Just so you know....

Uber Sparky

Literotica Guru
Jul 9, 2002
I am not a Republican...

not a Democrat...

not a Libertarian...

not a 'nothing' - my ego won't allow me to politically align 'with anyone.'

I actually hate politics. And have a huge, passionate dislike for any ego that persues the profession.

However - I'm a realist.

So I cherry-pick my issues.

I am an old hippie - free sex - pot smoking - LSD taking - hitchhiking - hippie - even a quasi DeadHead.

Yet I am a fromer Marine - always a Marine. More 'a Marine' than an actual Patriot. I am good with guns - very good - I tend to be proud of what I am good at - I own and shoot guns....

I am not however 'for' NRA lobbying tactics and believe in a 'modified 2nd Amendment.'

I am pro-choice - pro-death penalty.

I am for increased taxation of the overly rich - I am for spending that money on (if we could ever get it) on education and medical facilities.

I am pro-enviornment - but not to the detriment of my beloved motorcycles, powerful cars and boats.

I am for equal opportunity - only if reverse prejudice is not evident. I am for open borders - only if bad guys - won't get in.

I am for a multi-lingual society in America - only if English is and remains the primary language.

I am for a 'very limited' presence of religion in regard to public spaces and programs. Too much is not right - for any religion. A little is okay.

I am for free speach - anywhere and everywhere - no laws regarding this I will every agree with.

I can be very, very violent - when it's appropriate. And tend to carry this to larger extremes.

So - these are but some of my 'life complexities' - there are many more - equally divergent.

I put this out for any of those who may think of me as a 'rightest.'

As you can see and am nothing of the kind.
I don't mean to be....

It's just that during these latest of times - I feel that if you only read what I've posted lately....

You may go away thinking I'm some sort of right wing survivalists -

far from it actually.

Those guys are nuts.
Cop-out? Nope...

Agent of change.

A synthesis of idealistic, yet pragmatic rationale.

A hibrid 'for' social superiority.

I just can't help it if I got here first.