Keep your advice to yourself..This thread is for bitching

Thank you Bitch! The leash does the trick haha.

Now is Bitching time~~~

I get pissed off when some fool assumes I'm stupid because of my breast size, hair color, or even my gender.. Thank god I'm not blonde too.

I even argued by brother... He assumes women are inferior to men!!! For bitching's sake! We own the men
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You, yes you. You're a douche. You pop up, spew your shit, irritate everyone, and think the world should pay attention to you. Why? There really are three other seasons. All of them better than you. You're just a troll, Winter. Fuck off.
Bitch #1

How the fuck is every guy in this place sporting at least a 9 inch dick?

Did I miss something here?

My average size penis just isn't cutting it these days. Explains why I won't show my almost penis shot as an avatar.
So many open pants pics...yeah yeah. I know you are packing a monster....

This made me snort so loud I woke up my dog.

Which reminds me. What the hell is up with old dog farts? I need a gas mask to sit at my computer if the dog is laying under it. I'm not a dog person, the hubby wanted a dog not me, but who does stinky ass dog follow EVERYWHERE, not hubby.
The Browns are THE dumbest team in the NFl. I don't think I can support them anymore. Owner Jimmy Haslam is a complete fucktard. He can't even run a fucking gas station and he's fucking up that team something terrible.

Fuck em!
I am officially swearing off responding to the following lines in conversation: Ah, Ok, Lol, and any other interjection tomfoolery that is a waste of my time. I send legitimate responses... So can you.

I wish I could swear off fake people and flakes, but there's too many in the world :p