Just my humbleAnti-UN, Pro-American views.

Evil Attorney

Literotica Guru
Nov 11, 2002
Well, they are protesting the Aggression of the United States all over the world.

I'm hearing this from people I go to school with as well.

Now, people are entitled to their opinion, and people or countries will look out for their own interest, or what they perceive them as.

I would just like to voice my disgust at the rest of the world, because it seems like the other nations on earth believe Iraq before they would even consider believing the United States.

To those that do, Fuck You, and next time you have a national emergency, do not look for aid from the USA.

I sincerely hope that the United Nations centuries the United States. Please, impose sanctions, and get the fuck out of NYC.

Next you need peacekeepers go ask Syria or Iran for military assistance. I'm sure that you trust them, after all, they have an official ministry of Information, and that's a trustworthy source, isn't it?

If the world doubts the credibility of America so much, then why do people come here for education, medical treatment, economic reasons and political asylum?

I will be writing my Representatives asking for tougher and aggressive border control laws, more restrictive immigration and visa policy, a more aggressive foreign policy diplomatically and militarily, and to put foreign aid money back where it came from, the AMERICAN economy.

The UN does nothing but give pissant little countries a forum to bitch, demand money and aid from larger countries as some sort of entitlement, usurp the military of more developed countries and deploy them to third world shitholes to interfere with wars that are centuries old, and then take the side of brutal, repressive regimes and place them on an equal footing with countries like the United States.

The world can take the UN and shove it up its ass, sideways without lube.


You want our AIDS drugs, our industry, our military protection, our currency and our culture.

If the world didn't want it, then why the fuck do they buy it? If we are so sinful here in the USA, then go to the Islamic Republic of Iran for a vacation. I'm sure that prayer 5 times a day in the desert is more spiritually rewarding than getting fucked by a Hooker outside Las Vegas.

If America is the Great Satan, why do wealthy Saudis like to come her and party on a routine basis? I thought that was a sin...

Some may say that this kind of policy and outlook will inevitably bring on more terrorism and increase hate against the USA.

I answer them, the USA isn't loved anyway. If we don't intervene when the world wants, we are stuck-up, isolationist, racist yanks. If we do go anywhere, we are meddling were we are not wanted.

I detest of thinking about the rest of the world's opinions. I detest giving a shit about how protecting the USA will play in London, Paris, Rome, Damascus, Gaza or Moscow.

If the USA is going to be dammed if it does and dammed if it doesn't, lets be reviled for something that America can put its name on and say "You wanted a reason to hate the USA, well fuck you, here is a big one."

God Bless America.

To those of you who don't live here, well...I hate to say it, but fuck you, you don't get a say about how the United States runs its affairs. You want a say, come to the USA, become a citizen and vote, maybe get elected to congress or appointed a judge and then you will be able to have a say.

I don't like a lot of what your countries are doing and I think most of Europe would be better off if the USA kept it after WWII.
However, I'm not a citizen of your countries, so I don't get to bitch about it.
Are you really an attorney? If so, why aren't you suing for reparations, suing fast food sellers or filing charges against the U. S. government in the International Courts for war crimes? :)

C'mon, you're not really an attorney with values and an attitude like this. You gotta be shuckin' and jivin' us! :p
War is bad. The war against Iraq is bad.

America is good. Nobody (that counts) likes Iraq more than us, they just think W is doing dumb things.

We need other countries.

More flies with honey.

Unclebill said:
Are you really an attorney? If so, why aren't you suing for reparations, suing fast food sellers or filing charges against the U. S. government in the International Courts for war crimes? :)

C'mon, you're not really an attorney with values and an attitude like this. You gotta be shuckin' and jivin' us! :p

He's a student. He said it pretty early on.
There are protestors in the United States as well. What should be done about them?
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jodarby said:
There are protesters in the United States as well. What should be done about them?

We should be beaten to a bloody pulp and shipped off to Africa with all of the unwanted black people. :rolleyes:
jodarby said:
There are protesters in the United States as well. What should be done about them?

Two things:

Enjoy the fact that people care enough about their goverment and the way it works so that they do this

Enjoy the fact that you and them enjoy the freedom to dissent against the governemnt.
I guess if you did it it would be piyp, pimp would be kinda gross.
jodarby said:
There are protestors in the United States as well. What should be done about them?

I will tell you what we should do with these dogs...arrest them first of all.

Second, go after whatever organizations are supporting them in this disgraceful display.

Where are the mayors of San Francisco, Chicago, and Philly?


let them do what needs to be done!!
Re: Just my humbleAnti-UN, Pro-American views.

Humble? If you think those are humble views, methinks you need a dictionary child!
Their is money to be made defending against assinine lawsuits and opposing reperations.

Everyone has to find a market.

Off I go to defend gun and ammo manufacturers in courts from the assholes like Sarah Brady.

70/30 - Well, thats public oppinion for you. Public opinion determines who gets into office. If enough people feel like me, well then representatives who agree with my views get into office and that becomes the way things go.

Its called voting. I don't have to vote the way you want me to, you don't have to vote the way I want you to.

Feel free to advocate as you wish, and I will do the same.

As for protesters, as long as they are not being violent or threataning people's property, I support their right to protest although I disagree with the views they hold.

Should they attempt to set fire to my city for "Political" expression, I would treat them like the mob they were.
Blue, you are entitled to disagree.

I can get very right-wing fundamentalist if I wanted in my politics.

I could say "Why should I care if their are civilian losses in Iraq? They are just sand niggers anyway..."

I didn't go their, because although I am ethnocentric and nationalistic, I realise that people in other countries are people too, and they should be free to do as they wish, although they should realise that if they wish the harm the United States and support action against the USA, the USA will respond in a manner which it deems to be in its own intrests, to the exclusion of theirs.

If you want to play war, don't bitch when someone brings a bigger gun with more ammo and the will to use it.

Right now their are a lot of countries who would willingly use the dagger(terrorism or clandestine warfare) instead of the sword(actual military opperations).

Someone with a dagger can kill you, and it is possible to use it against a sword, but realise you will suffer grevious losses and pain if you decided to do it.

I merely propose to bring to sword to bear on enemies when we chose to do so, instead of asking "May I?" from people perfectly happy when the USA bleeds from the dagger.

If a country really dislikes western culture that much, then exclude if from that country, don't try to change us at the point of a gun.

Go fucking prosper and have us beg to emulate you.

If a country has to send its people here for protection, jobs, education and health care, well, your culture isn't what you think, is it?

America is capible of adaption. If we find something better, we will naturaly go for it. If a repressive regim based on religion was better, well, I think we would have chnged the constitution already and eliminated the 1st amd.

Obviously, we have gone another way, and from the fact that the standard of living in the USA is pretty good, we are doing a decent fucking job here.

Thats what eats at Islamic culture. They have god, and dirt.

We are seen as a godless society full of depravity, and they can't understand why we have so much when we don't have the strictness of the regime they live under.

It can't be because Americans worked for it, because we don't have god, so we must have "stolen the wealth of the people of G-d with the help of the evil Jews..."

Attempting to get them to change would take power from those who have it, and they can't have that, so in order to keep power, they have to have an enemy.

Fuck that, I'm tired of being blamed by the Islamic world for being able to eat regularly, express my political and religious views, drive on actual roads, have access to a doctor and not fear the religious police who will stone me if I go to a strip club.

If you don't like it, exclude if from your culture. I'm not changing mine to accomidate yours.

If a country is willing to try to force America to change by terrorism, I have no problem burning that country to the ground, killing everyone in it and draining its resources like a fucking vampire.

Their should be a price for American blood, and that price should be grave.

As I said, blue, you are entitled to disagree with my views for any reason or no reason. I personaly thing that you need to wake up, smell the napalm, and realise that the United States, simply by being a strong country, is not going to please everyone.

Its better to be nice, its better not to make enemies.

When you do make them though, its better to treat them as such.
Some unilateral agression on ocasion gets a country some respect from those who do the same.

I think I'm keeping it agressive without being overboard.
BTW, If I wanted to go overboard, I could advocate a policy of the organised destruction of Islam as a religion, the breaking of Middle Eastern culture in arab lands and the total conquest of any country that opposes the USA.

I'll go that far when another terrorist even happens in the USA.

By that time, My previous posts will seem moderate to the hate that will spew forth when we have casulties from a biological or chemical attack.
Evil Attorney said:
BTW, If I wanted to go overboard, I could advocate a policy of the organised destruction of Islam as a religion, the breaking of Middle Eastern culture in arab lands and the total conquest of any country that opposes the USA.

I'll go that far when another terrorist even happens in the USA.

Nice to see you're going to judge a religion and a handful of nations by the actions of less than 50 people who belong to it.
A couple quotes

"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them" -- FDR

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself" -- John Stuart Mill

"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." -- Thomas Jefferson
VS2100 said:
I will tell you what we should do with these dogs...arrest them first of all.

Second, go after whatever organizations are supporting them in this disgraceful display.

Where are the mayors of San Francisco, Chicago, and Philly?


let them do what needs to be done!!

You are a fucking idiot if you think this attitude is even slightly patriotic.

No, strike that. You're just a fucking idiot, that much is clear.
celiaKitten said:
You are a fucking idiot if you think this attitude is even slightly patriotic.

No, strike that. You're just a fucking idiot, that much is clear.

Only people who support war and blindly follow the opinions and actions of the President of the United States are patriotic. Duh.
celiaKitten said:
You are a fucking idiot if you think this attitude is even slightly patriotic.

No, strike that. You're just a fucking idiot, that much is clear.
Clearly said, Kitten. Not a syllable too many.