Kentucky Loses in the NIT


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009

The #1 seeded (in this fake tourney) bums from Lexington lose their opening game to Robert Morris.
it happens when you put all your eggs in one basket named Nerlens. I can't stand the shame.
What a swing!

I find this very funny. NCAA champs to NIT losers in the first round! I'm sure for the Kentucky haters this is a thing to clink glasses and prank call Wildcat fans to taunt them about it. I'm above this and told the Kentucky fan in my pool that at least he could take consolation in the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers getting in the dance. No comment from him..
We also have that whole winningest program in history thing the feel ok about.

And, of course, Louisville is the top seeded team in the NCAA tournament. I guess the NCAA honchos knew what they were doing when they "snubbed" Kentucky.
Off the stimulate something.

There will be no film at 11 . . . or ever.