Justice for Trayvon??

Originally Posted by Boxlicker101 View Post
Rather than just citing the first phrase, why not say what was actually said?

Once upon a time in this country, there were ugly, racist, tyrannical rules dictating where a black person could sit on a bus. There were all kinds of these laws, actually, created and defended by the racists who benefited from them.

What kick-started change was an average, everyday woman named Rosa Parks, who had grown tired of being tired. Hers was not the first protest, nor was it particularly the best. It was merely the tipping point for many Americans long since tired of these immoral laws.

Perhaps they didn't want to make Dems look too bad, since that was the party who passed all the laws being mentioned.

That time was only fifty years ago.

Probably not quite that long ago, but you're right. The Jim Crow era ended when Dems lost control of state governments in The South.
This is the statement you made and the question you subsequently asked in Post 5414. "Being that the incident above has nothing to do with race, why would you bring up Sharpton or Jackson?"

Again I ask, do you have any proof the incident had nothing to do with race, other than some other person's opinion? I believe the assault was very likely not racially motivated, but not all the facts are known, particularly about the assailants' backgrounds.

That's not a statement, it's a question. You even quoted the question mark. You don't know all the facts in the Zimmerman case but you're quick to point out there was no racial issue there. You fail to realize that no one can prove a negative.

I apologize, I had no clue you were so fucking dense.
racism is alive and prospering....for al sharpton.

three black kids beat up a white kid, where is the outrage! oh wait, that's okay. my bad I forgot
That makes you and Rub-Down_Sow both morons.

Apparently it escapes both of you imbeciles that Zimmerman WAS taken to jail that night. And was held for a considerable time while the forensics were investigated and statements taken. Norm Wolfinger, the States Attorney at the time determined that there was insufficient evidence to charge Zimmerman, so he was released. Wolfinger later determined that it was self-defense and no charges were filed, much to the relief of the tax-payers.

Then along come the race baiters. Political pressure is applied and Wolfinger recuses himself rather than cave to political witch hunters. A 'special' states attorney in appointed, she jumps on the political band wagon, Zimmerman is arrested and brought to trial.

The verdict merely punctuates the point that Wolfinger was right all along.

All of your mealy mouthed conjectures are just that, conjectures. Pipe dreams fomented in a very warped, and very ignorant, mind.


It also escaped the actual notice of the jail that Zimmerman was there the night of the shooting. There's zero record of him actually having been in jail that night. http://www.seminoleclerk.org/CriminalDocket/case_detail.jsp?CaseNo=592012CF001083A

Much to the relief of the taxpayers? The same taxpayers who protested? The same taxpayers who are still protesting SYG laws?
It also escaped the actual notice of the jail that Zimmerman was there the night of the shooting. There's zero record of him actually having been in jail that night. http://www.seminoleclerk.org/CriminalDocket/case_detail.jsp?CaseNo=592012CF001083A

Much to the relief of the taxpayers? The same taxpayers who protested? The same taxpayers who are still protesting SYG laws?

why don't you go play with some kids ... that you teach....while looking at porn

ignorant child .....
It also escaped the actual notice of the jail that Zimmerman was there the night of the shooting. There's zero record of him actually having been in jail that night. http://www.seminoleclerk.org/CriminalDocket/case_detail.jsp?CaseNo=592012CF001083A

Much to the relief of the taxpayers? The same taxpayers who protested? The same taxpayers who are still protesting SYG laws?

Good Lord, are you really that stupid? Of course there is no record at the jail. Zimmerman wasn't charged, therefore he wasn't arrested, therefore he wasn't booked into the jail.

On that night Zimmerman was taken into custody by officer Timothy Smith. He was subsequently handcuffed and transported to the Sanford Police Headquarters where his statement was taken and he was questioned for 5 hours. At the same time the forensics team was going over the scene of the shooting and interviewing neighbors and witness's.

As a result of all the above Wolfinger made a determination of 'Self-Defense' and Zimmerman was released without being charged or booked. No booking, no record at the jail, it really is that simple.

10 Reasons Lawyers Say Florida's Law Enforcement Threw Away George Zimmerman's Case

1. There was enough evidence to convict, despite biased police work.
2. The governor’s handpicked prosecutor enters with an agenda.
3. No change of venue was demanded
4. The early mishandling of the jury.
5. There were no men on the jury.
6. The jury was improperly sequestered.
7. Missteps with the state’s witnesses.
8. More missteps with Zimmerman’s witnesses- If your side’s witnesses are falling down, lawyers usually work even harder
to undermine their opponent’s case. But exactly the opposite unfolded.“The defense witness that impressed B-37 the most
was that friend of Zimmerman’s (whom she mistook for a doctor) who testified he knew it was Zimmerman’s voice based
on a knack acquired in military service,” Ingber said.

“He had been sitting in the courtroom throughout the trial before his testimony—undisguised and adjacent to the defense team—
in flagrant violation of the witness sequestration rule. He should never have been permitted to testify. Where was the prosecution?”

9. Florida’s abysmal laws compounded the botched prosecution
10. Florida wanted to get rid of the case, not win it.

bull shit, bull shit bullshit

10 Reasons Lawyers Say Florida's Law Enforcement Threw Away George Zimmerman's Case

1. There was enough evidence to convict, despite biased police work.
2. The governor’s handpicked prosecutor enters with an agenda.
3. No change of venue was demanded
4. The early mishandling of the jury.
5. There were no men on the jury.
6. The jury was improperly sequestered.
7. Missteps with the state’s witnesses.
8. More missteps with Zimmerman’s witnesses- If your side’s witnesses are falling down, lawyers usually work even harder
to undermine their opponent’s case. But exactly the opposite unfolded.“The defense witness that impressed B-37 the most
was that friend of Zimmerman’s (whom she mistook for a doctor) who testified he knew it was Zimmerman’s voice based
on a knack acquired in military service,” Ingber said.

“He had been sitting in the courtroom throughout the trial before his testimony—undisguised and adjacent to the defense team—
in flagrant violation of the witness sequestration rule. He should never have been permitted to testify. Where was the prosecution?”

9. Florida’s abysmal laws compounded the botched prosecution
10. Florida wanted to get rid of the case, not win it.

Originally Posted by Boxlicker101 View Post
This is the statement you made and the question you subsequently asked in Post 5414. "Being that the incident above has nothing to do with race, why would you bring up Sharpton or Jackson?"

Again I ask, do you have any proof the incident had nothing to do with race, other than some other person's opinion? I believe the assault was very likely not racially motivated, but not all the facts are known, particularly about the assailants' backgrounds.

That's not a statement, it's a question. You even quoted the question mark. You don't know all the facts in the Zimmerman case but you're quick to point out there was no racial issue there. You fail to realize that no one can prove a negative.

I apologize, I had no clue you were so fucking dense.

I do know something about sentence structure and grammar. The sentence in your first paragraph is a complex sentence and the dependent clause is a statement. The second part is an independent clause and is a question. Another example of that structure would be "Since you are such a liar and so stupid, why should I believe you?

You can't usually prove a negative, but you can present evidence that makes an accusation extremely unlikely, and this is what was done by the defense in the Z case. They presented evidence to the effect that he was being pummeled by TM and that he shot his assailant from very close range. These are facts, not opinions. They also showed he had no background of racism, and that TM did have such an attitude, and this combination resulted in an acquittal.

As for the bus case, that might or not have been a hate crime, most likely the latter. The assault was to punish somebody perceived to be a snitch, but the assailants might have had other motives, such as racism, that have not been shown yet.

ETA: I see there was another motive - robbery. http://www.wtsp.com/rss/article/324685/82/Three-teens-arrested-for-school-bus-assault-
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It also escaped the actual notice of the jail that Zimmerman was there the night of the shooting. There's zero record of him actually having been in jail that night. http://www.seminoleclerk.org/CriminalDocket/case_detail.jsp?CaseNo=592012CF001083A

Much to the relief of the taxpayers? The same taxpayers who protested? The same taxpayers who are still protesting SYG laws?

Most Americans favor SYG laws. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/02/us-usa-florida-law-poll-idUSBRE97115F20130802
10 Reasons Lawyers Say Florida's Law Enforcement Threw Away George Zimmerman's Case

1. There was enough evidence to convict, despite biased police work.
2. The governor’s handpicked prosecutor enters with an agenda.
3. No change of venue was demanded
4. The early mishandling of the jury.
5. There were no men on the jury.
6. The jury was improperly sequestered.
7. Missteps with the state’s witnesses.
8. More missteps with Zimmerman’s witnesses- If your side’s witnesses are falling down, lawyers usually work even harder
to undermine their opponent’s case. But exactly the opposite unfolded.“The defense witness that impressed B-37 the most
was that friend of Zimmerman’s (whom she mistook for a doctor) who testified he knew it was Zimmerman’s voice based
on a knack acquired in military service,” Ingber said.

“He had been sitting in the courtroom throughout the trial before his testimony—undisguised and adjacent to the defense team—
in flagrant violation of the witness sequestration rule. He should never have been permitted to testify. Where was the prosecution?”

9. Florida’s abysmal laws compounded the botched prosecution
10. Florida wanted to get rid of the case, not win it.


Luckily Tralon can appeal.
Good Lord, are you really that stupid? Of course there is no record at the jail. Zimmerman wasn't charged, therefore he wasn't arrested, therefore he wasn't booked into the jail.

On that night Zimmerman was taken into custody by officer Timothy Smith. He was subsequently handcuffed and transported to the Sanford Police Headquarters where his statement was taken and he was questioned for 5 hours. At the same time the forensics team was going over the scene of the shooting and interviewing neighbors and witness's.

As a result of all the above Wolfinger made a determination of 'Self-Defense' and Zimmerman was released without being charged or booked. No booking, no record at the jail, it really is that simple.


Insulting me doesn't make you any less wrong. Zimmerman was not in any jail on the night of the shooting as you incorrectly claimed.
Insulting me doesn't make you any less wrong. Zimmerman was not in any jail on the night of the shooting as you incorrectly claimed.

This inter-dimensional jail Zimmerman was in must be in the same alternate time-space zone that Trayvon learned his mixed martial arts skills from. Like Dragonball-Z.
10 Reasons Lawyers Say Florida's Law Enforcement Threw Away George Zimmerman's Case

1. There was enough evidence to convict, despite biased police work.
2. The governor’s handpicked prosecutor enters with an agenda.
3. No change of venue was demanded
4. The early mishandling of the jury.
5. There were no men on the jury.
6. The jury was improperly sequestered.
7. Missteps with the state’s witnesses.
8. More missteps with Zimmerman’s witnesses- If your side’s witnesses are falling down, lawyers usually work even harder
to undermine their opponent’s case. But exactly the opposite unfolded.“The defense witness that impressed B-37 the most
was that friend of Zimmerman’s (whom she mistook for a doctor) who testified he knew it was Zimmerman’s voice based
on a knack acquired in military service,” Ingber said.

“He had been sitting in the courtroom throughout the trial before his testimony—undisguised and adjacent to the defense team—
in flagrant violation of the witness sequestration rule. He should never have been permitted to testify. Where was the prosecution?”

9. Florida’s abysmal laws compounded the botched prosecution
10. Florida wanted to get rid of the case, not win it.


Specifically, which lawyers are those? They are not known for their honesty, and thee are some who will say anything, especially if they get paid to do it. I went to the link, which leads to an extremely biased site that offers no details.
He was in custody and was questioned, but not booked. Aren't you splitting hairs here? :eek:

Don't know. That's something you should bring up with Ish. He was the one who felt it important enough to capitalize, and start lobbing insults when he was proven wrong.