
Literotica Guru
Dec 27, 2001
Anybody else ever heard this guy?

My man let me listen to a few tracks from one of his CDs, and it was instant love. :)

He's the sweetest blend of rock, dirty blues, a slight countryish twang and just a touch of metal. I've never quite heard anything like him before. I'm impressed. :D

Just thought I would share.


I see you have VERY good taste in music. "Trouble Is" is my CD of choice. :)
sheath said:
Anybody else ever heard this guy?

My man let me listen to a few tracks from one of his CDs, and it was instant love. :)

He's the sweetest blend of rock, dirty blues, a slight countryish twang and just a touch of metal. I've never quite heard anything like him before. I'm impressed. :D

Just thought I would share.


Good choice. I like his stuff quite a bit.
I'm listening to the "Live On" CD...

Right now, I have "last goodbye" "every time it rains" and "electric lullabye" on repeat.

And that slide guitar gets me going. Damn. :D

I caught Kenny live on his Deja Voodoo tour, several years ago. He was just starting out, and he played in my favorite rock and roll bar, get this, for FREE!! He rocked the house!! It was a very rainy day, and we waited in the street for over an hour to get inside. The local Fire Department manned the door, letting one person in for every person who left. I bought a CD at the show, and it turned out to have 2 books inside it, so I stood in line by his bus after the show, and I got him to autograph one. I sealed it up and put it away.

Kenny Wayne Shepard is part of the future of the blues. Jonny Lang will probably play a role, too. I caught him before he got big, too. There's a kid named Ben Robinson who'll maybe end up blowing both of them away. Kenny was, I think, 18 when I first caught him. Jonny was 16 on the first recordings of his that I heard. But Ben, shit, he was 14 when I first started hearing about him, and I caught him performing for the first time when he was 15. His backing band was made up for guys in their 30s and 40s out of the San Diego area. I understand that he's part of the Nickelodeon house band, and I heard that they fly him to New York once a month to tape shows.

And by the way, I program the music played in our factory, and last week I dusted off Kenny's first album and I put it in heavy rotation!
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I first heard of KWS about four years ago. I've been a fan since. I saw him in a small venue in San Diego in the spring of 2000 on his Live On tour. It was wonderful. I've yet to hear a song on the three CDs out that I don't like.
"I Found Love" and "Where Was I?" are my favorites in the sappy love songs category, but "Electric Lullaby" is absolutely awesome.
You know, it was nominated for a grammy.

I keep waiting on a new CD, but haven't heard of a date when one will be released.
The rock station in town played "Blue on Black" quite a bit a few years ago. I bought his music for that song and discovered it was quite different and that I liked it. I described it as a blues/rock combination.
sheath said:
Anybody else ever heard this guy?

My man let me listen to a few tracks from one of his CDs, and it was instant love. :)
He rocks, I saw him live this summer. The concert ended too quickly.
Nefarious said:
I caught Kenny live on his Deja Voodoo tour, several years ago. He was just starting out, and he played in my favorite rock and roll bar, get this, for FREE!! He rocked the house!! It was a very rainy day, and we waited in the street for over an hour to get inside. The local Fire Department manned the door, letting one person in for every person who left. I bought a CD at the show, and it turned out to have 2 books inside it, so I stood in line by his bus after the show, and I got him to autograph one. I sealed it up and put it away.

Kenny Wayne Shepard is part of the future of the blues. Jonny Lang will probably play a role, too. I caught him before he got big, too. There's a kid named Ben Robinson who'll maybe end up blowing both of them away. Kenny was, I think, 18 when I first caught him. Jonny was 16 on the first recordings of his that I heard. But Ben, shit, he was 14 when I first started hearing about him, and I caught him performing for the first time when he was 15. His backing band was made up for guys in their 30s and 40s out of the San Diego area. I understand that he's part of the Nickelodeon house band, and I heard that they fly him to New York once a month to tape shows.

And by the way, I program the music played in our factory, and last week I dusted off Kenny's first album and I put it in heavy rotation!

I was absolutely amazed at this guy's talent, given his age. When he recorded his first album, he was still just a kid! That voice sounds like a man who has seen and done SO gives me chills sometimes.

My boyfriend saw him play in Lexington this year...and I hope to see him as soon as possible. It seems like he enjoys giving free shows...I've heard so many people say he does it on a regular basis. I love it when an artist is out there because he loves it, not just for the money. :)

Even if he charged for a show? It's worth every last penny.

I saw him play several years ago at a Blues Fest. on the Swannee River in N. Fla. He was just eighteen and could burn up an ax. :cool:
nimbus9 said:
I saw him play several years ago at a Blues Fest. on the Swannee River in N. Fla. He was just eighteen and could burn up an ax. :cool:

That's what I've heard from so many people, nimbus. My boyfriend is a guitarist, a professional...and he was absolutely blown away by KWS. I can't wait to see him in concert.

I've been told that while the CDs are awesome, they SERIOUSLY pale in comparison to his live show. :)

But I can't find any tour dates for him on the web! :(


By the way...Doc is sexy as hell. ;)
Both times I've seen Kenny, he had a singer handle the vocals, he just played his guitar. When I managed to catch him in the little bar here in town, I watched most of the show from a loft looking down from behind the stage. He played Jimi's "Voodoo Chile", a blistering version that made the song is own, not just a cover. My friends that night agreed with me that Hendrix himself must have been smiling down from heaven that night, saying "Kid, you're alright!"
The guitar is astounding...he is certainly a prodigy, in every sense of the word.

But the voice...that voice is so deep and sultry that I can't decide which I like more...the sound of the voice or the sound of the guitar! :)

To find both, in the same man? Amazing!
