Just suppose


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
That you wanted to take over a Bulleting Board. Just for the challenge of it. It'd be a cool thing to do. How would you go about it?

I imagine that there were many ways to do this, but it would be difficult for one person to pull it off. Wouldn't it? But let's suppose that there are a group of friends, perhaps Computer Science students. Or just hackers. They know how to use the internet. Proxies etc. A multiplicity of e-mail accounts.

One persona could be the 'good guy'. Erudite and friendly. Witty and charming. But these are educated people and most all of them could do that. But they can't be there all the time. So many can play the role. One picking up the slack for the other(s). Drama at it's finest and in almost real time as well.

Of course we'd have to have the villian. The persona that took the information acquired by the 'good guy' to be used against selected targets.

There may even by several parties involved. A female persona or two? Who's to know?

Imagine the havoc that a group like that could reek on any particular site.

A really good group could track down the IP's or e-mails of those that are communicating with each other and plant, or attempt to plant remote control "trojan horses" like Backdoor.jeem in your computer. Lying your inner life and communications bare to the group. Weapons to be used against you.

Of course after some period of time patterns would develope. Subtle patterns, but patterns none the less. Evnetually it would all come to light.

But imagine the damage in the mean time.

But it's just a thought.

I'd just show my tits, and the board would be mine.
*This would be the perfect place for the evil laugh, but I'm mute today.
Just suppose all that happened and then some....nude photos containing faces siphoned off and sold in bulk to .ru porn sites, husbands sold info on cyberslutting wives, closet gay execs emailed at their work looking for "donations" with snippets of their chat logs with college boys....

Happens all the time.

Backorifice, baby. COTDC. \.
Lancecastor said:
Just suppose all that happened and then some....nude photos containing faces siphoned off and sold in bulk to .ru porn sites, husbands sold info on cyberslutting wives, closet gay execs emailed at their work looking for "donations" with snippets of their chat logs with college boys....

Happens all the time.

Backorifice, baby. COTDC. \.

Isn't that the truth. The possibilities are endless.

I knew it!

Laurel and Manu are conspiring to take over the board!


Well, maybe not?

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Sub7 is still the most powerful Trojan

Anything properly inserted is powerful enough. Isn't it Hanns?

Although I like the mystery involved here, this sort of science fiction is usually only reserved to geeks, and not the star trek kind either.

I suppose malicious computer nerds who are socially unapproachable my like this idea. With no attention at home or school they would probally thrill to the idea of beating adults at their own game for a while, and only then to prove a point.

Which is I beat you, notoriety is great for those first few days until the FBI starts sleuthing your IP, and the cyber police come a knocking on your door. Sure this is a trendy delicious candy for such a neophyte, yet as the paradigm has proven again and again. There is always someone somewhere one step above you, and the top cookie crumbles just as easily as those on the bottom.

I guess what the question then would be of course is where is the allure, is fame all it is cracked up to be? What is my punishment?

Questions and answers for IT prowness, subjective reality or lunatic fringe?
Ishmael said:

I imagine that there were many ways to do this, but it would be difficult for one person to pull it off. Wouldn't it? But let's suppose that there are a group of friends, perhaps Computer Science students. Or just hackers. They know how to use the internet. Proxies etc. A multiplicity of e-mail accounts.

Ummm this isn't the first time that this thought has crossed my mind.
I saw Trojan Extra Large condoms on sale half price at the grocery store the other day.

I thought that was funny.
ridddder said:
few days until the FBI starts sleuthing your IP, and the cyber police come a knocking on your door.

Yeah, they're blindingly quick.

Just like on tv.

Dang I knew it this is a literotica

take over. To instill fear in another. The question would be for what purpose? What will the take overs do once everybody decides to leave? Would it be like survivor when one takes over the other until one is standed. I am sure there are other forumns that like such a challenge.

The suggestion that another would step on another privacy is so so wrong. Literally is that person's life that empty that he or she feels a need to think that they are literally harming another? Remember what comes around goes around.

I saw the USC Trojans kick some Notre Dame ass last week.
Re: Dang I knew it this is a literotica

tulip2lipservice said:
. Literally is that person's life that empty that he or she feels a need to think that they are literally harming another?

In a word, yes!

People who are bright and bored can be dangerous.

Look at serial killers, terrorists, politicians ;)

Yep...empty lives lead to strange ass amusement.