Just one more idea for a story. Catholic priest and women


Really Really Experienced
Dec 11, 2002
Actually this is the idea I got from the xxx dvd that is very popular now. It's called Falling From Grace where a father is seduced by sexy women and you see how he deals with the conflict in him. I would like to see this written into a story.
...you want someone to write out the screenplay for you?

i'm confused
No, story based on the topic I provided. I don't need a screenplay.
this was the root of my entire early obsession with "the thornbirds"

I have fantasies about seducing a priest...maybe I don't know he's a priest (that whole modern young priest trying to be part of the community). He keeps planning to tell me about his "job" but can't. I'm not sure exactly what would be the moment of revelation, or how it ends, but I do plan to get it on paper some day.
An inspirational Limerick?

This thread made me think of a famous limerick:

The once was a bishop from Birmingham
Who fucked all the girls while confirming them
Under roars of applause
He pulled down their drawers
And pumped his episcopal sperm in them

