

Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
One of the things you hear without cease in your life is "Life is not fair",

While this is true on many levels there are now and always will be certain conditions that rise above and beyond something one should just deal with. These conditions or issues are not bleeding heart feel good things, not glamorous or currently in vogue, nor have they ever been in vogue with the liberal crowd. Most likely because the liberal philosophy has no true way of dealing with these issues and conditions that does not go against the rest of liberal values. The attitude that people are inherently good is flawed. Not only is it a decidedly stupid belief but it tends to produce victims not survivors.

The issues which plague or society, and humanity as a whole are not mere issues of social class, poverty, wealth, or gender/racial equality. these things, while important in their own context and in general are still issues which are debated and pursued with flair.

Ladies and Gentlemen Take a look around you and notice that you live in a society of moral degenorates, selfish and dirty animals, upright walking garbage claiming the title human. These people needless to say not only dishonor themselves and you, but society as a whole. Any society which does not take the safety and well being of a child in favor of social theory is a failure, a disgrace, and a monument to the sedantry morals of its members.

Among us walks Pedophiles, Rapist, Murderers, Wife Beaters, Molestors, and Kidnappers. The fact that this society. ANY society that has among its members those who are of those groups is disgusting. That few if any raise themselves against such things is beyond disgusting It is that societies greatest dishonor.

There is no honorable quarter or mercy for people such as that. there is only the mercy of a quick death. Anyone who fails to see this is not only blinded by their political wishful thinking, but a victim of their own "Good" intentions.

The blood and suffering of the victims of these people stains your hands as well as the offenders, for your inaction and even protection of such people allows them to strike again and again.

Ladies and Gentlemen stop being fools and start standing up for something besides misbegotten fairy tales of a perfect world. The world is not now nor will it ever be perfect. However it is your duty as a responsible adult to fight to make it that much better. by removing the elements of its destruction.
...And Justice for All (Hetfield,ulrich,hammett)

Halls of Justice Painted Green
Money Talking
Power Wolves Beset Your Door
Hear Them Stalking
Soon You'll Please Their Appetite
They Devour
Hammer of Justice Crushes You

The Ultimate in Vanity
Exploiting Their Supremacy
I Can't Believe the Things You Say
I Can't Believe
I Can't Believe the Price You Pay
Nothing Can Save You

Justice Is Lost
Justice Is Raped
Justice Is Gone
Pulling Your Strings
Justice Is Done
Seeking No Truth
Winning Is All
Find it So Grim
So True
So Real

Apathy Their Stepping Stone
So Unfeeling
Hidden Deep Animosity
So Deceiving
Through Your Eyes Their Light Burns
Hoping to Find
Inquisition Sinking You
With Prying Minds

The Ultimate in Vanity
Exploiting Their Supremacy
I Can't Believe the Things You Say
I Can't Believe
I Can't Believe the Price You Pay
Nothing Can Save You

Justice Is Lost
Justice Is Raped
Justice Is Gone
Pulling Your Strings
Justice Is Done
Seeking No Truth
Winning Is All
Find it So Grim
So True
So Real

Lady Justice Has Been Raped
Truth Assassin
Rolls of Red Tape Seal Your Lips
Now You're Done in
Their Money Tips Her Scales Again
Make Your Deal
Just What Is Truth?i Cannot Tell
Cannot Feel

The Ultimate in Vanity
Exploiting Their Supremacy
I Can't Believe the Things You Say
I Can't Believe
I Can't Believe the Price We Pay
Nothing Can Save You

Justice Is Lost
Justice Is Raped
Justice Is Gone
Pulling Your Strings
Justice Is Done
Seeking No Truth
Winning Is All
Find it So Grim
So True
So Real
Seeking No Truth
Winning Is All
Find it So Grim
So True
So Real
Aquila, I do not believe in justice. Only whoever has the most money to pay the lawyers the longest -- wins. It's the American way.

All I have control over is myself and the peace that comes from being true to myself. Everything else is a crap shoot.
Money only rules because people refuse to stand. Greed and debauchery are the rules now. Its disgusting.

This all for me mentality is not only acceptable but is worshipped as the correct thing.

What is best for you is NOT best. the duty of an adult is not to worry about the comforts they can keep by standing aside and only worrying about themselves. but taking on the mantle of the duties of protecting children, spouses, family, friends, countryman and THEN themselves

Your lament for money being the reason justice is dead is no more than a self delusion those who are unable to bear the truth console themselves with.

Justice does not come from the rap of a gavel, it comes from the actions of good an honorable people. It comes from the suffering of few to protect those who can not protect themselves.

It is the reluctance to use your own strength and voice which has given power to those who would corrupt you. and so you are the instrument of your own corruption and the disease that infects justice.

Justice is not a garuntee it is something that must be bought and paid for not only with the blood of those whom it would punish, but those willing to hold themselves and the rest of the world responsible for actions of their own doing.
Imagine then, the suffering of one who is a champion of justice in an unjust world.
lisalove said:
Imagine then, the suffering of one who is a champion of justice in an unjust world.
Their suffering is a honor on them, a personal and secret thing that helps define who they are.
Suffering is part of life. would you not rather suffer for something you believe in. or would you rather suffer someone to live that is as disgusting as those mentioned above? would you like to suffer the pain of knowing your inaction caused the misery if indirectly to some victim?
What is this, a suicide thread?

A post on how to give up on life, or another put down of America?
If so, I recommend slashing your wrists in a lengthwise motion, that way it can't be stopped. (sitting in a warm tub will expand the veins, facilitating faster blood loss)
I'd be more depressed if I lived in another country, where you lived under the heel of a socialistic hierarchy, forfeiting all freedom of 'being', for the comforting iron hand of the bureaucrats.

Hey! It's almost Summer! :D
Re: What is this, a suicide thread?

Lost Cause said:
A post on how to give up on life, or another put down of America?
If so, I recommend slashing your wrists in a lengthwise motion, that way it can't be stopped. (sitting in a warm tub will expand the veins, facilitating faster blood loss)
I'd be more depressed if I lived in another country, where you lived under the heel of a socialistic hierarchy, forfeiting all freedom of 'being', for the comforting iron hand of the bureaucrats.

Hey! It's almost Summer! :D

Are you stupid, or unable to comprehend english.
Aquila said:
Their suffering is a honor on them, a personal and secret thing that helps define who they are.
Suffering is part of life. would you not rather suffer for something you believe in. or would you rather suffer someone to live that is as disgusting as those mentioned above? would you like to suffer the pain of knowing your inaction caused the misery if indirectly to some victim?

Is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
lisalove said:
Is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
Without treading upon the feet of poets, I do say I like that particular line.

Although I preffer a somewhat less flowery way of saying the same thing.
Re: Re: What is this, a suicide thread?

Aquila said:
Are you stupid, or unable to comprehend english.
I guess it's easy to just insult some one then provide a valid argument... ;)
Re: Re: Re: What is this, a suicide thread?

Zmey said:
I guess it's easy to just insult some one then provide a valid argument... ;)
Indeed it is, it might also be an indication of not wasting breath upon an ill contemplated retort.

However I wouldn't suspect that a maggot like yourself would comprehend anything above the third grade level.
Go play dodge ball on a firing range fool.
Testy little fuck, aren't we?

Okay, I'll make it simple, what is the point of that little tirade?
Is it some condemnation of the justice system as you see it?
Or is it to be accepted that it is absolute truth, and all other's different views are stupid?
Chill out snob!

And Summer IS almost here, nyeaaah!
Re: Re: Re: Re: What is this, a suicide thread?

Aquila said:

Go play dodge ball on a firing range fool.

*jots down notes*


Aquila as usual pulls no punches.
I remember when Aquila was cool.. and fun to talk to.

Did he get a head injury or something?
Re: Testy little fuck, aren't we?

Lost Cause said:
Okay, I'll make it simple, what is the point of that little tirade?
Is it some condemnation of the justice system as you see it?
Or is it to be accepted that it is absolute truth, and all other's different views are stupid?
Chill out snob!

And Summer IS almost here, nyeaaah!

I had to snicker at that one.

Aquila said:
There is no honorable quarter or mercy for people such as that. there is only the mercy of a quick death. Anyone who fails to see this is not only blinded by their political wishful thinking, but a victim of their own "Good" intentions.
I'd rather live in a society with criminals in it, than in a society without mercy. It has nothing to do with political wishful thinking or good intentions - I just think that placing vengeance above mercy is getting things backasswards.