, subtly, I was moiving my hands around so that they would be sliding up and down the insides of her thighs as I talked to her.

“How long’s it been? A long time? A long time since anyone’s made love to you? Taken the time to do it right, to give you the attention you deserve.”

By now my hands were entirely on the insides of her legs, my thumbs were softly grazing the sopping crotch of her panties as I slid them up across the bare skin of her upper thighs. I could feel them tremble as she tried to close them, see the frustration in her eyes.
“Well I’m going to do that, Maria.” I whispered. “I’m going to make love to you. I’m going to shove me big, hard. cockj into your pussy, Maria, and I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. Hard and fast and deep, and I’m not going to stop. I’m going to fuck you all night long, just you and me. No one’s coming in, and you’re not going anywhere, so just get used to the idea.”

At that I bent down and ran my tongue over her knee, making her jump violently. “My cock is just aching for you, Maria. Do you know how long I’ve waited for this moment? How long I’ve wanted to fuck you?”

I began to lick her legs, all the way up to her panties. Long, slow, licks, tasting her stockings, tasting her sweet delicious flesh. I know I was supposed to be torturing her, but I was in agony now too. I was aching, and the feel of her legs trembling as I licked them and dragged by lips over her was driving me mad.

She let her head fall back on her shoulders and she began to cry. Cryonmg for real now. Crying with need and frustration and—I hoped—a little remorse.

But she was going to have to do better than that..
He was playing her like an expert. He knew how much need was coursing through her body and she knew he knew it. She tried to call up the cold hard bitch that she knew was within her, the one she always showed everyone but the fire eating her up inside wouldn't let her.

She tried not to look at the outline of his cock straining at his shorts, tried not to show her body's reaction to it. He had her worked up and all her body knew was that it needed to be fucked just like he said, any cock would do right now...any at all. The pure physical need was taking over everything. She felt like an animal right now only wanting one thing and not caring how she got it.

"NO!" Her mind screamed at her. "Don't give in! If you give in he wins. Remember all the times he and his friends looked down on you, made fun of you. The laughter as you passed them in the hall. The snide remarks you could just barely hear. Don't let the bastard get to you."

But as his fingers played across her hard nipples she could feel herself losing. She screamed at him behind the gag to stop it, to let her go and just leave her alone. But her voice was muffled and she doubted he cared anyway.

His questions came to her through a red haze of need. His hands running up and down her thighs, searching her sensitive flesh making it hard to hear what he was saying. But the questions hit home even more than the feel of his large hands on her supple flesh.

How long had it been? If she was to tell the truth it would be never. Making love? It was all a farce. There was no such thing. It was an animal instinct and one that could be used to your own advantage if you had the guts to do it.

She shook her head back and forth as his fingers ran across her wet crotch. She could feel the lips of her pussy swollen and enflamed. But still she would be damned if she gave up any of her secrets to her.

She wouldn't tell him of how her father had never thought any boy was good for her, had made his love to her conditional on her obedience to him. Had used her need for a father to control her just as she later used other's needs to control any situation she was in. She wasn't going to tell him how the first boy she fell in love with was a good looking biker just like him and his friends. How he seduced her into his bed and then dropped her the next day, joking about how he had bedded the bitch that was too good for anyone.

She had learned after that. Oh yes, she had learned. No one was ever going to get that close again, she would see to it. And she could play the game as well if not better than the others. They could have her body but she would get everything else she wanted from them. It was a small price to pay.

Becoming a cop gave her added power to do what she wanted. She could bend the rules enough to suit her needs and no one would know it. Her father would be proud of her and her name would be on the lips of everyone. She learned to use the media to her advantage as well, calling attention to herself whenever she could. They were all fools who only wanted a good story. She gave them that and more and she knew everyone was watching her, admiting that she was better than everyone else out there.

But she wasn't going to let the bastard kidnapper in on it. No, it was her own private world and she would be damned if he got that far into her mind and soul. Let him have her body, she would get what she needed out of it, she would use him to sate the growing need he had started but the joke was on him. There was no such thing as 'Making Love'. She knew it and she would use it against him. And she would make him pay for showing weakness. Yes, she would let him have what he wanted and then she would turn the tables on him. She had given her body up for less before and she wasn't above doing it this time as well.

Her body jerked as his tongue touched her knee. Oh, God! The torture was bitter sweet. Sobbing, she let her head drop back and relaxed her legs. At least she would gain the sweet release her body craved. Then she could think again, could plan, could bring this asshole down. He deserved it. All of those like him deserved it. They should all rot in a cell with only themselves for company and bed partners.

Moaning, she arched her hips a bit not realizing she was losing the fight altogether, not wanting to see that maybe the ice was melting under his touch. Not admitting to herself that she wanted any of this, that the thought of a man taking care of her and making her believe there was such a thing as making love was attractive to her. Was a need that was even more consuming and deep than the need she was feeling now.
I hoped to God she was half as hot as I was, because I couldn't take much more. It was just the sexiest fucking situation I'd ever been in, and in teasing her I had teased myself as well, teased myself almost to the breaking point. The juice was just pouring from the tip of my swollen cock, wetting my shorts, and I didn't care if she saw or not.

I got up. I took the gag off her mouth and she wiggled her jaw from side to side, licked her dry lips but she didn't scream any more. She was panting as hard as I was, and she seemed almost to have come to accept what was happening to her. At least her struggling had stopped. She tried to see what I was doing but she wouldn't meet my eyes.

I untied the rope holding her waist to the back of the chair so she could move her hips. Her face was turned to the side, trying to see me, and my cock was right about at her shoulder level. This would be the time to get naked, I thought. I pulled the waist band of my shorts over my cock and then skinned them down my legs and let my dick stand free, big and hard and proud. She saw it. She couldn't miss it. My prick was't four inches from her mouth, hard and throbbing. I couldn't see her face, I was too close. I would have loved to see her face.

When I get really aroused, my whole body swells, my muscles all get bigger. I don't know if this happens to other guys, and it's not that noticeable with me maybe, but I feel it. I feel pumped up like Superman or something, like King Kong, and that's how I felt now. I was so horny I could have fucked the crack of dawn.

Control, control, I thought. She's your prisoner. Give it to her. Tease the bitch to death.

I came around to her front again as she watched me with eyes that were just burning with what? hatred? lust? need? I don't know, but it was passion of some kind and almost unbearably intense. Her eyes were just smoldering like live coals, her lips parted as she panted like an animal.

I knelt down in front of her again. I looked her in the eyes even though the look she gave me sent spears of fire through my gut. I pulled her bra up slowly and let her breasts fall free, rich and ripe and ready. She knew what I was going to do and she moaned, turning her head to the side as if she could hide the expressions on her face from me.

I took her breasts in my hands, feeling their weight, their warmth, thier wonderful resilience. I dragged my fingers lightly over them, drawing back until my fingers brushed over her nipples, making her whimper and bite her lip.

I pushed her breasts around on her chest, I squeezed them tenderly, finally I leaned forward and licked her nipple. She dropped her head back and opened her mouth wide. I barely touched her at first, put then I squeezed her tits until her nipples seemed to protrude and kissed from one to the other, stroking them with my thumbs. I worked at her breasts until she started to whimper and her hips began to pump in the chair. She swore at me. She called me every sort of horrible name. She threatened me. But at the bottom I knew what she wanted. We both knew.

"Beg me." I said as I kissed her tits. "Beg me, you hot bitch! Beg me!"

I left her abruptly, put my hands around her waist and slid her ass to the edge of the chair. I dropped my head to her crotch and kissed her high up on the inside of her thigh. Now she screamed, a strangled cry of frustration. She looked down at me, eyes blazing and I met her gaze, locked into it. I stick my tongue out and let her see it, then, still holding her eyes, I moved my tongue over the soaking crotch of her panties, not even touching her.

"You bastard!" she hissed. "You son of a bitch!"

"That's not begging." I said.

Now I swiped my tongue ever so lightly over her panties. I put my lips against her pussy and blew my hot breath on her. She moaned and trembled, her tits shaking on her chest. I licked her again, just tickling her.

She sobbed and shook, trying to force her pussy against my mouth.

"Please!" she said. "Please!"

That was close enough for me.

Time to fuck the bitch.
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Maria tried not to look at him. His cock which was wet with his own desire. She knew why he was so hard. He was in control, he was taking down the bitch who had taken him down so many times. That was what was fueling his passion. She knew his type only too well. Have to show the woman they were in command and this was just a way to get control over her. That was all it was.

She wasn't sure if she was mad at him because of that or mad at herself for doing exactly what he wanted and placing herself in a position to be controlled.

When the gag was removed she felt the soreness of her jaw and her tongue ran over her lips, the unbidden picture of that tongue running over his hard cock coming to mind before she could prevent it. It was such a powerful image that she had to avoid his eyes for fear he would see it in her gaze.

She had no sooner put the mental image away when he was standing naked, his maleness almost close enough for her to act out the vision. She swallowed hard and tried to tear her gaze away as he came around in front of her but the lust and need had built up to a frenzy at that point and her body was no longer obeying even the simplist of commands she gave it.

Finally the spell was broken when he knelt and it was no longer her focal point. But now he was reaching for her breasts and she moved her head away. There was no escaping this and she was afraid he might see how far he had gotten with her if she allowed him to look in her eyes. And the thought that if she couldn't see him touch her she would be able to distance herself again desperatly made it to the front of her mind.

That thought was proven wrong as she felt the bra being taken from her firm tits and the air brush along her exposed flesh. She moaned as her nipples hardened even more. Then she felt his hands on her breasts and she had to bit her lip to keep from yelling out. Even so a soft whimper escaped her lips as her very flesh seemed to become sensitive to his touch and the crazy thought came to her that even if it were another man doing this she would not have responded so readily. Quickly she pushed that thought away. She didn't want to deal with it. This was sex pure and simple. She had used it to get what she wanted in the past and he was doing the same with her...there was no difference.

When his mouth began playing with her hard nipples the sensation was too much and she dropped her head back, moaning and whimpering as her body responded to the stimulation she had no other outlet but her voice. Rolling her head back and forth she began to curse him, tell him how low he was for doing this to her, threatened to do everything from having him arrested to putting the bullet through his head herself. It didn't seem to faze him a bit, he kept right on enjoying her body.

"Beg me." He said as he mauled her tits. "Beg me, you hot bitch! Beg me!"

Never! As far as she was concerned he was responsible for all of this. Why should she beg him to violate her? Beg him to complete what he had started? Give into him and let him win? He was the one who wanted this, not her and she would be damned if she begged him to take her in this fashion.

And then his lips met her thigh and she felt as if a lightening bolt had shot through her. A scream of frustration ripped through her throat before she could catch it and she glared at him as he taunted her with his tongue, coming close to her sopping panties, promising release from the torture but never giving it.

"You bastard!" she hissed. "You son of a bitch!"

"That's not begging." He said a smugness in his voice that made her hatred of him grow.

Her body jerked as she felt his tongue just touch her wet panties. His hot breath heating her already overheated pussy breaking through her resistance. The feel of his tongue harder on her panty covered, swollen lips was the last she could take.

A sob wrenched through her body and she shook in defeat and pure lustful need. God, she couldn't let him win but he had. She could see nothing through this red haze of passion and she only wanted one thing. To be taken here, to be fucked and fucked hard, to come to a crashing, screaming orgasm, to be released from the fire that raged in her soul. He had better make this the best fuck of his life, she vowed, because when it was over she would double her efforts to see him taken down.

Slumping in defeat, she thrust her hot, wet pussy up toward his lips and searching tongue wanting to quell the demon that was inside her at all costs.

"Please," She begged between sobs,"Please."

She heard him chuckle as she gave in and resistance flamed once again but was quickly tamped down as she felt his lips on her thighs again, his fingers digging into her ass where he had not let up his grip since he had pulled her forward earlier.

Moaning, she thrust her hips up to him again. "Goddamnit, you Bastard," She moaned, her voice thick with need, "I am begging you to fuck me. I want you to eat me, I want to feel your mouth on my cunt, your tongue inside me. I want it bad.!"

The last was said through gritted teeth as she lay back, closing her eyes and praying for release.
The scent of her need was still in my nostrils, the taste of her flesh on my tongue. My head was throbbing and my cock felt like it would burst if it got any harder. My balls were aching with need. I wanted her so much I was in pain. But it was worth it to finally hear her words, spat out between clenched teeth:.

"I am begging you to fuck me. I want you to eat me, I want to feel your mouth on my cunt, your tongue inside me. I want it bad.!"

That was all I needed, and with that my body just took over. I unclipped her ankles from the chair and unfastened her wrists. Had she tried anything funny at that point God knows what I would have done to her. I was in a rage of sexual desire and not thinking clearly at all. All I could see was her body, hot and ripe and ready, and all I could hear was her sobs of need and my blood pounding in my ears.

I pulled her svagely to her feet as if she weighed nothing at all and spun her around. Though she was limp in my arms I knew she still might be dangerous and I couldn't take any chances so I clipped her wrists behind her back. She let me do what I wanted, showing me no resistance. She could hardly stand and fell against me as I roughly pulled her shirt off her shoulders and yanked it down her arms as far as it would go. I grabbed her bra and ripped it off her, just pulling it until the straps broke and I threw it across the room.

I grabbed her and pressed her to me, held her up with one arm as I bent her backwards, kissed her neck, and mauled her breasts, unleashing all the passion that had built up inside me. I slobbered on her, slid my lips along her, licked her skin like an animal as she trembled in my grasp, moaning, gasping, sobbing. The feel of her skin on my lips and tongue drove me mad. She was hot, trembling, alive and so utterly feminine.

I held her up with one hand gripping a cheek of her firm ass in my hand. That was all that kept her from falling to the floor as I ate her up. I couldn't get enough of her. I was on fire for her, burning up, my rough hand all over her smooth skin, her tits, her belly, hookingand finger into her sopping and swollen pussy and making her cry aloud.

With her arms pinioned behind her back there was nothing she could do to resist me, nothing she could do but take it as I ran my hand and mouth over her, leaving trails of saliva on her hot flesh.

I half carried her, half staggered over to the bed still holding her limp body. I heaved her up on the bed and rolled her over. She fell on her face and in an instant I was on top of her, covering he body with my own, pressing her down into the mattress, squeezing her ass and kissing the side of her face. Her hair had long since come undone and hung in strands curling down her face and sticking to her sweaty forehead, and I licked them out of the way withg my tongue. Without intending it my big cock came to rest against her panty-covered pussy and she instinctively cocked her ass up to take me inside. It was sheer reflex, like an animal might do, something that must have been wired in place since the dawn of time. And that's the level we were at. Primal need, savage, violent. She growled with frustration when she realized her wet panties were between her and my prick.

"Get 'em off me!" she hissed as she ground her ass back at me, trying to get some relief for her empty, aching pussy "Take my fucking panties off, damn it!"

Really, I think I had entered some zone where I was hardly human. I fucked into her cloth-covered cunt as if I didn't know any better. It was just reflex. I felt the humid warmth of her crotch on my cock and my hips just started jerking on their own. And I goddamn almost made it too; almost pushed my cock right through the sheer fabric and into her cunt.

I got on my knees behind her, cursing and growling, grabbed her panties and yanked them off her legs, lifting her ass off the bed as I did as if she were a rag doll. As soon as she fell back naked from the waist down she rolled over onto her back, onto her cuffed arms, and lifted her leg over me, putting me between her thighs and began to rotate her hips at me obscenely, inviting me in, taunting me, the smooth muscles of her belly and thighs working and twitching

Her pussy was shaved clean, and shining now from all the juice she'd been secreting. Her belly was trembling with each breath, her tits jiggling on her chest. She was covered with goose bumps, even her tits, though it wasn't at all cold in the room. Her eyes were closed, her nostrils flared as her breath sighed deeply through them. She was waiting. She was waiting for me to take her.

"Oh yeah," I whispered as I looked her up and down. "Oh yeah. This was worth it. This was all worth it. I'm going to fuck the holy hell out of you, lady. Like there was no tomorrow!"

I fell over her, catching myself on my hand. With my other hand I placed the head of my cock in the hot, wet, bath of her pussy, just soaking in the pool of wetness at her entrance, at the very gates of heaven. But as soon as my flesh made contact with hers We both jumped. I groaned through my teeth, trying to hold myself back from just ripping into her, and she jerked like someone had just punched her in the gut, hard. She rolled her head, her mouth held in a soundless scream, her eyes open enough to show only the whites of her eyes, as if she were looking at something far back in her head.

At last, at last, there was nothing to stop me. She was open and exposed, helpless before me, swollen and dripping with need and desire, swollen with lust, panting like a dog in heat with my throbbing tool poised at the mouth of her naked cunt. Mine, all fucking mine!

I sank into her...
She had sunk into an animal like frenzy. Nothing mattered now but fulfilling her need to be filled with his hard cock. She couldn't focus on anything other than the vision of him slamming into her again and again with his rigid tool making her scream in ecstacy. Panting and heaving she tried to stand as he losened her but her knees were weak and she fell back against him. She had no strength to fight him as he put the handcuffs on her and began to rip her clothes from her. Hell, she wanted him to do it. They felt too confining, too unneccessary for her right now and she was glad when they were gone.

She leaned against him, could feel his hands on her, felt the fire that played through as he touched one area after another, sensations raging within her from his mouth and hands as she bit her lip to keep from screaming in frustration. she lost that battle as she felt his finger probing between her swollen lips and she let out a cry of need that was sharp and immediate.

She was thrown on the bed, trembling in her lust and wanton desires. Gone was the cop that had stood before the media proud and haughty. Now there was only an animal here, wanting to be taken and taken hard in order to extinguish this fire that burnt within her.

She could feel him on her, could feel their bodies pressed close together, could feel her body react to each and every change in the situation but she was beyond controlling anything. She felt his hardness against her panties and a low growl came from her throat as her back arched on it's own, seeking the one thing that could release her from this misery. Her head tossed back and forth and noises came from her throat that she would not have recognized as her own if she had heard them herself. But she was beyond hearing or caring at this point.

Frustration rocked through her as she realized there was a barrier between her and her goal and she increased the movement of her hips to push back at him with more strength even as she yelled for him to take her panties off. She bucked and writhed beneath him not caring if he managed to tear his way into her pussy using plain force. She just wanted it to happen NOW!

Then he was gone, and she sobbed at the feeling of loss as he bent down to rip her remaining article of clothing from her. Immediately sensing the nearness of her goal she instinctivly rolled over and caught him between her legs grinding her cunt up toward him begging him to take her then and there. Her head was rolling to the sides and her eyes were rolled up to the back of her head as her body strained to capture what she wanted, desired, needed, lusted after.

He spoke but his words were just noises to her and she wished he would stop babbling and just do it! She felt him fall on top of her, the weight not regestering as he placed his cock at her entrance. Immediately a shock went through her at the feel of it and she gasped out loud a scream caught in her throat as her body poised to take him into her. Her breaths coming in pants and gasps as she waited in agony for him to take her.

When his cock finally slid through the slippery opening of her pussy she found her voice. The scream that had been so silent ripped from her throat falling into a lunatic raving as he pulled out to sink back in slowly.

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" She said torn between the wonderful feeling of him filling her and the need to have him take her hard, fast and furious. She could feel him holding back and she couldn't take the torture anymore. "Goddamit, Anger!" She yelled as he continued his slow thrusts into her spasming, gripping pussy. "What the fuck happened to your promise to take me hard? I've had better than this. Just like one of your kind to spout off at the mouth and not be able to deliver. Come on! Can't you do better than that? Fuck me like you mean it, damn it!"

Her words must have reached a nerve because she could hear him growl above her though she couldnt make out the words in the haze that enclosed her but the results were instant. She could feel him pulling back and an instant later he slammed into her...hard.

She gasped and moaned at the sudden fury he showed but urged him still. "" She yelled at him between his violent thrust,"!" She cried out as his thrust became harder and faster, she could feel the heat that had built up inside of her cresting and she wanted badly to orgasm. Wanted it more than even her very life's breath.

"Dammit! Fuck me like you mean it," She screamed at him riding the wave of pure animal passion now,"Make God! Pleassseeeee!" She begged her body shaking beneath his as she felt herself so very close to sweet release.
God this bitch was sweet! Sweet pussy, sweet tits, sweet mouth, her face twisted into a grimace of painful need as I pushed into her sodden cunt, so tight that her juice leaked out around my prick as I pushed into her. It was like shoving my hard cock into a block of jello. Warm, quivering jello, and I could feel her snug channel stretching for me, driving me nuts.

Immediately she started fucking her hips up at me. Planting her feet on the mattress and humping her cunt as she screamed and swore, arched her back and gritted her teeth. She wanted it hard and fast, but just the feel of her rersistance put me near the edge and I didn't want to come too soon, so I just put my weieght against her and let her scrub her pussy around on my cock. As long as I didn't move I'd be okay.

She was hotter than hell. I'd never seen a woman so crazy to be fucked, and I loved it, couldn't get enough of it. This was Maria Delgado, the stuck-up high school queen, the prick teaser, the cop. The bitch who'd had me balls in a wringer since day one, and look at her now. Her bouse ripped down and tangled over her arms, her bare tits swimming on her chest, the cords standing out in her nex\ck as she grovelled and begged like the biggest slut in the world. That sweet little bald pussy, shaved clean as a littyle girl's, now all hot and distended by my big manmeat that held her pinned to the sagging mattress like a butterfly to a board.

"Dammit! Fuck me like you mean it! Make God! Pleassseeeee!"

Yeah! That was music to my ears. But the hell with what she wanted. She was mine now, and we were going to do things my way. I can't tell you the things I was feeling then. There was raw, aching lust for sure., The desire to just pump into her till I shot my wad into her tiny cunt, planting it deep and hot inside her. There was hatred and contempt for the lying and manipulating bitch that she was: little miss perfect, pushing around whoever she wanted, knowing she couldn't be touched. There was this hot, burning passion, a need for violence, a need to hurt her, to use my cock as a weapon, a club, to beat her into submission. And above it all, there was that tender, grateful love a man feels when he's inside a woman, when he's back in that place where he knows he belongs and where he wants to stay forever, where he just wants to say "thank you, thank you, thany you for what you're giving me" over and over again.

But this was mostly war. A war over who would lose it to the other first. Who needed who more? Who would surrender to their pleasure first, who would come? Who would lose the last shred of dignity? Who belonged to whom?

She was so hot she was actually biting the fucking pillow case next to her to keep from screaming, and I knew if her hands had been free my ass would have been clawed to ribbons by now.

Once my crisis was past, once she had stretched enough to allow me to move, I pulled back a little, then plunged back into her, making her gasp. She urged me on with her legs, squeezing me, wrapping them around my ass to try and pull me in. I ignored her. I got to my knees and grabbed on to her shoulders to keep her from sliding away and I began to fuck into her like a trip hammer, hard and fast, smacking my hips into hers, punishing her, punching my prick into her pussy.

It was just what she wanted and she began to wail. I felt her legs start to tremble, then her pussy. She threw her head back and screamed a raw scream of release, jammed her cunt up at me and her whole body shook as she came violently, the chords standing out in her neck, her mouth opened wide.

She came hard and fierce, her body rigid and unmoving except for the tense tremor that gribbed her tight muscles. I felt her pussy grabbing at me as it spasmed on my cock and I just held myself jammed into her to the fucking balls as she spit out her climax.

I didn't even wait for her to recover. Her ass was off the bed and I grabbed her cheeks for leverage and beat into her, pulling her tight ass up to me on every downstroke. She collapsed, wheezing and gasping but I didn't let up, fucking her, fucking her, driving the whole length into her till my pubes scratched against her clit.

She whined and moaned like a mindless animal now as I fucked her so hard the bed started to slam into the wall. Her tits were swimming on her chest, jouncing up and down with every stroke as she begged wordlessly for me to finish her.

She'd lost now. She'd lost the war. She was nothing but a woman getting fucked now, getting fucked good and hard, getting her pussy pummelled and pushed by a man who wanted her desperately, who wanted to come in her sweating body.

I'd fucked her so hard that her head was pressed against the headboard, The blankets and sheets were knotted beneath us and my balls were soaked with her juice as they slapped against her ass.

I reared back, sitting on my ankles for an instant to catch my breath, then pulled her ass up on my thighs, impaling her fully on my shaft. I grabbed her hips and pulled her tight against me, then hugged her legs tight against my chest. With her legs closed like this she was even tighter, and by pulling on her thighs I could slide her up and down on my legs, making her fuck me, making my cock piston in and out of her compressed cunt. She began to whine as I used her like this, her level of excitement building rapidly. When I reached my thumb down and found her clit she shreiked, and as I fucked her I slid my thumb over her greasy nub, pushing it this way and that. I felt her tremble again, a cry caught in her throat, her face clenched tight as she arched her back and began to come again.

I let it go now. I dropped her legs, drove myself to the absolute limit iunsdide her. I covered her mouth with my own and shoved my tongue inside her and groaned, yelled out as my cock inflated like a calloona dn then burst, spewing my burning come inside her, making her squeal with lewd pleasure as she took my thick semen, burst after burst of thick cream planted at the very limit of her cunt.

Again and again I felt myself spasm, my ass clench ing tight as I sent another jet of come into her while she groaned in acceptance, feeling my cock doing things inside her, filling her with my cream.

I pumped my hips at her as I finished, letting her spasming pussy squeeze the last lazy drops of semen out of me. I waited till I stared to deflate, then I pulled out of her slowly, wanting her to feel me leaving, easing out of her stretched cunt, and my cock slid out of her trailing streams of mixed come and her love juice.

I threw her legs to the side and they fell limp to the bed as she moaned. She couldn't move except to gasp in great breaths of air, and I wasn't going anywhere for a while either. My balls ached with the most sublime ache, and I lay back and closed my eyes. I wanted to remember everything that had happened. Every fucking detail.
The release, when it came was wonderful, it washed over her like a wave and she cried out in relief as her pussy spasmed over his cock, drawing tight and hugging his manhood inside of her. Her body shook and jerked under her with the intensity and a deep groan came as she finally lost the red haze that had encompased her.

But he was not done with her yet. She had gotten her 'pleasure' and was now ready to come back from the animal level she had been sunk in only to find that he was not done using her body for his own pleasure.

She moaned as he slammed into her, touching places that had never been touched before. She was now on the level where she was aware of everything and, now that she was not in such dire need, she could feel every thrust, every move even more deeply than she had before. She could feel his hands digging into her ass, could feel the bed slamming against the wall as her head was pushed against the headboard by the force of the blows. She moaned as her pussy was pummeled. She may have been done but he was letting her know that he was definately not. Rolling her head she wanted him to finish this now. Just to cum and have his pleasure and then leave her alone.

But he was far from done with her. Feeling her legs being pulled to his chest, she could also feel her pussy clamp down harder on his cock, her clit brushed by his hardness as well as his pubic hair and it started a tingle within her once again. She groaned out loud not wanting to respond anymore, tiredness infusing her, the thought of another orgasm making her whole body ache. But it was not in her hands now as he was making sure she knew.

Her body jolted as he placed his hands on her sensitive clit and began to play with it while he pumped himself in and out of her, now, tight pussy and she whimpered as she felt herself build to another unbidden climax. Gritting her teeth she could feel her body react quicker this time since it was still sensitive from the last time she came and it wasnt long before she arched her back, another orgasm ripping through her, her hips lifted from the bed as her body shook with it, every emotion of the night seeming to be torn from her as she squirmed helplessly under him.

Then he was on top of her, his sweaty body pressed against hers as he drove into her and his mouth captured the last of the cry that was on her lips as he filled her with his cum. She moaned and whimpered into his mouth as his tongue probed deep and his thick jism filled her to overflowing. Her pussy responded by carressing and squeezing his hard length helping to push the hot liquid high into her womb until it could hold no more and began to ooze out of her and around him, soaking them both in their mixed juices. She could hear the wetness as he pumped in and out the last few times, letting her have everything he could before pulling out.

Maria groaned again, the feel of his softening cock leaving her after it had driven her to the edge and over bringing almost an aching emptyness within her.

He was done with her now and tossed her aside as he would a used toy. Her legs fell heavily on the bed, her body now twisted with her legs together and her waist twisted as they lay there, his thick cum leaking from her aching cunt, her upper body laying on the bed, her breasts standing high and pointed to the ceiling, her eyes closed as she willed herself not to show any emotion but disgust at what had just happened. Making her body move, she turned to where she lay with her back completely to him. She did not want to see his triumph, didn't want to see the smug look on his face, didn't want him to see her battling tears. That would be a good one, not only had he made her beg him to fuck her like an animal but he had made her come twice during that fucking and wouldn't it be just wonderful to let him catch her on the edge of tears now. He would love that, that smug smile would spread as he watched her break down in front of him. She wasn't about to give him that kind of pleasure.

She had already given one prick that pleasure in her life along with her virginity. It was a guy just like him, a 'bad boy' one that had lured her into believing that he really cared for her only to reveal that he was after nothing but a bet. His buddies had bet him he couldn't take down the Ice Queen and, the next day, when she had gone to meet him she found him with his buddies discussing how he had scored big. She had run then, run away sobbing and swearing it would never happen to her again. She had discovered that sex could be used for a purpose and she was going to be the one who used it from now on...not the one who was used.

Carefully controlling her voice and breathing she said,"The least you can do is let me take a shower. If you aren't going to let me go now that you have accomplished your goal, at least let me get clean."

She wanted desperately to have some time alone and she had no false idea that he was going to uncuff her and show her the door right now. He had said as much. But if she could just get into the shower she could at least use the running water to disguise the crying if she broke down completely as she felt she was going to do any minute now.
"What's wrong, Maria?" he asked her bitterly. "You don't like feeling dirty? You don't like feeling used? Can't stand being touched, is that it? You think you can wash off what I've done to you?"

He got off the bed and got the bottle, pured himself a drink and tossed it back.

She was lying on her side, her face away from him, her legs together. Her naked bottom was red and marked from where he'd gripped her, the tops of her thighs shiny with their moisture. He heard her ragged breathing but it never occurred toi him that she might be crying. The bitch he knew didn't cry.

He had just had the best sex of his entire life with a woman whose passion finally matched his own, who gave as hard as she took. With a woman he knew he hated. For a moment he had an urge to go to her, to roll her so her face was to him, to caress and kiss her tenderly and hold her against him. But that must be post-orgasmic letdown, he thought. A woman like that would never let herself be held, would laugh in his face if he was tender with her.

As he thought of her bitchiness he felt himself stir again. He wasn't done with her. Let her lay there sweaty and dirty and feel his come leaking out of her pussy. Let her think about what else she was going to have to endure.

She was crying. He heard her swallowed sobs as she turned her face into the pillow. She didn't want him to know it of course, but she was crying. Why? She was tougher than that! He knew she was tougher than that.

He stood there embarrassed. This was the one thing he hadn't expected. He'd expected her to fight, to scratch, to call him every name there was, to kick and fight. He'd expected to make her body submit, but he didn't think he'd really break her spirit.

He turned and walked out of the room to give her privacy. He didn't want to see her crying. It upset him, and he didn't know why. A woman's tears. Wasn't that always their last resort? Their most powerful weapon? Was that what she was pulling? Was the bitch just playing him again?

No. She'd been trying to hide them from him. She didn't want him to see. Why? Was she really not as tough as she looked?

He gave her a decent interval and went back in the room. She was quiet now, but she hadn't moved.

"Okay, come on, we'll wash you off." he said. He helped her to her feet, unclipped her hands and pulled her blouse off, then reclipped her hands in front of her. "Just don't try any crap." he said. "Take off the rest of your stuff. You can do it like that."

She peeled off her stockings and got out of her skirt, turning modestly from him so he wouldn't see her pussy. She tried to hide her face too but he could see her eyes were red. He put her hands behind her back again and fastened her wrists. He bent down and attached a small lenth of rope to her ankles to keep her from running. He was taking no chances with her. He took her into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

"How am I going to wash withmy hands like this?" she said bitterly.

He didn't answer her, just stood testing the temperature of the water. The shower stall was small and cheap with just a cloth curtain to keep the water in. He put her in the shower and climbed in after her.

"Fuck." she said as he crowded in with her. He lathered up a cloth and began to wash her back, scrubbing hard as she leaned her head against the wall. The feel of her skin, slippery with soap began to excite him again and his cock began to rise. It was impossible for her not to notice it but she closed her eyes stubbornly.

He washed down to her ass and dragged the cloth up her crack, making her grunt with surprise. He scrubbed her there, his cock getting very hard now. It was humiliating. He was washing her as if she were a child, as if she were incontinent or somehow disabled.

He squatted down and scrubbed her legs, from her thighs to her ankles, and back up again. She twitched when he touched her in sensitive places. She was awre that on his knees like that his mouth was just level with her pussy.

He stood up. "Turn around." he said. Her body squeezed against his as she did what he said and stood there, her hands clipped behind her back. He lathered the cloth again and washed her neck, then her breasts, being surprisingly tender. He reacved into her arm pits and washed her arms. He washed down her taut belly, her hips, scrubbing her with the cloth, and down to her pussy.

She was leaning against the wall, her eyes closed, biting her lip as she felt the cloth making its way down her belly. He wouldn't, she thought. He wouldn't.

But he did.

He dropped the cloth to the floor and slid his bare hand down to her pussy, slid his fingers over her and between her legs washing the juice off her. His finger slid between her lips and ran across her sensitive opening, the place he'd just violated. He wasn't washiung her anymore. He was playing with her. He was enjoying the feel of her pussy on his handm trying to arouse her again. He put a finger inside her and ahe jumped. He felt his come seeping out of her, hot from her own body heat. She gasped and shuddered. Apparently she had no privacy, nothing was off limits. he was letting her know that. He would take and do whatever he wanted.

He was breathing hard now, and so was she. He took the soap and turned it around in his hands till they were all sudsly, then he massaged her breasts, one in each hand, pushing them around on her chest, gliding his palms over her, fingering her nipples. She hunched her shoulders up to try and protect herself but it did no good. he pressed his fingers into her and dragged his hands over her tits till her nipples began to harden and peak.

Her knee banged against the thin wall of the showed as she treied to twist away from his maddening touch, but he satayed with her, sliding his hands all over her, down her stomach to her crotch again, dipping his slick fingers between her legs.

He slid his other hand down her back and under her ass, assaulting her pussy from behind as he worked at her from the front at the same time, meanwhile neding slightly to take a nipple in his mouth and flick his tongue against it. The hot water sprayed over them and she groaned as he touched her wherever he wanted. She was powerless to stop him

"You bastard. You bastard." she whispered, and then his lips came down on hers.
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He had left her alone in her misery. Maria didn't know or care why but the moment the door was shut she let herself shake with her sobs. It seemed like forever before the tears stopped flowing and, by that time he was back. She had thought that she would feel better by then but her misery had increased instead.

The only comfort she had was in the fact that he had given in to her request for a shower. He would have to let her hands free for a little bit and let her have some privacy, right? Wrong. The bastard had found a way around this simple desire of hers as well.

She cursed as he got into the shower with her but knew she could do nothing to prevent it. Closing her eyes she let him wash her, grateful for the clean feeling but just wanting this humiliation to be over and done with. The only problem with that thought was that her skin was still sensitive from the rough fucking it had gone through before and his hands seemed to make her skin come alive as he dragged the cloth over it.

"Steady," She told herself,"Don't let him get to you. He will wash you and then it will be over with." Only it wasn't. She found his tenderness just as hard as his roughness to not react to and it was with building fear and anticipation that she felt him make his way down her belly to her pussy which still oozed his cum.

"Oh, god!" She jerked as she felt him close to that sensitive place,"Oh, god! He couldn't, he wouldn't. Not so soon after..."

But he could and he did. She heard more than saw the cloth fall to the shower floor and his hand was at her pussy, opening it to his explorations. She shuddered trying desperately not to give on to how much her body was responding to his touch. But her rapid breathing gave her away and she knew it.

She tried to move from him as he ran his hands over her body, tried to escape in the small space that was the shower stall but it was no use. His hands went where they wanted and she could not stop them no matter where she turned.

Then his hands were at her pussy again, pinning her down and coming at her from two ways, giving her body no chance to adapt to the stimulation she was recieving in the front before the added stimulation from the back. She moaned and whimpered, fighting her own body, weak from her experiences before when his lips closed over her nipple. Her body jerked and she lost any control she might have had. It was just too much stimulation to concentrate with.

"You Bastard," She said wanting to put all the hate she had for him in that statement but it coming out breathy and strained as her hips seemed to move on their own, fucking his fingers as if she wanted him to be inside of her again. "You fucking Bastard," She managed to say just before his lips came down on her own, silencing her.

A moan came from her throat as his tongue moved to invade her mouth and her first thought was to try and break away from the kiss but she could not move her head far enough in the cramped space. She was pinned against the shower wall and could do nothing but let him do what he wanted to her.

That familiar fire had started in her belly again and was beginning to spread as his fingers dug deep into her hot depths and flicked against her still swollen clit. Her hips moved with his fingers and she was almost to the point where she didn't care to fight it. As the kiss continued she pushed her tongue out, trying to get his invading tongue out of her mouth but succeeding only in caressing it and entering his own mouth, tasting him as she did so.

Another shudder ran through her body and she could feel her pussy gripping at his fingers deep within her. "Not again," Her mind pleaded with her,"Not again."
He held her up in the shower by his hands in her crotch. One in the front rubbing doftly at her pussy, the one in the back bearing her weight on her perineum or sliding over her anus to caress it softly when he felt her legs could hold her up. The hot water from the shower beat over them and raised clouds of steam in the bathroom.

He was not doing it for her benefit. He had not planned on doing this. he hadn't planned on kissing her and pressing her back into the stall with the weight of his body. But he couldn't seem to keep his hands off her, just as he couldn't seem to help from grinding his cock against her soft skin as if he were fucking her, hunching his hips at her for tighter contact. She just felt so good, and it felt so good to get a reaction out of her, to know that she felt what he was doing.

He broke the kiss in order to breath, and she turned her head, pressing her face aghainst his chest to find some room to breath amidst the streaming water that rained down on them. Her hair was soaked and clung to her face and body as he continued to manipulate her pussy and rub her asshole.

Finally he backed up from her, just enough to look at her face, but she kept her eyes down. She wouldn't look at him. He didn't know what he wanted to see in her face. Surrender? Anguish? Desire? She infuriated him, she inflamed him. She made him so fucking hot!

He knew now that this wasn't just about revenge, about teaching her a lesson. He had a personal score to settle with his desire for her, a desire that had been tormenting him since high school. He wanted her. Not just her body: he wanted her. He wanted her to want him as badly as he wanted her. He wanted her to ache for him as he had ached for her. And in some part of his mind he knew this was not the way to get what he wanted. But he also knew it was the only option he had now.

He fell to his knees in the shower and he heard her make a sound of denial, of refusal or disbelief, but he paid her no mind. He pushed his face against her pussy, stuck out his toungue and licked her, lowered his head so he could get between her legs and licked her again. Tried to drive his tongue into her. Despite her sounds of denial she bent her knees, trying to open herself up for him.

He slid his hands between her legs to open them winder, took her ass in his hand and lifted her codily until her feet were barely on the floor, jamming her between the wall and his mouth as he kissed and loicked at her pussy, lost in a haze of lust.

He tasted her juice, tasted his own cum as if seeped from her cunt, and he lapped it up, growling with desire and satisfaction. He found her clit andsucked it between his lips. He stuck his tongue inside her as far as he could go, and licked her all around.

He felt her ass trembling in his hands as he ate her, heard her crie and moans. But he kept of sucking, licking, sucking her hot flesh into his mouth.

Now he was the animal. He was the one lost in his opwn world of desire. His mouth, his nose filled with her taste, her cries in his ears, the feel of her in his hands. He just couldn't stop.
Maria gasped as the kiss ended and hide her face the only place available, on his chest, her face turned to the side and her eyes downcast so that he could not see what was going on in her mind. Her body was betraying her enough as it was. She could not stop her movements over his hands, her hips were moving almost of their own accord, thrusting back and forth in time to his thrusts that ran his cock over her belly.

He backed up and she could feel his eyes on her but she wouldn't look at him, didn't want him to see the fire that had begun to smoulder in her eyes again, didn't want him to see the blush that reddened her cheeks even as her body moved to his manipulations.

She trembled as he knelt down in front of her, she knew what would come next and made a groan of denial, of protest. Yet, as she felt his mouth and tongue down there it seemed as if her body was caught in an electrical storm, her whole body flamed and tingled and she felt her knees give way and her ass caught in his hands to support her as he buried his tongue deep inside her.

She whimpered, moaned and shook as his tongue fucked in and out of her, the gentleness doing more to break her defenses than the roughness of the fucking before. She thrashed about only wanting to undo the cuffs and grab ahold of his hair, pressing his mouth even closer to her pussy, to surrender to the pleasure that coursed through her.

"NO!" Her mind screamed,"Never surrender....never!" But she was beyond hearing, beyond caring, her world narrowed down to the feelings he was causing in her flaming, twitching pussy.
He felt like he must have passed out, lost consciousness of his surroundings and what he was doing. He had lost control of himself, been transported by her taste, by the feel of her softness in his hands, her cries of alarm and resistance. He must have frightened her, losing control of himself like that. He was abashed, embarrassed.

He was on his knees still, his cock aching hard again, his mouth filled with the water that streamed off her body and the taste of her excitement. He stopped, turned his face to the side, trying to collect himself. Slowly he let her slide down till she was standing on the floor again. He couldn't resist pressing his cheek against her smooth shaven flesh and holding her close, feeling her tremble as she panted for breath.

He stayed like that for a minute or two, until he had calmed down sufficiently, then he released her. He felt her eyes on him, frightened, confused, as he stood up and shit off the water. He helped her out of the shower and dried her off quickly then threw the towel over her shoulders.

He led her to a back bedroom where sturdy wooden bars had been nailed over the window. There was a bed, a dresser, a chest, the typical furnishings of a cottage for rent.

"I'm going to release your hands now." he said. "I don't have to tell you about trying anything."

He unclipped her wrists and she pulled the towel off and wrapped it around her, sarong style. He walked out and came in with an armful of clothes, which he placed on the dresser. "Here's some clothes. There should be something here that fits you."

He walked to the door, stopped, and looked back at her. He thought about apologizing for what had happened in the shower but decided against it. He didn't have to apologize for anything.

She looked at him now with as much fear in her eyes as defiance, and there was something else too. Maybe a slight tremble in her lips, maybe an uncertainty. He felt that she was going to say something and he wanted to hear what she had to say, whether she'd tell him to go to hell or threaten him or spit in his face. But she didn't say anything, so he went out, closed the door behind him and locked it.
Maria watched him leave, heard the lock click on the door. She stood there looking at the door with a mixture of confusion and doubt. She was shaken by what had happened in the shower and did not understand it. For a moment, just a moment, he seemed tender, gentle and in tune with her needs as well as his own.

But that must be her imagination. If he was really in tune with her needs he would let her go. He already had enough on her to keep her silent. Hell, he had enough on her to keep her from any of her activities he wanted as well as get her kicked off the force.

Padding over to the clothes she sifted through them and picked up a shirt that was a bit too big but would do for a nighshirt. Letting the towel fall to the ground, she put it on and buttoned it up, rolling up the sleeves for they covered her hands. There were no panties so she did not bother with that part of her dressing.

Moving to the bed, she pulled up the covers and slipped under them wondering what would happen next. He seemed tired of the game for now but what did that mean for her? Somehow she found she was just too tired to care.

Pulling the covers tight, Maria lay back on the pillow and tried to sleep but her mind was too full. She was embarassed about how she had reacted in the shower and uncertain how to take how he had reacted. She could still feel the stubble of his face against the smoothness of her shaven mound. Could still feel his hands on her breasts, back and ass. Her lips still tingled where his hands and mouth had been and it made it hard for her to fall asleep.

Her mind went over the night she had been through. She had hated it and...she had been aroused at the same time. That was normal, of course. The giving and taking of power was part of the game of sex. He had done the taking and she flinched as she realized how much he had manipulated her but there was nothing for her to do but accept that it had happened.

Turning over on her side she remembered how he had called it 'making love' and she breifly wondered what it would be like to actually make love instead of using sex to get what she wanted. He had used it to get what he wanted, revenge and power over her. It was the way of the world and she knew it.

He had put her down for manipulating people but wasnt that what he had just done? He hated her for using her body to get her way but was he any different? How could he judge her when he was willing to sink to the same depths for revenge and punishment on someone he hated so much? She felt a rising irritation and anger that he would be so preachy and yet not think it was wrong for him as well.

He had broken her in some ways, yes. But he had also proven her point. There was no such thing as unconditional love, no such thing as 'making love' it existed in the minds of romantics alone. Fools that they were.

Parents used love to control their children. She learned that from her father. Women used love as well as sex to keep their man. How many men had slept on the couch as punishment because their woman was mad at them. And men used sex as a weapon of domination over women. Just as he had tonight. And both sexes used it to get what they wanted. She was guilty of nothing but using what was hers to do the same thing everyone was doing.

Snuggling deeper under the covers she felt a drowsiness seep through her and her eyelids drooped. In that time where unconsciousness begins to take over, the thought that she wished there really were such a thing as making love and being passionate with no expectations of anything but pleasure for each person existed. She chidded herself for such thoughts even as she drifted off to sleep.
I locked the door on her, went back into the kitchen and poured another drink. I had to figure out what was going on with me after that bout in the shower. But no, I knew what was going on. I'd intended to sweat her when I brought her out here. I knew I'd fuck her, but that would just be incidental. What I really wanted was for her to break and spill her guts about all the crap she'd been pulling for so long; all the guys she'd set-up, all the lives she'd destroyed, and there'd been quite a few. So I'd been prepared to break her, whatever it took. To be honest, I just thought she'd be spending a lot of time tied to a chair with a gag and blincfold on, sweating it, imagining what was in store for her. I had no intention of really roughing her up unless she tried something and left me no choice.

But she was getting to me. She'd been my enemy for so long the only way I could think of her was as a ball-busting bitch, a little shit with a big badge and a mouth to go with it. I'd stopped seeing her as a person long ago. I mean, I knew she was a looker--or had been a looker--but I hadn't felt any attraction towards her for a long, long time. And that's what had changed, Her beauty was getting to me. And maybe i was starting to feel a little bad for what I was putting her through.

But fuck that. I owed her. I owed her for all the guys she'd sent up. Just cause she cried a little doesn't mean crap. I knew that if I set her free right now, she'd turn me in in a second and would be back to her old ways in a minute. Fuck the tapes I had. She'd find a way around them. She was every bit as dangerous and rotten as she'd been when I dragged her out of my place. And I had to remember that. Next time she started cryong or the next time I started losing it, I had to remember that.

There was something else too. I knew noe that I was puniching her for the effect she had on me, for the way she made hme feel. She was so fucking gorgeous, and she made me so hot for her, that I wanted to take her down. I wanted to control her ass, master her, as if by doing that I could control my lust for her. I realized too that I'd always felt like this with women.

Hell, I'd been into the ropes and chains bit for a long time, in my mind at least, if not that often in reality. I never knew why it appealed to me; why the idea of a woman tied up and helpless was such a turn on to me, but now I realized that it was a way for me to cope with my own desire, which threatened to overwhelm me. I know, it sounds very shrinky, very psychological, but it was clear to me then. It was like I had to puniish her for making me want her so much. The ropes and all that were a symbolic way of controling her, of binding her to me.

I made some coffee and took it into the front room and promptly fell asleep. When I woke up it was dark out and the coffee was as cold as I was. We weren't that far from town, but it got cold as hell when the sun went down.

I wanted her again. I wanted to feel her next to me again, and one part of me said "Take her. She's yours", another part was kind of reluctant to get involved. I was getting soft. Next thing I'd be bringing her breakfast on a tray with a little vase of flowers. "Think of the guys in the joint." I told myself.

I was shivering myself so I figured she must be freezing. There were extra blakets in the other bedroom so I got a couple and let myself into her room.

She was sleeping and yeah, she looked cold as hell, all curled up into a little ball. I spread out a couple blankets on top of her and then looked at her.

There was a moon and the moonlight was sifting down through the big trees outside, playing over her face, making her look troubles and agitated. But she didn't look so tough now. She looked like a little girl. "What the hell" I thought. It was a double bed so I climbed in with her.

She was cold. I slid over next to her and put my arm around her. I don't know what I was thinking of doing. I was half asleep myself. I just figured that I could do whatever i wanted with her, and right then that's what I felt like doing.

When I pulled her close her eyes opened for a second and she mumbled something, then she closed them again. She pressed her back against me and sighed. She was wearing a man's shirt that just made her seem smaller, and I wondered again how such a little twerp could be such a pain in the ass. I moved closer to her until I was sharing her pillow.

I don't know. I might have slept. I must have slept. I think I must have been having very sexy dreams, which I guess is understandable. It's all kind of hazy. All I know is that at some point she was on her back and our mouths were together and I was stroking her cheek. He lips moved sweetly against mine, as if she were drinking from me. She was all soft and warm nowm still fast asleep as far as i could tell, and the whole thing had a dreamy, unreal feeling to it. We were so close together there wan't an inch between us anywhere, encased in our own little bubble of warmth beneath the blankets. Mu hand was on her breast, and then sliding down her body, just playing over the swell of her hip.

At some point she opened her eyes, but I don't know if she saaw anything or whether she was still asleep. She sighed deeply and opened her mouth to me and let me do as I wanted to her, sighing softly. She turned to face me and put her leg over mine, and nestled in against my chest.
She was dreaming. The questions he had raised about whether there was such a thing as real love and lovers must have followed her into her dreams becuase in them she found herself in a very cold place, shiveing with the cold. Everything around her was grey and dreary and seemed to be encased in a fog because she couldn't make anything out.

She wandered in her dream land feeling lost and alone, scared and afraid and she hadnt felt like that since she had been a little girl. She couldn't find anyone, couldnt find her way and the cold had soaked through to h er very bones. Leaning against a tree she hunched down shivering, her teeth chattering wondering what to do next.

And then, in her dream she felt an unexpected warmth. She started and tried to turn but the warmth she felt was so inviting and welcome she was afraid it would go away if she did. But it didn't. Instead she felt arms go about her and a hard body pressed to hers. She was no longer alone.

Turning then, she saw a man, his face indistinct as if he was surrounded by the fog as well as the landscape. She couldn't see his face but the gentleness she felt from him made her trust him as she moved closer to him, his body heat warming her physically and his nearness causing the fear to flee before it.

Now it was warm, so warm and the greyness of the land didnt seem so threatening. In fact it seemed to dull and the warmth and gentleness of this stranger began to fill the dream to the exclusion of all else. She snuggled in closer, her lips brushing his chest and her head pressing against him. Her dream was so real that she could feel his heartbeat as well as feel it. In her mind she wondered how a dream could be so real but in another part of her mind she knew she didnt care. She felt warm and safe now and it was a feeling she had never really experienced before.

The dream progressed. The stranger guided her to a soft part of the ground she had never seen before, pulling her down to lay with him, holding her against her so tightly that she could hardly breath but she didn't mind at all. In fact she invited it, her head going back and her lips brushing his face and lips in a caress. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her hair, her face and her lips and it felt oh so good.

She could feel his hand on her, running down her body in a gentle caress and her she resonded. Her leg went over his drawing him even closer and her hands ran over his broad shoulders, tingles running through her at the feel of his flesh beneath her hands. The dream was so real she could actually feel his body as she returned his touches with her own. It was so real that she could actually smell him, a pleasant odor that made her head swim.

Her back arched as she pressed herself into him, for the first time in her life not even thinking what was in this for her, just enjoying the feeling of closeness to another human being. Her head tilted and her lips sought and found the lips she could not see, opening easily under the pressure to allow her tongue to began a sweet exploration of his mouth. She moaned softly at the taste of him. How could a dream be this real?

Her body, in the dream, was becoming aroused but there was a difference now than with the other times. Now the arousal was slow ans sweet and she felt a sense of peace and belonging. There was nothing between them but this warmth and companionship and it was a feeling she didn't want to lose.

The kiss broke and she murmured to him. She knew he could teach her what it was to truly make love. Even if it was a dream she would have that for just a little while.

"Make love to me," She murmured in her sleep, her lips traveling along his chin as she placed small kisses along it and then over h is mouth,"Show me how to make love. Please, just for tonight make me feel loved."

She would never have said that to anyone, never have revealed that desire but her dream man was safe. He wouldn't tell, he wouldn't belittle her for that desire and in the morning, he would be gone along with her secret.
She must have been asleep, and I suppose that makes me even more of a moster for taking advantage of her in her sleep. But I didn't care. She was a diferent person now. There was none of the grating hardess, the cockiness, the swagger. She was sweet and tender and vulnerable, the way I'd always hoped she would be in my high school fantasies, turning towards me with her lips opened in expectation, actually offering herself.

Then she was snuggled against me, soft and warm and fuzzy in her sleep. Her lips planted the gentlest kisses against my jaw and my throat, and she murmured, "Make love to me. Show me how to make love. Please, just for tonight make me feel loved."

I couldn't be near this woan without getting terribly hot, and I could have taken her right then and there, just shoved myself into her and fucked her. But she seemed so small, so delicate, that I just couldn't.

I drew my head back and looked at her. I combed some strands of hair out of her face, and I pressed my lips tenderly to hers, just feeling her mouth with mine. I felt the warm breath from her nostrils on my cheek, anbd deep inside she sighed with contentment. I teased her lips, catching her lower one between mine and sliding my tongue along it, then letting her go and doing it again. I kissed her face, her eyes, ther sides of her nose, then down the side of her neck to the warm of her body.

I kept my lips pressed in the sweet valley behind her collarbone as I gently unbuttoned her shirt and opened it wide. I lifted the blanket so I could slip my head under it, and trailed my tongue down to her breasts. She seemed to very naked now. More naked than she had been at any time that night. Maybe it was because she wasn't making any attempt to cover herself, or maybe it was because she was asleep, but her breasts seemed so exposed and vulnerable. Her sweet breasts. What a wonder they are. Made only to nourish and comfort, and we men treat them so badly, squeezing and biting them, abusing them. I worshipped them now, trying to make up for all the times I'd been mean myself.

I planted rows of kisses all over them, sweet, lingering kissesm warm and moist. I licked them, slowly, from bottom to just near her straining nipples. I caressed them softly and she sighed again.

"Maria?" I asked. "Maria? Are you awake?"

"Mmmm?" she asked sleepily, "Yes. I'm awake." but I didn't think so. I'd said the same thing often enough when someone tried to wake me up.

I kissed her chest, the soft groove down her belly to her navel. And that was as far as I could reach without turning around. I didn't wnat to eat her now anyhow. This was too special, so sweet. I didn't want th epassion for once in my life. I wanted the sweetness and closeness. I wanted her to stay warm and soft and fuzzy like she was.

I took her arm and kissed her hand, pressing my lips to her palm, licking between her fingers. She smiled and twisted. I was tickling her, She made me smile as well. I saw goiose bumps pn her arms and that made me smile more.

Then I went back to her mouth and she kissed me, pulling me to her in some way without even touching me. Somehow she settled her head in between the pillow and my lips that told me she wanted my lips there.

She still had her leg over me, and she pulled me close. I was very hard now, and I moved toards her till my cock touched her pussy.
Her eyes stayed closed but she raised her eyebrows and her breathing increased. She opened her mouth against mine and all she said was "Yes", but it meant so much more than that.

It meant 'take me', it meant 'I trust you', it meant 'this is what I want', it meant that everything was all right. With hardly any effort at all I sunk into her. She was already wet and there was no resistance. Her hands were on the pillow on either side of her head, and they spread open as I went ionto her, then closed into relaxed fists. She broked our kiss and turned her face to the side and let out a long, shuddering breath.

Her warmth and softness engulfed me as I held myself on my knees and elbows to keep my weight off her. Strange as it sounds, I felt as if I were now a guest in her house. I had taken her violently when she was a guest in my house of passion, now she was showing me how it was done where she lived.

It was done slowly and softly, with a lot of deep, quivering contact, as gentle as water and as powerful as the sea. I held still and let her move herself against me, and I felt her tender yet insistent female strength, the deep, powerful currents of her pleasure. She soon had me hanging on the edge of orgasm, though I had hardly moved at all, and as if she knew wthis, she began tyo move faster against me, her pussy actually pulling on my cock, drawing it out of me.

She was holding my arms now, her fingers digging into my biceps. I knew she couldn';t be asleep now, not with her fucking me with such skill and effort, but I wasn't going to call her on it. It was too delicious. I had never been the subject of a woman's passion like this, and it raised the hairs on the back of my neck even as I gritted my teeth and tried to resist the inevitable.

"Now!" she said, "Fuck me now! Fuck me!" and I finally let myself move, battering my hips against her, driving my cock into her shuddering depths. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pressed her face against mine. I heard her sobbing as she screwed her hips against mine and her legs went around me to hold me close, and I exploded inside her, a huge orgasm, all the more intense for haviing built up so slowly. At the same time I felt her squeeze me with all her might, clinging to me, takling my come inside her, going rigid with her own orgasm, gasping in my ear.

She clung to me for a long, wonderful minute, and for that minute we were fused together as man and woman. Not enemies, not cop and criminal, but a man and a woman sharing thge ultimate moment together.

Then she relaxed. I let her down to the bed and rolled off her. She rolled against me, her head on my arm, and I wrapped my own arms around her and held her close as I felt her heart hammering beneath her breast.

Her eyes were still closed. She was either asleep or pretending to be, and I wasn;t going to ruin things. I kissed her lips, her head, brushed her hair out of her face, while she lay there with her eyes closed and a smile on her face.
Her dream man's mouth was devouring her, softly and slowly and Maria absorbed every bit of the gentle love making. Yes, this is how it was supposed to be, this is what she had missed all those other times.

She sighed and moaned and murmured with pleasure as he teased and pleasured her, wanting nothing from her but the same pleasure. There was no expectations, just the pure enjoyment of each other. His hands brushed her face and ran through her hair and she turned her head to press against that large hand a thrill running through her at the feel of it against her.

She gasped as this man who remained in shadow kissed lower, and felt the confines of material that wrapped around her give way. Her pleasure mounted as she felt his mouth on her breasts, teasing and nibbling, sucking gently and she writhed under his skillful attentions even as she felt the wetness between her legs.

"Maria. Maria, are you awake," She heard and she smiled. What a funny thing for someone she was dreaming about to ask but in her dream she was awake and responding to his touch so she answered. "Yes, yes, I'm awake." She was afraid if she told him no he would stop, would want to let her rest but she didn't want that. She wanted his touch, his scent, she wanted him.

He was moving down now now to caress her belly and the fire there flared. Then he moved to her hand, kissing it and gently licking there and she gave a soft laugh as the touch tickled her. She had never had anyone do that to her but it felt nice and instead of detracting from the passion it added to it.

She moved, bringing her leg that was over him toward her wanting to feel this man, wanting to feel his reaction to the passion and she moaned softly as she could feel his hardness press against her. He was as aroused as she and she felt a warmness that she could do this for him. Not to him but for him. Somehow there was a difference. Other times she had used that power to place herself over men but now she simply wanted him to feel the same pleasure as she did, to know how much she enjoyed his attentions.

His cock pressed against her warm, wet mound and she felt a jolt go through her. She wanted this, she wanted this more than anything she had ever wanted before. She could not resist the urge to have him sunk deep inside her, moving within her, showing her how wonderful this intamacy could really be.

"Yes," She said feeling she must give him permission and voice what she wanted at the same time. Her breath mingled with his and brushed his lips as she opened up the door to more than it had been til now and she moved to help him enter her.

His lips locked onto hers as he plunged deep within her and her head fell back, breaking the kiss, her body ridgid for only a moment before it relaxed and she gave a long, shuddering sigh. It was heaven. If she never got there on her own than she was there now with the help of this mysterious stranger who had entered her dreams when she needed him most.

He was still, not moving within her and her need was so great now, the fire so consuming that she began to move her hips herself wanting to feel the strength and hardness of him completely. At the same time she felt herself pulling away from her dream and she fought it, clinging to this small haven as if it were her only salvation even as she moved against him.

The edges of reality invaded her consciousness and she moved hard against the fading form of her dream lover knowing that when she woke he would not be there and she would wake moist and hot and in need. But she didn't. As she came slowly back to reality she realized that the man she had dreamed about was really inside her, completely filling her as she moved against him thrusting her hips to take him into her again and again. Her shirt was open and her nipples chilled and hard with the cold and teasing they had recieved and he was above her, not moving, not breaking the spell and that was fine with her.

She now knew who it was that was with her but she also knew that he must have been the one to draw out her passion so softly and sweetly and she knew she must finish this, wanted to finish this, desired nothing more than to have him take her in that passionate way he had begun in the dream.

"Now," She said in a soft voice full of passion and need that encouraged him to participate in this and take her to the heights of pleasure,"Fuck me! Fuck me now!" Though the words were the same as they had been earlier in the evening they had much more meaning than they did then. Before she had given in to him taking her body and now she was offering her soul as well if he would just take her to those heights and come with her.

He moved then, no hesitation to his movements. His maleness filled her in the form of his hard rigidness that plunged to the very depths of her, sent fire through her with each thrust and filled her so completely as well as in the nearness and clean smell of him that somehow sent her pulse racing. They moved together each clinging to the other. She wrapped her arms and legs about him, urging him as he moved against her and burying her head against him sobbing as emotions she had never felt before raced through her to mingle with the passion he was flaring up inside her.

The gentle love making had built up that passion so much that it did not take long for her to feel the shaking overpowering wave of orgasm race through her and she stiffened even as he came inside her, their juices mixing within her in a climax of need, desire and something else she could not name. Clinging to him, she held him within her not wanting to let go until she was sure she could milk nothing more from him. Moaning she tightened her legs, holding him closer to her than before.

Then, with a sigh she let go, slipping from him to settle back on the bed a feeling of warmth moving over her, engulfing her and making her feel safe and warm as she had in the dream. He rolled away but she was not ready to have him leave her yet. Snuggling against him, her head moving to nestle in his arm she let the nearness of him infuse her as she lay there.

He must have felt her need to be near him for he wrapped his arms about her and she could feel his lips on her softly kissing her and his hand brushing away the trendils of hair that lay against her forehead. She smiled liking that very much though she would probably think better of it in the morning. But that was later, this was now and she didn't want the spell to be broken.

Feeling her sleepiness return she smiled drowsily and snuggled even closer. "Thank you," She breathed against his chest and then drifted off into a world where a dream man was not needed. At least not for now.